
References PRMS

Markstrom, Steven L.; Niswonger, Richard G.; Regan, R. Steven; Prudic, David E.; Barlow, Paul M.; 2005. GSFLOW-Coupled Ground-water and Surface-water FLOW model based on the integration of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and the Modular Ground-Water Flow Model (MODFLOW-2005). .
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2005Model overview 388
Leavesley, G.H.; Lichty, R.W.; Troutman, B.M.; Saindon, L.G.; 1983. Precipitationrunoff modeling system--user’s manual. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 83-4238, , 207.
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1983Model overview 731
Ullman, David S.; Ginis, Isaac; Huang, Wenrui; Nowakowski, Catherine; Chen, Xuanyu; Stempel, Peter; 2019. Assessing the Multiple Impacts of Extreme Hurricanes in Southern New England, USA. Geosciences, 9, 265. 10.3390/geosciences9060265
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2019Model application 18
Bae, Deg‐Hyo; Jung, Il‐Won; Chang, Heejun; 2008. Long‐term trend of precipitation and runoff in Korean river basins. Hydrological Processes, 22, 2644–2656. 10.1002/hyp.6861
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2008Model application 153
Najafi, M. R.; Moradkhani, H.; Jung, I. W.; 2011. Assessing the uncertainties of hydrologic model selection in climate change impact studies. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2814–2826. 10.1002/hyp.8043
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2011Model application 241
Flügel, Wolfgang-Albert; 1995. Delineating hydrological response units by geographical information system analyses for regional hydrological modelling using PRMS/MMS in the drainage basin of the River Bröl, Germany. Hydrological Processes, 9, 423–436. 10.1002/hyp.3360090313
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1995Model application 417
Chang, Heejun; Jung, Il-Won; 2010. Spatial and temporal changes in runoff caused by climate change in a complex large river basin in Oregon. Journal of Hydrology, 388, 186–207. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.04.040
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2010Model application 170
Bae, D; Jung, Iw; Chang, H; 2008. Potential changes in Korean water resources estimated by high-resolution climate simulation. Climate Research, 35, 213–226. 10.3354/cr00704
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2008Model application 82
Markstrom, S.L.; Regan, R.S.; Hay, L.E.; Viger, R.J.; Webb, R.M.; Payn, R.A.; LaFontaine, J.H.; 2015. PRMS-IV, the precipitation-runoff modeling system, version 4. Techniques and Methods.
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2015Model overview 187
Hay, Lauren E.; Markstrom, Steven L.; Ward-Garrison, Christian; 2011. Watershed-Scale Response to Climate Change through the Twenty-First Century for Selected Basins across the United States. Earth Interactions, 15, 1–37. 10.1175/2010EI370.1
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2011Model application 99
Kienzle, Stefan W.; 2008. A new temperature based method to separate rain and snow. Hydrological Processes, 22, 5067–5085. 10.1002/hyp.7131
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2008Model application 157
Dressler, K. A.; Leavesley, G. H.; Bales, R. C.; Fassnacht, S. R.; 2006. Evaluation of gridded snow water equivalent and satellite snow cover products for mountain basins in a hydrologic model. Hydrological Processes, 20, 673–688. 10.1002/hyp.6130
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2006Model application 103
Qi, S.; Sun, G.; Wang, Y.; McNulty, S.G.; Moore Myers, J.A.; 2009. Streamflow Response to Climate and Landuse Changes in a Coastal Watershed in North Carolina. Transactions of the ASABE, 52, 739–749. 10.13031/2013.27395
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2009Model application 108
Cherkauer, Douglas S.; 2004. Quantifying Ground Water Recharge at Multiple Scales Using PRMS and GIS. Ground Water, 42, 97–110. 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2004.tb02455.x
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2004Model application 75
Im, Eun-Soon; Jung, Il-Won; Chang, Heejun; Bae, Deg-Hyo; Kwon, Won-Tae; 2010. Hydroclimatological response to dynamically downscaled climate change simulations for Korean basins. Climatic Change, 100, 485–508. 10.1007/s10584-009-9691-2
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2010Model application 40
Lloyd, Wes; Vu, Minh; Zhang, Baojia; David, Olaf; Leavesley, George; 2018. Improving Application Migration to Serverless Computing Platforms: Latency Mitigation with Keep-Alive Workloads. . Volume .
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2018Model application 45
Avanzi, Francesco; Maurer, Tessa; Glaser, Steven D.; Bales, Roger C.; Conklin, Martha H.; 2020. Information content of spatially distributed ground-based measurements for hydrologic-parameter calibration in mixed rain-snow mountain headwaters. Journal of Hydrology, 582, 124478. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124478
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2020Model application 16
Hwang, Yeonsang; Clark, Martyn; Rajagopalan, Balaji; Leavesley, George; 2012. Spatial interpolation schemes of daily precipitation for hydrologic modeling. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26, 295–320. 10.1007/s00477-011-0509-1
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2012Model application 56
Avanzi, Francesco; Rungee, Joseph; Maurer, Tessa; Bales, Roger; Ma, Qin; Glaser, Steven; Conklin, Martha; 2019. Evapotranspiration feedbacks shift annual precipitation-runoff relationships during multi-year droughts in a Mediterranean mixed rain-snow climate. .
