
CSDMS 2021: Changing Landscapes and Seascapes: Modeling for Discovery, Decision Making, and Communication

Coupled Groundwater and Dynamic Lake Modelling using the Water-Table Model (WTM)

Kerry Callaghan

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, United States
Andrew Wickert Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota United States
Richard Barnes Energy & Resources Group (ERG), University of California, Berkeley United States

Changing depth to water table and the associated stored water volume is a crucial component of the global hydrological cycle, with impacts on climate and sea level. However, long-term changes in global water-table distribution are not well understood. Coupled ground- and surface-water models are key to understanding the hydrologic evolution of post-glacial landscapes, the significance of terrestrial water storage, and the interrelationships between freshwater and climate. Here, I present the Water Table Model (WTM), which is capable of computing changes in water table elevation at large spatial scales and over long temporal scales. The WTM comprises groundwater and dynamic lake components to incorporate lakes into water-table elevation estimates. Sample results on both artificial and real-world topographies demonstrate the two-way coupling between dynamic surface-water and groundwater levels and flow.

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Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Coastal Working Group
  • Marine Working Group
  • Cyberinformatics and Numerics Working Group
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group
  • Critical Zone Focus Research Group
  • Geodynamics Focus Research Group