References OlaFlow
Total peer and non-peer reviewed publications |
45 |
Journal Articles |
42 |
Books |
0 |
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0 |
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Peer reviewed reference(s) | Year | type | Cited |
Peer reviewed reference(s) | Year | type | Cited |
Lee, Dongwoo; Yoon, Jae-Seon; Lee, Byeong Wook; Ko, Dongwoo; Ha, Taemin; 2024. A Coupled Numerical Solver for Modeling Free Surface Water Waves Over Complicated Shape of Submerged Structures. Journal of Coastal Research, 116. 10.2112/JCR-SI116-022.1 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Jiang, Senhui; Wang, Qing; 2024. Impact toughness analysis of offshore wind power structures under the influence of long-period waves. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 9. 10.2478/amns-2024-0534 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Chang, Pyong-Sang; Cho, Yong Jun; Hong, Chang-Bae; 2024. Hydraulic Characteristics of Forced Harmonic Oscillator Constituting Flap-Type Wave Energy Converter: A Numerical Study Using Dynamic Mesh Method (Arbitrary Mesh Interface). Journal of Coastal Research, 116. 10.2112/JCR-SI118-113.1 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Vargas, Guilherme Fuhrmeister; Scapin, Bruno Alvarez; 2023. A numerical study on the wave loading on offshore structures of different cross-sectional geometries under the action of regular waves. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 915748–01e. 10.18540/jcecvl9iss5pp15748-01e | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Vargas, Guilherme Fuhrmeister; Beluco, Alexandre; 2023. Thesis Overview: Oscillating wave surge converters – Large eddy simulation modelling of wave farms hydrodynamics and its related energy potential. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 915780–01t. 10.18540/jcecvl9iss3pp15780-01t | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Delisle, Marie‐Pierre C.; Kim, Yeulwoo; Gallien, Timu W.; 2023. A Numerical Study of Dam‐Break Driven Swash and Beach Groundwater Interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128. 10.1029/2022JC019615 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Vargas, Guilherme Fuhrmeister; Beluco, Alexandre; 2023. Dissertation Overview: Numerical modelling of the hydrodynamics and energy generation of an oscillating wave surge converter system. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 915795–01d. 10.18540/jcecvl9iss4pp15795-01d | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Vargas, Guilherme Fuhrmeister; Schettini, Edith Beatriz Camaño; Scapin, Bruno Alavarez; 2023. Dynamics of an oscillating wave surge converter: an analysis on the influence of the bottom slope. South Florida Journal of Development, 4330–343. 10.46932/sfjdv4n1-024 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Contreras, Carlos; Winckler, Patricio; 2023. Modelación de oleaje en un canal bidimensional mediante OpenFOAM. Obras y Proyectos, 6–17. 10.21703/0718-2813.2023.34.2442 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Cho, Yong Jun; 2022. Development of Active Wave-induced Overtopping Control System [AWOC] using a Self-adaptive Floating Structure. Korea Society of Coastal Disaster Prevention, 9189–205. 10.20481/kscdp.2022.9.3.189 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Ye, Hailin; Yu, Dawei; Ye, Jianhong; Yang, Zhiwen; 2022. Numerical Analysis of Dynamics of Jack-Up Offshore Platform and Its Seabed Foundation under Ocean Wave. Applied Sciences, 123299. 10.3390/app12073299 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Ye, Jianhong; Yu, Dawei; 2021. ABAQUS–OlaFlow integrated numerical model for fluid–seabed–structure interaction. Marine Structures, 78103016. 10.1016/j.marstruc.2021.103016 | 2021 | Model application | 10 |
Ye, Jianhong; Shan, Jipeng; Zhou, Haoran; Yan, Naixiao; 2021. Numerical modelling of the wave interaction with revetment breakwater built on reclaimed coral reef islands in the South China Sea—Experimental verification. Ocean Engineering, 235109325. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109325 | 2021 | Model application | 14 |