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2019Model application 47
Lloyd, W.; David, O.; Ascough, J.C.; Rojas, K.W.; Carlson, J.R.; Leavesley, G.H.; Krause, P.; Green, T.R.; Ahuja, L.R.; 2011. Environmental modeling framework invasiveness: Analysis and implications. Environmental Modelling & Software, 26, 1240–1250. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.03.011
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2011Model application 49
Robertson, Dale M.; Saad, David A.; Christiansen, Daniel E.; Lorenz, David J.; 2016. Simulated impacts of climate change on phosphorus loading to Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 42, 536–548. 10.1016/j.jglr.2016.03.009
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2016Model application 37
Jung, Il-Won; Moradkhani, H.; Chang, H.; 2012. Uncertainty assessment of climate change impacts for hydrologically distinct river basins. Journal of Hydrology, 466, 73–87. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.08.002
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2012Model application 66
Ahmadalipour, Ali; Moradkhani, Hamid; Demirel, Mehmet C.; 2017. A comparative assessment of projected meteorological and hydrological droughts: Elucidating the role of temperature. Journal of Hydrology, 553, 785–797. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.08.047
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2017Model application 79
Liao, Chang; Zhuang, Qianlai; 2017. Quantifying the Role of Snowmelt in Stream Discharge in an Alaskan Watershed: An Analysis Using a Spatially Distributed Surface Hydrology Model: ROLE OF SNOWMELT IN STREAMFLOW IN ALASKA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122, 2183–2195. 10.1002/2017JF004214
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2017Model application 15
Islam, Adlul; Sikka, Alok K.; Saha, B.; Singh, Anamika; 2012. Streamflow Response to Climate Change in the Brahmani River Basin, India. Water Resources Management, 26, 1409–1424. 10.1007/s11269-011-9965-0
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2012Model application 55
Viger, Roland J.; Hay, Lauren E.; Markstrom, Steven L.; Jones, John W.; Buell, Gary R.; 2011. Hydrologic Effects of Urbanization and Climate Change on the Flint River Basin, Georgia. Earth Interactions, 15, 1–25. 10.1175/2010EI369.1
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2011Model application 45
Leach, James M.; Coulibaly, Paulin; Guo, Yiping; 2016. Entropy based groundwater monitoring network design considering spatial distribution of annual recharge. Advances in Water Resources, 96, 108–119. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.07.006
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2016Model application 31
Van Beusekom, A. E.; Viger, R. J.; 2016. A glacier runoff extension to the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System: A Glacier Runoff Extension to PRMS. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121, 2001–2021. 10.1002/2015JF003789
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2016Model application 10
Christiansen, Daniel E.; Markstrom, Steven L.; Hay, Lauren E.; 2011. Impacts of Climate Change on the Growing Season in the United States. Earth Interactions, 15, 1–17. 10.1175/2011EI376.1
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2011Model application 48
Walker, John F.; Hay, Lauren E.; Markstrom, Steven L.; Dettinger, Michael D.; 2011. Characterizing Climate-Change Impacts on the 1.5-yr Flood Flow in Selected Basins across the United States: A Probabilistic Approach. Earth Interactions, 15, 1–16. 10.1175/2010EI379.1
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2011Model application 15
Hwang, Yeonsang; Clark, Martyn P.; Rajagopalan, Balaji; 2011. Use of daily precipitation uncertainties in streamflow simulation and forecast. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25, 957–972. 10.1007/s00477-011-0460-1
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2011Model application 23
Mazi, K; Koussis, A.D; Restrepo, P.J; Koutsoyiannis, D; 2004. A groundwater-based, objective-heuristic parameter optimisation method for a precipitation-runoff model and its application to a semi-arid basin. Journal of Hydrology, 290, 243–258. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2003.12.006
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2004Model application 35
Hay, L. E.; Clark, M. P.; Pagowski, M.; Leavesley, G. H.; Gutowski, W. J.; 2006. One-Way Coupling of an Atmospheric and a Hydrologic Model in Colorado. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 7, 569–589. 10.1175/JHM512.1
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2006Model application 32
Van Beusekom, Ashley E.; Gould, William A.; Terando, Adam J.; Collazo, Jaime A.; 2016. Climate change and water resources in a tropical island system: propagation of uncertainty from statistically downscaled climate models to hydrologic models: CLIMATE CHANGE AND WATER RESOURCES IN A TROPICAL ISLAND SYSTEM. International Journal of Climatology, 36, 3370–3383. 10.1002/joc.4560
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2016Model application 15
LaFontaine, J.H.; Hay, L.E.; Viger, R.J.; Markstrom, S.L.; Regan, R.S.; Elliott, C.M.; Jones, J.W.; 2013. Application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin in the southeastern United States. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2013Model application 23
Buccola, Norman L.; Risley, John C.; Rounds, Stewart A.; 2016. Simulating future water temperatures in the North Santiam River, Oregon. Journal of Hydrology, 535, 318–330. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.01.062
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2016Model application 22
