CSDMS 2015 annual Meeting - Models meet data, data meet models
Modeling the Chesapeake Bay
In this presentation several modeling efforts in Chesapeake Bay will be reviewed that highlight how we can use 3-dimensional, time-dependent hydrodynamic models to provide insight into biogeochemical and ecological processes in marine systems. Two modeling studies will be discussed which illustrate the application of individual based modeling approaches to simulate the impact of 3-dimensional currents and mixing on pelagic organisms and how these interact with behavior to determine the fate of planktonic species. There are many applications of this approach related to fish and invertebrate (e.g., oyster) larvae transport and fate and also plankton that can be used to inform management efforts.
A long-term operational modeling project will be discussed that combines mechanistic and empirical modeling approaches to provide nowcasts and short-term forecasts of Sea Nettles, HAB, pathogen and also physical and biogeochemical properties for research, management and public uses in Chesapeake Bay. This is a powerful technique can be expanded to any marine system that has a hydrodynamic model and any marine organism for which the habitat can be defined.
Finally, a new research project will be reviewed where we are assessing the readiness of a suite of existing estuarine community models for determining past, present and future hypoxia events within the Chesapeake Bay, in order to accelerate the transition of hypoxia model formulations and products from academic research to operational centers. This work, which will ultimately provide the ability to do operational oxygen modeling in Chesapeake Bay (e.g., oxygen weather forecasts), can be extended to other coastal water bodies and any biogeochemical property.
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