Lee, Dayeon; Park, Hyoungsu; Shin, Sungwon; Cox, Daniel T.; 2021. Experimental and Numerical Study on the Wave, Surge, and Structure Interactions on a Coastal Residential Building. Journal of Coastal Research, 114. 10.2112/JCR-SI114-032.1 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Cho, Yong Jun; 2021. Development of Physics-Based Morphology Model with an Emphasis on the Interaction of Incoming Waves with Transient Bed Profile due to Scouring and Accretion using Dynamic Mesh. Korea Society of Coastal Disaster Prevention, 8211–219. 10.20481/kscdp.2021.8.4.211 | 2021 | Model application | 6 |
Cho, Yong Jun; 2021. Numerical Analysis of Modified Seabed Topography Due to the Presence of Breakwaters of Varying Reflection Characteristics using Physics-based Morphology Model [SeoulFoam]. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 33168–178. 10.9765/KSCOE.2021.33.4.168 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Higuera, Pablo; Buldakov, Eugeny; Stagonas, Dimitris; 2021. Simulation of Steep Waves Interacting with a Cylinder by Coupling CFD and Lagrangian Models. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 3187–94. 10.17736/ijope.2021.jc821 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Jun, Jae-Hyoung; Choi, Goon-Ho; Lee, Kwang-Ho; Kim, Do-Sam; 2020. Numerical Simulation of Wave Pressure Acting on Caisson and Wave Characteristics near Tip of Composite Breakwater (for One Directional Irregular Waves). Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 32531–552. 10.9765/KSCOE.2020.32.6.531 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Lee, Kwang-Ho; Lee, Jun Hyeong; Jung, Uk Jin; Kim, Do-Sam; 2020. Variation Characteristics of Irregular Wave Fields around 3-Dimensional Low-Crested-Breakwater. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 32122–134. 10.9765/KSCOE.2020.32.2.122 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Choi, Goon-Ho; Jun, Jae-Hyoung; Lee, Kwang-Ho; Kim, Do-Sam; 2020. 3D-Numerical Simulation of Wave Pressure Acting on Caisson and Wave Characteristics near Tip of Composite Breakwater. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 32180–201. 10.9765/KSCOE.2020.32.3.180 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Meng, Fantai; Rafiee, Ashkan; Ding, Boyin; Cazzolato, Benjamin; Arjomandi, Maziar; 2020. Nonlinear hydrodynamics analysis of a submerged spherical point absorber with asymmetric mass distribution. Renewable Energy, 1471895–1908. 10.1016/j.renene.2019.09.101 | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Aristodemo, Francesco; Tripepi, Giuseppe; Algieri Ferraro, Danilo; Veltri, Paolo; 2020. An experimental and numerical study on solitary wave loads at cylinders near the bed. Ocean Engineering, 195106747. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106747 | 2020 | Model application | 13 |
Conde, J.M.P.; Condeço, M.B.S.P.; 2019. Numerical Simulation of an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converter (WEC) on a Breakwater Using OpenFOAM®. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 39612–21. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.396.12 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Lee, Jun Hyeong; Bae, Ju Hyun; An, Sung Wook; Lee, Kwang Ho; Kim, Do Sam; 2019. Variation Characteristics of Wave Field around Three-Dimensional Low-Crested Structure. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 31180–198. 10.9765/KSCOE.2019.31.3.180 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Lee, Kwang-Ho; Choi, Goon Ho; Lee, Jun Hyeong; Jung, Uk Jin; Kim, Do-Sam; 2019. Variation Characteristics of Irregular Wave Fields around 2-Dimensional Low-Crested-Breakwater. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 31356–367. 10.9765/KSCOE.2019.31.6.356 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Lee, Jun Hyeong; Jung, Uk Jin; Bae, Ju-Hyun; Lee, Kwang-Ho; Kim, Do-Sam; 2019. Variation Characteristic of Wave Field around 2-Dimensional Low-Crested-Breakwaters. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 31294–304. 10.9765/KSCOE.2019.31.5.294 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Oh, Sang-Ho; Ahn, Sukjin; 2019. Regular Wave Generation Using Three Different Numerical Models under Perfect Reflection Condition and Validation with Experimental Data. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 31199–208. 10.9765/KSCOE.2019.31.4.199 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Conde, J. M. P.; 2019. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT METHODS FOR GENERATION AND ABSORPTION OF WATER WAVES. Revista de Engenharia Térmica, 1871. 10.5380/reterm.v18i1.67053 | 2019 | Model application | 8 |
