
CSDMS 2015 annual Meeting - Models meet data, data meet models

Models meet Data, Earth Surface meet Geodynamics

Phaedra Upton

GNS Science, New Zealand
Peter Koons University of Maine United States
Sam Roy University of Maine United States
Jamie Howarth University of Wellington New Zealand
Dave Craw University of Otago New Zealand

The Earth’s surface is a boundary layer between internally-driven geodynamics and atmospheric forcing. In much of what we do as landscape modellers, our analysis of Earth surface can be enhanced by consideration and understanding of the substrate acted upon by hillslope, riverine and glacial processes. To explore the influence of crustal strength on patterns of fluvial incision, we use a conservative scaling rule to relate rock erodibility to field measurements of cohesive strength. In other models, grain sizes produced upon the erosion of rock are made a function of field measured fracture density values. By combining 3D geodynamic codes with landscape evolution models we are able to explore the sensitivity of surface processes to topographic and tectonic stresses, geological history, fault damage, seismic accelerations, pore pressures, and fluid flow. We present several examples where useful interpretations were made by integrating field, lab, and experimental data with geodynamic models, landscape evolution models, or a combination of both. Our examples are bias toward collisional settings – the Himalaya, the Southern Alps and Taiwan, but the approach is equally valid when considering strike-slip or extensional settings.

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Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Geodynamics Focus Research Group