Battaglin, William; Hay, Lauren; Steve, Markstrom; 2011. Simulating the Potential Effects of Climate Change in Two Colorado Basins and at Two Colorado Ski Areas. Earth Interactions, 15, 1–23. 10.1175/2011EI373.1
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2011Model application 21
Teng, Fei; Huang, Wenrui; Ginis, Isaac; 2018. Hydrological modeling of storm runoff and snowmelt in Taunton River Basin by applications of HEC-HMS and PRMS models. Natural Hazards, 91, 179–199. 10.1007/s11069-017-3121-y
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2018Model application 25
Champagne, Olivier; Arain, M. Altaf; Coulibaly, Paulin; 2019. Atmospheric circulation amplifies shift of winter streamflow in southern Ontario. Journal of Hydrology, 578, 124051. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124051
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2019Model application 11
Hay, Lauren E.; LaFontaine, Jacob; Markstrom, Steven L.; 2014. Evaluation of Statistically Downscaled GCM Output as Input for Hydrological and Stream Temperature Simulation in the Apalachicola–Chattahoochee–Flint River Basin (1961–99). Earth Interactions, 18, 1–32. 10.1175/2013EI000554.1
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2014Model application 18
Flügel, Wolfgan-Albert; 1997. Combining GIS with regional hydrological modelling using hydrological response units (HRUs): An application from Germany. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 43, 297–304. 10.1016/S0378-4754(97)00013-X
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1997Model application 63
Champagne, Olivier; Arain, Altaf; Leduc, Martin; Coulibaly, Paulin; McKenzie, Shawn; 2019. Future shift in winter streamflow modulated by internal variability of climate in southern Ontario. .
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2019Model application 14
Huang, Guobiao; Kadir, Tariq; Chung, Francis; 2012. Hydrological response to climate warming: The Upper Feather River Watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 426, 138–150. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.01.034
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2012Model application 22
Koczot, Kathryn M.; Markstrom, Steven L.; Hay, Lauren E.; 2011. Effects of Baseline Conditions on the Simulated Hydrologic Response to Projected Climate Change. Earth Interactions, 15, 1–23. 10.1175/2011EI378.1
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2011Model application 11
Bongartz, K; 2003. Applying different spatial distribution and modelling concepts in three nested mesoscale catchments of Germany. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 28, 1343–1349. 10.1016/j.pce.2003.09.010
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2003Model application 35
Champagne, Olivier; Leduc, Martin; Coulibaly, Paulin; Arain, M. Altaf; 2020. Winter hydrometeorological extreme events modulated by large-scale atmospheric circulation in southern Ontario. Earth System Dynamics, 11, 301–318. 10.5194/esd-11-301-2020
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2020Model application 8
Van Beusekom, Ashley E.; Hay, Lauren E.; Viger, Roland J.; Gould, William A.; Collazo, Jaime A.; Henareh Khalyani, Azad; 2014. The Effects of Changing Land Cover on Streamflow Simulation in Puerto Rico. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 50, 1575–1593. 10.1111/jawr.12227
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2014Model application 15
Jong-Pil, K.; Gwang-Seob, K.; 2011. 기후변화에 따른 우리나라 강수효율 및 유출량의 변화특성 분석. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 44, 683–694. 10.3741/JKWRA.2011.44.8.683
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2011Model application 4
Chen, Chao; Kalra, Ajay; Ahmad, Sajjad; 2019. Hydrologic responses to climate change using downscaled GCM data on a watershed scale. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 10, 63–77. 10.2166/wcc.2018.147
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2019Model application 40
Regan, R.S.; Markstrom, S.L.; Hay, L.E.; Viger, R.J.; Norton, P.A.; Driscoll, J.M.; LaFontaine, J.H.; 2018. Description of the National Hydrologic Model for use with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS). Techniques and Methods.
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2018Model application 48
Chalise, D. R.; Haj, A. E.; Fontaine, T. A.; 2018. Comparison of HSPF and PRMS Model Simulated Flows Using Different Temporal and Spatial Scales in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 23, 06017009. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001596
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2018Model application 2
Allander, K.K.; Niswonger, R.G.; Jeton, A.E.; 2014. Simulation of the Lower Walker River Basin hydrologic system, west-central Nevada, using PRMS and MODFLOW models. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2014Model application 13
Regan, R.S.; LaFontaine, J.H.; 2017. Documentation of the dynamic parameter, water-use, stream and lake flow routing, and two summary output modules and updates to surface-depression storage simulation and initial conditions specification options with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS). Techniques and Methods.
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2017Model overview 11
Il-Won, J.; Deg-Hyo, B.; 2005. 국내무역에서의 PRMS 모형의 적용성에 관한 연구. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 38, 713–725. 10.3741/JKWRA.2005.38.9.713
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2005Model application 6
Nam-Won, K.; Hyeon-Jun, K.; Sun-Ho, P.; 2005. PRMS의 HRU크기에 따른 장기유출특성. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 38, 167–177. 10.3741/JKWRA.2005.38.2.167
