
CSDMS 2020 Webinars

CSDMS Summer Science Series I: Shelf Sediment Transport during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

Kevin Xu

Louisiana State University, United States

Hurricanes can greatly modify the sedimentary record, but our coastal scientific modeling community has rather limited capability to predict such process. A three-dimensional sediment transport model was developed in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to study seabed erosion and deposition on the Louisiana shelf in response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the year 2005. Conditions to either side of Hurricane Rita‚ storm track differed substantially, with the region to the east having stronger winds, taller waves and thus deeper erosions. This study indicated that major hurricanes can disturb the shelf at centimeter to meter levels on seabed.

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Of interest for:
  • Coastal Working Group
  • Coastal Vulnerability Initiative