
References ParFlow

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Peer reviewed reference(s) Year type Cited
Yang, Chen; Ponder, Carl; Wang, Bei; Tran, Hoang; Zhang, Jun; Swilley, Jackson; Condon, Laura; Maxwell, Reed; 2023. Accelerating the Lagrangian Particle Tracking in Hydrologic Modeling to Continental‐Scale. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15. 10.1029/2022MS003507 2023 Model application 1
Friedemann, Sebastian; Raffin, Bruno; 2022. An elastic framework for ensemble-based large-scale data assimilation. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 36543–563. 10.1177/10943420221110507 2022 Model application 8
Friedemann, Sebastian; Raffin, Bruno; 2022. An elastic framework for ensemble-based large-scale data assimilation. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 36543–563. 10.1177/10943420221110507 2022 Model application 8
Yang, Chen; Zhang, You-Kuan; Liang, Xiuyu; Olschanowsky, Catherine; Yang, Xiaofan; Maxwell, Reed; 2021. Accelerating the Lagrangian particle tracking of residence time distributions and source water mixing towards large scales. Computers & Geosciences, 151104760. 10.1016/j.cageo.2021.104760 2021 Model application 12
Kuffour, Benjamin N. O.; Engdahl, Nicholas B.; Woodward, Carol S.; Condon, Laura E.; Kollet, Stefan; Maxwell, Reed M.; 2020. Simulating coupled surface–subsurface flows with ParFlow v3.5.0: capabilities, applications, and ongoing development of an open-source, massively parallel, integrated hydrologic model. Geoscientific Model Development, 131373–1397. 10.5194/gmd-13-1373-2020 2020 Model application 84
Burstedde, Carsten; Fonseca, Jose A.; Kollet, Stefan; 2018. Enhancing speed and scalability of the ParFlow simulation code. Computational Geosciences, 22347–361. 10.1007/s10596-017-9696-2 2018 Model application 19
Burstedde, Carsten; Fonseca, Jose A.; Kollet, Stefan; 2018. Enhancing speed and scalability of the ParFlow simulation code. Computational Geosciences, 22347–361. 10.1007/s10596-017-9696-2 2018 Model application 19
Sharples, Wendy; Zhukov, Ilya; Geimer, Markus; Goergen, Klaus; Luehrs, Sebastian; Breuer, Thomas; Naz, Bibi; Kulkarni, Ketan; Brdar, Slavko; Kollet, Stefan; 2018. A run control framework to streamline profiling, porting, and tuning simulation runs and provenance tracking of geoscientific applications. Geoscientific Model Development, 112875–2895. 10.5194/gmd-11-2875-2018 2018 Model application 3
Gilbert, James M.; Maxwell, Reed M.; Gochis, David J.; 2017. Effects of Water-Table Configuration on the Planetary Boundary Layer over the San Joaquin River Watershed, California. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 181471–1488. 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0134.1 2017 Model application 26
Beisman, James J.; Maxwell, Reed M.; Navarre-Sitchler, Alexis K.; Steefel, Carl I.; Molins, Sergi; 2015. ParCrunchFlow: an efficient, parallel reactive transport simulation tool for physically and chemically heterogeneous saturated subsurface environments. Computational Geosciences, 19403–422. 10.1007/s10596-015-9475-x 2015 Model application 46
Fang, Zhufeng; Bogena, Heye; Kollet, Stefan; Koch, Julian; Vereecken, Harry; 2015. Spatio-temporal validation of long-term 3D hydrological simulations of a forested catchment using empirical orthogonal functions and wavelet coherence analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 5291754–1767. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.08.011 2015 Model application 58
Osei-Kuffuor, D.; Maxwell, R.M.; Woodward, C.S.; 2014. Improved numerical solvers for implicit coupling of subsurface and overland flow. Advances in Water Resources, 74185–195. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.09.006 2014 Model application 22
Maxwell, Reed M.; 2013. A terrain-following grid transform and preconditioner for parallel, large-scale, integrated hydrologic modeling. Advances in Water Resources, 53109–117. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.10.001 2013 Model application 233
Maxwell, Reed M.; Lundquist, Julie K.; Mirocha, Jeffrey D.; Smith, Steven G.; Woodward, Carol S.; Tompson, Andrew F. B.; 2011. Development of a Coupled Groundwater–Atmosphere Model. Monthly Weather Review, 13996–116. 10.1175/2010MWR3392.1 2011 Model application 138
Kollet, Stefan J.; Maxwell, Reed M.; Woodward, Carol S.; Smith, Steve; Vanderborght, Jan; Vereecken, Harry; Simmer, Clemens; 2010. Proof of concept of regional scale hydrologic simulations at hydrologic resolution utilizing massively parallel computer resources: RAPID COMMUNICATION. Water Resources Research, 46. 10.1029/2009WR008730 2010 Model application 210
Frei, S.; Fleckenstein, J.H.; Kollet, S.J.; Maxwell, R.M.; 2009. Patterns and dynamics of river–aquifer exchange with variably-saturated flow using a fully-coupled model. Journal of Hydrology, 375383–393. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.038 2009 Model application 112
Kollet, Stefan J.; Maxwell, Reed M.; 2008. Capturing the influence of groundwater dynamics on land surface processes using an integrated, distributed watershed model: INFLUENCE OF GROUNDWATER DYNAMICS ON LAND. Water Resources Research, 44. 10.1029/2007WR006004 2008 Model overview 471
Abu-El-Sha’r, Wa’il Y.; Rihani, Jehan F.; 2007. Application of the high performance computing techniques of parflow simulator to model groundwater flow at Azraq basin. Water Resources Management, 21409–425. 10.1007/s11269-006-9023-5 2007 Model application 13
Kollet, Stefan J.; Maxwell, Reed M.; 2006. Integrated surface–groundwater flow modeling: A free-surface overland flow boundary condition in a parallel groundwater flow model. Advances in Water Resources, 29945–958. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2005.08.006 2006 Model overview 798
Maxwell, Reed M.; Miller, Norman L.; 2005. Development of a Coupled Land Surface and Groundwater Model. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6233–247. 10.1175/JHM422.1 2005 Model overview 437
Jones, Jim E.; Woodward, Carol S.; 2001. Newton–Krylov-multigrid solvers for large-scale, highly heterogeneous, variably saturated flow problems. Advances in Water Resources, 24763–774. 10.1016/S0309-1708(00)00075-0 2001 Model overview 321
Guidec, F.; Kuonen, P.; Calégari, P.; 1998. Radio wave propagation simulation on the Cray T3D. , 12155–162. 10.1016/S0927-5452(98)80017-8 1998 Model application 2
Guidec, Frédéric; Calégari, Patrice; Kuonen, Pierre; 1998. Parallel irregular software for wave propagation simulation. Future Generation Computer Systems, 13279–289. 10.1016/S0167-739X(97)80149-5 1998 Model application 8
Goos, Gerhard; Hartmanis, Juris; van Leeuwen, Jan; Hertzberger, Bob; Sloot, Peter; Guidec, Frédéric; Calégari, Patrice; Kuonen, Pierre; 1997. Parallel irregular software for wave propagation simulation. , 122584–94. [1] 1997 Model application 8
Ashby, S.F.; Falgout, R.D.; 1996. A parallel multigrid preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm for groundwater flow simulations. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 124145-159. [2] 1996 Model overview 409


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Nr. of publications: 35
Total citations: 3626
h-index: 18
m-quotient: 0.58

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