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2005Model application 5
Teng, Fei; Huang, Wenrui; Cai, Yi; Zheng, Chunmiao; Zou, Songbin; 2017. Application of Hydrological Model PRMS to Simulate Daily Rainfall Runoff in Zamask-Yingluoxia Subbasin of the Heihe River Basin. Water, 9, 769. 10.3390/w9100769
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2017Model application 13
Ghafouri-Azar, Mona; Bae, Deg-Hyo; 2020. The Impacts of Water Cycle Components on Streamflow in a Changing Climate of Korea: Historical and Future Trends. Sustainability, 12, 4260. 10.3390/su12104260
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2020Model application 1
Seo, J.Y.; Lee, S.-I. 2017. Total Discharge Estimation in the Korean Peninsula Using Multi-Satellite Products. Water, 9, 532. 10.3390/w9070532
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2017Model application 9
Fang, L.; Liu, C.; Qin, G.; Zhang, B.; Liu, T.; 2015. Application of the PRMS model in the Zhenjiangguan watershed in the Upper Minjiang River basin. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 368, 209–214. 10.5194/piahs-368-209-2015
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2015Model application 4
Leketa, Khahliso; Abiye, Tamiru; 2019. Modelling the impacts of climatic variables on the hydrology of the Upper Crocodile River Basin, Johannesburg, South Africa. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78, 358. 10.1007/s12665-019-8353-6
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2019Model application 3
Driscoll, J.M.; Markstrom, Steven L.; Regan, R. Steven; Hay, Lauren E.; Viger, Roland J.; 2017
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2017Model application 3
Vandana, Kumari; Islam, Adlul; Sarthi, P. Parth; Sikka, Alok K.; Kapil, Hemlata; 2019. Assessment of potential impact of climate change on streamflow: a case study of the Brahmani River basin, India. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 10, 624–641. 10.2166/wcc.2018.129
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2019Model application 22
Essaid, H.I.; 2017
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2017Model application 0
Wu, Rui; Yang, Lei; Chen, Chao; Ahmad, Sajjad; Dascalu, Sergiu M.; Harris Jr., Frederick C.; 2019. MELPF version 1: Modeling Error Learning based Post-Processor Framework for Hydrologic Models Accuracy Improvement. Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 4115–4131. 10.5194/gmd-12-4115-2019
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2019Model application 11
Il-Won, J.; Hee-Jun, C.; Deg-Hyo, B.; 2010. 기후변동에 대한 한국 하천유량의 탄력성. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 43, 851–864. 10.3741/JKWRA.2010.43.10.851
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2010Model application 2
Volk, John M.; Turner, Matthew A.; 2019. PRMS-Python: A Python framework for programmatic PRMS modeling and access to its data structures. Environmental Modelling & Software, 114, 152–165. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.01.006
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2019Model application 8
Wu, Rui; Yang, Lei; Chen, Chao; Ahmad, Sajjad; Dascalu, Sergiu M.; Harris Jr., Frederick C.; 2018. Modeling Error Learning based Post-Processor Framework for Hydrologic Models Accuracy Improvement. .
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2018Model application 11
Fassnacht, S.R.; Dressler, K.A.; Lampkin, D.J.; Helfrich, S.R.; Bales, R.C.; Imam, B.; 2001. Comparing AVHRR and hydrologically modelled discontinuous alpine snow-covered area estimates. . Volume 2.
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2001Model application 0
Chen, Chao; Ahmad, Sajjad; Kalra, Ajay; 2018. A Conceptual Framework for Integration Development of GSFLOW Model: Concerns and Issues Identified and Addressed for Model Development Efficiency. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, , 1–18. 10.5194/gmd-2018-268
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2018Model application 1
Foks, Sydney S.; Raffensperger, Jeff P.; Penn, Colin A.; Driscoll, Jessica M.; 2019. Estimation of Base Flow by Optimal Hydrograph Separation for the Conterminous United States and Implications for National-Extent Hydrologic Models. Water, 11, 1629. 10.3390/w11081629
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2019Model application 13
Latifi, Shahram; Wu, Rui; Painumkal, Jose; Dascalu, Sergiu M.; Harris, Frederick C.; 2018. Budget and User Feedback Control Strategy-Based PRMS Scenario Web Application. In: (eds.)Information Technology - New Generations.. 491–498.
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2018Model application 0
Bugan, R. D. H.; Jovanovic, N. Z.; De Clercq, W. P.; Helmschrot, J.; Fluegel, W.-A.; Leavesley, G. H.; 2009. A comparative analysis of the PRMS and J2000 hydrological models applied to the Sandspruit Catchment (Western Cape, South Africa). . Volume .
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2009Model application 4
Qi, Shi; Wang, Yunqi; Wang, Yujie; 2007. Effects of reforestation on the hydrological function of a small watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Frontiers of Forestry in China, 2, 148–156. 10.1007/s11461-007-0024-1
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2007Model application 3
Steele, Madeline; 2000. Effects of HRU Size on PRMS Performance in 30 Western U.S. Basins. .
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2000Model application 2
Hevesi, J.A.; Hanson, R.T.; Masoner, J.R.; 2020. Precipitation runoff modeling system (PRMS) as part of an integrated hydrologic model for the Osage Nation, northeastern Oklahoma, 1915–2014. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2020Model application 0
