CSDMS 2021: Changing Landscapes and Seascapes: Modeling for Discovery, Decision Making, and Communication
Looking Under the Hood: Landscape Evolution Modeling with TerrainBento and Landlab
This clinic provides a brief tutorial introduction to the theory and implementation of Landscape Evolution Modeling. Participants will have the opportunity to work with simple models in the TerrainBento package, which provides a set of models that are built on the Landlab library. Topics include grid representation, working with data fields, and using Landlab Components to create new integrated models.
To get to the clinic materials:
- Load the notebooks in your Hub, just go to our GitHub page
- On that page, click the link under the agenda
- Go to notebooks>landlab>Landlab_grids_csdms2021.ipynb for the landlab clinic
- And to notebooks> landlab-terrainbento> Welcome_to_TerrainBento.ipynb for the terrainbento clinic. Note that for the terrainbento clinic, you will have to activate the TTBB kernel.
There is even more material in the folder to practice your skills further.
Please acknowledge the original contributors when you are using this material. If there are any copyright issues, please let us know ( and we will respond as soon as possible.
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