
Joint CSDMS-SEN annual meeting 2016: Capturing Climate Change

A Turbulence-Resolving Eulerian Two-Phase Model for Sediment Transport Applications

Zhen Cheng

Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, United States

Coastal morphological evolution is caused by a wide range of coupled cross-shore and alongshore sediment transport processes associated with short waves, infragravity waves, and wave-induced currents. However, the fundamental transport mechanisms occur within the thin bottom boundary layer and are dictated by turbulence-sediment interaction and inter-granular interactions. In the past decade, significant progresses have been made in modeling sediment transport using Eulerian-Eulerian or Eulerian-Lagrangian two-phase flow approach. However, most of these models are limited to one-dimensional-vertical (1DV) formulation, which is only applicable to Reynolds-averaged sheet flow condition. Consequently, complex processes such as instabilities of the transport layer, bedform dynamics and turbulence-resolving capability cannot be simulated. The main objective of my research study was to develop a multi-dimensional four-way coupled two-phase model for sediment transport that can be used for Reynolds-averaged modeling for large-scale applications or for turbulence-resolving simulations at small-scale.

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Of interest for:
  • Coastal Working Group