Tarboton, D.; 1992. Precipitation in topographically diverse regions. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 73, 185–185. 10.1029/91EO00156
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1992Model application 2
Acuña, Francisco Ferrando; 2010. Expansión urbana, PRMS y el corredor fluvial del Rio Mapocho inferior. Revista de Urbanismo, , ág. 58–74. 10.5354/ru.v0i22.8840
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2010Model application 0
Markstrom, S.L.; 2012. P2S--Coupled simulation with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and the Stream Temperature Network (SNTemp) Models. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.
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2012Model application 13
Vohland, Michael; Neale, Christopher M. U.; Owe, Manfred; Stellmes, Marion; D'Urso, Guido; 2008. Using evapotranspiration estimates from Landsat TM data to analyse uncertainties of a spatially distributed hydrological model (PRMS). . Volume .
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2008Model application 0
Douglas-Mankin, K.R.; Moeser, C.D.; 2019. Calibration of Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) to simulate prefire and postfire hydrologic response in the upper Rio Hondo Basin, New Mexico. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2019Model application 4
Carey, W.P.; Simon, A.; 1984. Physical basis and potential estimation techniques for soil erosion parameters in the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS). Water-Resources Investigations Report.
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1984Model application 12
Chavarria, S.B.; Moeser, C.B.; Douglas-Mankin, K.R.; 2020. Application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) To Simulate Near-Native Streamflow in the Upper Rio Grande Basin. Scientific Investigations Report, 2020-5026, 38 p.. 10.3133/SIR20205026
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2020Model application 1
Ghafouri-Azar, Mona; Bae, Deg-Hyo; 2018. CMIP5 기반 건기 및 우기 시 국내 하천유량의 변화전망 및 분석. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 51, 1091–1103. 10.3741/JKWRA.2018.51.S-1.1091
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2018Model application 2
Allen, R.L.; Laenen, A.; 1993. Preliminary results of the simulation of Oregon coastal basins using precipitation-runoff modeling system (PRMS). Water-Resources Investigations Report.
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1993Model application 2
Chase, K.J.; Haj A.E.; Regan, R.S.; Viger, R.J.; 2016
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2016Model application 1
Avanzi, Francesco; Rungee, Joseph; Maurer, Tessa; Bales, Roger; Ma, Qin; Glaser, Steven; Conklin, Martha; 2020. Climate elasticity of evapotranspiration shifts the water balance of Mediterranean climates during multi-year droughts. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 4317–4337. 10.5194/hess-24-4317-2020
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2020Model application 47
Moges, Edom; Demissie, Yonas; Li, Hongyi; 2020. Uncertainty propagation in coupled hydrological models using winding stairs and null-space Monte Carlo methods. Journal of Hydrology, 589, 125341. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125341
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2020Model application 14
Addor, N.; Melsen, L. A.; 2019. Legacy, Rather Than Adequacy, Drives the Selection of Hydrological Models. Water Resources Research, 55, 378–390. 10.1029/2018WR022958
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2019Model application 132
Moeser, C. David; Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R.; 2021. Simulating Hydrologic Effects of Wildfire on a Small Sub-Alpine Watershed in New Mexico, U.S.. Transactions of the ASABE, 64, 137–150. 10.13031/trans.13938
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2021Model application 3
Jones, L.E.; Painter, J.A.; LaFontaine, J.H.; Sepulveda, N.; Sifuentes, D.F.; 2017. Groundwater-flow budget for the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin in southwestern Georgia and parts of Florida and Alabama, 2008–12. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2017Model application 1
Chase, K.J.; Hay, L.E.; Markstrom, S.L.; 2012. Watershed scale response to climate change--South Fork Flathead River Basin, Montana. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet.
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2012Model application 5
Battaglin, W.A., Hay, L.E., and Markstrom, S.L., 2012. Watershed Scale Response to Climate Change—East River Basin, Colorado. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet.
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2012Model application 7
Esralew, R.A.; 2010. Determination of baseline periods of record for selected streamflow-gaging stations in and near Oklahoma for use in modeling applications. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2010Model application 3
Steele, M.O., Chang, Heejun, Reusser, D.A., Brown, C.A., and Jung, I.-W.; 2012. Potential Climate-Induced Runoff Changes and Associated Uncertainty in Four Pacific Northwest Estuaries. Open file report.
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2012Model application 4
Mastin, M.C., Hay, L.E., and Markstrom, S.L. 2012. Watershed scale response to climate change—Naches River Basin, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet.
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2012Model application 2
Bjerklie, D.M., Hay, L.E., and Markstrom, S.L. 2012. Watershed scale response to climate change--Pomperaug River Watershed, Connecticut. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet.
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2012Model application 1