Wang, Yanxu; Yin, Zegao; Liu, Yong; 2019. Numerical study of solitary wave interaction with a vegetated platform. Ocean Engineering, 192106561. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106561 | 2019 | Model application | 13 |
Lee, Kwang-Ho; Bae, Ju-Hyun; Jung, Uk Jin; Choi, Goon-Ho; Kim, Do-Sam; 2019. Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Interaction between Composite Breakwater and Seabed under Irregular Wave Action by olaFlow Model. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 31129–145. 10.9765/KSCOE.2019.31.3.129 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Lee, Kwang-Ho; Bae, Ju-Hyun; An, Sung-Wook; Kim, Do-Sam; 2018. Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Wave-Current Interactions Due to Permeable Submerged Breakwaters by Using olaFLOW. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 30166–179. 10.9765/KSCOE.2018.30.4.166 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Stagonas, D.; Higuera, P.; Buldakov, E.; 2018. Simulating Breaking Focused Waves in CFD: Methodology for Controlled Generation of First and Second Order. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 14406017005. 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000420 | 2018 | Model application | 14 |
Higuera, P.; Liu, P. L.-F.; Lin, C.; Wong, W.-Y.; Kao, M.-J.; 2018. Laboratory-scale swash flows generated by a non-breaking solitary wave on a steep slope. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 847186–227. 10.1017/jfm.2018.321 | 2018 | Model application | 43 |
Bae, Ju-Hyun; Lee, Kwang-Ho; Jung, Uk Jin; Kim, Do-Sam; 2018. Numerical Simulation of Interaction between Composite Breakwater and Seabed under Regular Wave Action by olaFlow Model. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 30270–285. 10.9765/KSCOE.2018.30.6.270 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Lee, Kwang-Ho; Bae, Ju-Hyun; An, Sung-Wook; Kim, Do-Sam; 2018. Nonlinear Irregular Waves-current Interaction on Flow Fields with Wave Breaking around Permeable Submerged Breakwater. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 3039–50. 10.9765/KSCOE.2018.30.2.39 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Lee, Kwang-Ho; Bae, Ju-Hyun; An, Sung-Wook; Kim, Do-Sam; 2018. 3D Numerical Simulation of Water Surface Variations and Velocity Fields around Permeable Submerged Breakwaters under Irregular Waves. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 30153–165. 10.9765/KSCOE.2018.30.4.153 | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Lee, Kwang Ho; Lee, Jun Hyeong; Jeong, Ik Han; Kim, Do Sam; 2018. 3-Dimensional Numerical Analysis of Air Flow inside OWC Type WEC Equipped with Channel of Seawater Exchange and Wave Characteristics around Its Structure (in Case of Regular Waves). Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 30242–252. 10.9765/KSCOE.2018.30.6.242 | 2018 | Model application | 5 |
Higuera, Pablo; Losada, Inigo J.; Lara, Javier L.; 2015. Three-dimensional numerical wave generation with moving boundaries. Coastal Engineering, 10135–47. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2015.04.003 | 2015 | Related theory | 108 |
Higuera, Pablo; Lara, Javier L.; Losada, Inigo J.; 2014. Three-dimensional interaction of waves and porous coastal structures using OpenFOAM®. Part II: Application. Coastal Engineering, 83259–270. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2013.09.002 | 2014 | Model application | 124 |
Higuera, Pablo; Lara, Javier L.; Losada, Inigo J.; 2014. Three-dimensional interaction of waves and porous coastal structures using OpenFOAM®. Part I: Formulation and validation. Coastal Engineering, 83243–258. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2013.08.010 | 2014 | Related theory | 238 |
Higuera, Pablo; Lara, Javier L.; Losada, Inigo J.; 2013. Simulating coastal engineering processes with OpenFOAM®. Coastal Engineering, 71119–134. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.06.002 | 2013 | Model application | 291 |
Higuera, Pablo; Lara, Javier L.; Losada, Inigo J.; 2013. Realistic wave generation and active wave absorption for Navier–Stokes models: Application to OpenFOAM®. Coastal Engineering, 71102–118. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.07.002 | 2013 | Related theory | 551 |
Nr. of publications: | 42 |
Total citations: | 586 |
h-index: | 8 |
m-quotient: | 0.67 |
Publications per year