CSDMS 2015 annual Meeting - Models meet data, data meet models
Exploring the influence of fault damage and fault slip on the patterns and rates of fluvial incision using CHILD and Matlab
CSDMS has developed a Web-based Modeling Tool – the WMT. WMT allows users to select models, to edit model parameters, and run the model on the CSDMS High-Performance Computing System. The web interface makes it straightforward to configure different model components and run a coupled model simulation. Users can monitor progress of simulations and download model output.
CSDMS has developed educational labs that use the WMT to teach quantitative concepts in geomorphology, hydrology, coastal evolution. These labs are intended to be used by Teaching assistants and Faculty alike. Descriptions of 4-hr hands-on labs have been developed for HydroTrend, Plume, Sedflux, CHILD, ERODE and ROMS-Lite. These labs include instructions for students to run the models and explore dominant parameters in sets of simulations. Learning objectives are split between topical concepts, on climate change and sediment transport amongst many others, and modeling strategies, modeling philosophy and critical assessment of model results.
In this clinic, we will provide an overview of the available models and labs, and their themes and active learning objectives. We will discuss the requirements and logistics of using the WMT in your classroom. We will run some simulations hands-on, and walk through one lab in more detail as a demonstration. Finally, the workshop intends to discuss future developments for undergraduate course use with the participants.
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