Markstrom, S.L., Hay, L.E., and R.S. Regan, 2012. Watershed scale response to climate change—Sagehen Creek Basin, California. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet.
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2012Model application 1
Nakama, L. Y.; Risley, J. C. 1993. Use of a rainfall-runoff model for simulating effects of forest management on streamflow in the east fork Lobster Creek basin, Oregon. Water-Resources Investigations Report.
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1993Model application 5
Rosa, S.N.; Hay, L.E.; 2019. Fena Valley Reservoir watershed and water-balance model updates and expansion of watershed modeling to southern Guam. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2019Model application 2
Risley, J.C.; 1994. Use of a precipitation-runoff model for simulating effects of forest management on streamflow in 11 small drainage basins, Oregon Coast Range. Water-Resources Investigations Report.
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1994Model application 9
Markstrom, S.L.; Hay, L.E.; 2009. Integrated watershed-scale response to climate change for selected basins across the United States. Water Resources IMPACT, , pp. 8-10.
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2009Model application 65
Avanzi, Francesco; Rungee, Joseph; Maurer, Tessa; Bales, Roger; Ma, Qin; Glaser, Steven; Conklin, Martha; 2019. Evapotranspiration feedbacks shift annual precipitation-runoff relationships during multi-year droughts in a Mediterranean mixed rain-snow climate. .
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2019Model application 2
Frevert, Donald; Singh, Vijay; Leavesley, George; 2005. USGS Modular Modeling System (MMS) – Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System ( PRMS). In: (eds.)Watershed Models.. 159–177.
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2005Model application 48
Anderson, Malcolm G.; McDonnell, Jeffrey J.; 2005. Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS). In: (eds.)Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences.. hsa273.
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2005Model application 160
Champagne, Olivier; Arain, Altaf; Leduc, Martin; Coulibaly, Paulin; McKenzie, Shawn; 2019. Future shift in winter streamflow modulated by internal variability of climate in southern Ontario. .
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2019Model application 10
Hay, Lauren; Norton, Parker; Viger, Roland; Markstrom, Steven; Steven Regan, R.; Vanderhoof, Melanie; 2018. Modelling surface-water depression storage in a Prairie Pothole Region. Hydrological Processes, 32, 462–479. 10.1002/hyp.11416
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2018Model application 21
Kim, Seon-Ho; Nam, Woo-Sung; Bae, Deg-Hyo; 2019. An analysis of effects of seasonal weather forecasting on dam reservoir inflow prediction. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 52, 451–461. 10.3741/JKWRA.2019.52.7.451
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2019Model application 3
Champagne, Olivier; Leduc, Martin; Coulibaly, Paulin; Arain, M. Altaf; 2019. Winter hydrometeorological extreme events modulated by large scale atmospheric circulation in southern Ontario. .
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2019Model application 3
Christiansen, D.E.; 2012. Simulation of daily streamflows at gaged and ungaged locations within the Cedar River Basin, Iowa, using a Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System model. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2012Model application 9
Webb, R.M.T., and Parkhurst, D.L. 2017. Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Model (WEBMOD), user’s manual, version 1. In: (eds.).. 171 p..
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2017Model application 1
Chen, Chao; Kalra, Ajay; Ahmad, Sajjad; 2017. A Conceptualized Groundwater Flow Model Development for Integration with Surface Hydrology Model. . Volume .
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2017Model application 7
Hart, R.M., Ikard, S.J., Hays, P.D., and Clark, B.R.; 2021. Effects of Climate and Land-Use Change on Thermal Springs Recharge—A System-Based Coupled Surface-Water and Groundwater-Flow Model for Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2021Model application 0
Qi, Shi; Wang, Yunqi; Wang, Yujie; 2007. Effects of reforestation on the hydrological function of a small watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Frontiers of Forestry in China, 2, 148–156. 10.1007/s11461-007-0024-1
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2007Model application 1
Koczot, K.; Risley, J.; Gronberg, J.M.; Donovan, J.M.; McPherson, K.; 2021. Precipitation-runoff processes in the Merced River Basin, Central California, with prospects for streamflow predictability, water years 1952–2013. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2021Model application 1
Vining, K.C.; Hay, L.E.; Markstrom, S.L.; 2012. Watershed scale response to climate change--Starkweather Coulee Basin, North Dakota. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet.
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2012Model application 1
Risley, J.; 2019. Using the precipitation-runoff modeling system to predict seasonal water availability in the upper Klamath River basin, Oregon and California. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2019Model application 0
Mankin, Kyle R.; Wells, Ryan; Kipka, Holm; Green, Timothy R.; Barnard, David; 2022. Hydrologic Effects of Fire in a Sub-Alpine Watershed: AgES Outperforms Previous PRMS Simulations. Journal of the ASABE, 65, 751–762. 10.13031/ja.14881
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Model application

