CSDMS 2021: Changing Landscapes and Seascapes: Modeling for Discovery, Decision Making, and Communication
A geomorphic perspective on Quaternary biogeographic connectivities across South East Asia
Sundaland, the name given to the emerged parts of the Sunda Shelf during low sea level, currently lies approximately 100 m beneath the Java Sea and southwestern part of the South China Sea. The region is of particular interest in biogeography and biodiversity studies for its position at the junction between two major zoogeographic provinces that extend across the Equator and for its prevailing connection with mainland Southeast Asia. Using landscape evolution and connectivity analysis models, we will investigate how changes induced by drainage basins reorganisation and river captures have transformed the environment into fragmented habitats over the past million years. We will see that physiographic evolution has a strong control on the preferential connectivity pathways and triggers successive phases of expansion and compression of the migratory corridors across the shelf and is an important mechanism to consider in order to improve our understanding of species richness dynamics in the region.
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