
CSDMS 2020 Webinars

CSDMS Summer Science Series III: On the structural and functional complexity of river networks

Arvind Singh

University of Central Florida, United States

Watersheds are complex natural landscape features that contain hillslopes and channel-networks. An entropy-based approach is used to explore the role of channel-network and hillslope towards the contribution to watershed complexity. The structural complexity is evaluated using width-function, which characterizes the spatial arrangement of channels, whereas incremental area-function, capturing the patterns of transport of fluxes, is used to study the functional complexity. Based on several catchments across the United States, our results show that hillslopes add significant complexity to the catchments and suggest the amount of hillslope information needed for accurate predictive modeling of hydrologic processes at the catchment scale.

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Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group