Umakanth, Nandivada; Kalyan, S. S. S.; Satyanarayana, Gubbala China; Gogineni, Rajesh; Nagarjuna, Ayachithula; Naveen, Ramisetti; Rao, Kokkerapati Ramachandra; Rao, Myla Chimpiri; 2022. Increasing pre-monsoon rain days over four stations of Kerala, India. Acta Geophysica, 70, 963–978. 10.1007/s11600-022-00742-6
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Model application

Ghafouri‐Azar, Mona; Kim, Jeong‐Bae; Bae, Deg‐Hyo; 2021. Assessment of the potential changes in low flow projections estimated by Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 climate models at monthly and seasonal scales. International Journal of Climatology, 41, 3222–3236. 10.1002/joc.7015
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Model application

Moges, Edom; Ruddell, Benjamin L.; Zhang, Liang; Driscoll, Jessica M.; Norton, Parker; Perez, Fernando; Larsen, Laurel G.; 2022. HydroBench: Jupyter supported reproducible hydrological model benchmarking and diagnostic tool. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 884766. 10.3389/feart.2022.884766
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Model application

Kim, Jungmin; Park, Jinhyeog; Kwon, Heongak; 2022. Assessment of Termination Criteria at Each Drought Response Stage on Climate Change in a Multi-Purpose Dam. Applied Sciences, 12, 5801. 10.3390/app12125801
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Model application

Sexstone, Graham A.; Driscoll, Jessica M.; Hay, Lauren E.; Hammond, John C.; Barnhart, Theodore B.; 2020. Runoff sensitivity to snow depletion curve representation within a continental scale hydrologic model. Hydrological Processes, None, hyp.13735. 10.1002/hyp.13735
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Model application

Bennett, Andrew; Nijssen, Bart; Ou, Gengxin; Clark, Martyn; Nearing, Grey; 2019. Quantifying Process Connectivity With Transfer Entropy in Hydrologic Models. Water Resources Research, 55, 4613–4629. 10.1029/2018WR024555
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Model application

Driscoll, Jessica M.; Hay, Lauren E.; Vanderhoof, Melanie K.; Viger, Roland J.; 2020. Spatiotemporal Variability of Modeled Watershed Scale Surface‐Depression Storage and Runoff for the Conterminous United States. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 56, 16–29. 10.1111/1752-1688.12826
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Model application

Mankin, Kyle R.; Rumsey, Christine; Sexstone, Graham; Ivahnenko, Tamara; Houston, Natalie; Chavarria, Shaleene; Senay, Gabriel; Foster, Linzy; Thomas, Jonathan; Flickinger, Allison; Galanter, Amy E.; Moeser, David; Welborn, Toby L.; Pedraza, Diana E.; Lambert, Patrick M.; Johnson, Michael S.; 2022. Upper Rio Grande Basin Water-Resource Status and Trends: Focus Area Study Review and Synthesis. Journal of the ASABE, 65, 881–901. 10.13031/ja.14964
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Model application

Konapala, Goutam; Kao, Shih‐Chieh; Addor, Nans; 2020. Exploring Hydrologic Model Process Connectivity at the Continental Scale Through an Information Theory Approach. Water Resources Research, 56, None. 10.1029/2020WR027340
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Model application

Christiansen, Daniel E. 2012. Simulation of daily streamflows at gaged and ungaged locations within the Cedar River Basin, Iowa, using a Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System model. Scientific Investigations Report.
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2012Model application 8
Swain, Eric D.; Bellino, Jason C.; 2022. Insight into Hurricane Maria Peak Daily Streamflows from the Development and Application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS): Including Río Grande de Arecibo, Puerto Rico, 1981–2017. Hydrology, 9, 205. 10.3390/hydrology9110205
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Model application

Vishnu, T.R.; Kumar, K.S.; Ahammad, S.K.H.; Kumar, G.N.S.; Umakanth, N.; Rao, M.C.; Krishna, S.; 2023. Variations of Pre-monsoon season related atmospheric parameters over Kakinada region. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 51, None. 10.4038/jnsfsr.v51i3.11380
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Model application

Ghafouri-Azar, Mona; Lee, Sang-Il; 2024. Seasonal and Monthly Climate Variability in South Korea’s River Basins: Insights from a Multi-Model Ensemble Approach. Water, 16, 555. 10.3390/w16040555
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Model application

Khader, Abdelhaleem; 2017. A Spatial Estimation of Groundwater Recharge in Southern Ontario, Canada. An-Najah University Journal for Research - A (Natural Sciences), 31, 173–202. 10.35552/anujr.a.31.1.1365
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Model application

Kassem, Youssef; Gökçekuş, Hüseyin; Mosbah, Almonsef Alhadi Salem; 2023. Prediction of monthly precipitation using various artificial models and comparison with mathematical models. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 41209–41235. 10.1007/s11356-022-24912-7
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Model application

Mohanty, Litan Kumar; Panda, Banajarani; Samantaray, Sambit; Dixit, Ankur; Bhange, Sandesh; 2024. Analyzing water level variability in Odisha: insights from multi-year data and spatial analysis. Discover Applied Sciences, 6, None. 10.1007/s42452-024-05958-3
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Model application

Ma, J.H.; Lee, M.S.; Song, S.U.; Yoo, C.S.; 2023. Assessment of the impact of winter snowfall on the occurrence of forest fires in the east coast, Korea. 25th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation,. Volume None.
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Model application

Raj, Vipin T.; Gayathri, J.A.; Sharma, R.K.; Redkar, B.L.; Sreelash, K.; Padmalal, D.; Sajan, K.; 2023. Tracing the Sources of River Waters Using Stable Isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) in Two Mountainous Watersheds, Southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Geosciences Research, 8, 89–99. 10.56153/g19088-023-0141-34
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Model application

Wu, Rui; Yang, Lei; Chen, Chao; Ahmad, Sajjad; Dascalu, Sergiu M.; Harris Jr., Frederick C.; 2018. Modeling Error Learning based Post-Processor Framework for Hydrologic Models Accuracy Improvement. None, None, None. 10.5194/gmd-2018-136
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Model application

Olaleye, Oluwatobi; Akintola, Olayiwola; Jımoh, Rafiu; Gbadebo, Olukemi; Faloye, Oluwaseun; 2024. Review and Comparative Study of Hydrological Models for Rainfall-Runoff Modelling. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 11, 119–129. 10.30897/ijegeo.1514176
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Model application

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