Model help:CHILD

The CHILD model simulates the evolution of a topographic surface and its subjacent stratigraphy under a set of driving erosion and sedimentation processes and with a prescribed set of initial and boundary conditions.
Model introduction
Designed to serve as a computational framework for investigating a wide range of problems in catchment geomorphology, CHILD is both a model, in the sense that it com¬prises a set of hypotheses about how nature works, and a software tool, in the sense that it provides a simulation environment for exploring the conse¬quences of different hypotheses, parameters, and boundary conditions. The model provides a general and extensible computational framework for exploring research questions related to landscape evolution. It simulates the interaction of two general types of process: “fluvial” processes, a category which encompasses erosion or deposition by runoff cascading across the landscape, and “hillslope” processes, which includes weathering, soil creep, and other slope transport processes.
Model parameters
Uses ports
This will be something that the CSDMS facility will add
Provides ports
This will be something that the CSDMS facility will add
Main equations
- Hydraulic Geometry
1) bankfull discharbge
<math> Q_{b} = R_{b} A </math> (1)
2) bankfull channel width
<math> W_{b} = k_{w} Q_{b} ^ \left (\omega_{b} \right ) </math> (2)
3) Channel width
<math> {\frac{W}{W_{b}}} = {\frac{Q^ \left ( \omega _{s} \right )}{Q_{b}}}</math> (3)
4) bankfull water depth
<math> d_{b} = k_{b} Q_{b} ^ \left (\delta _{b} \right )</math> (4)
5) Water depth
<math> {\frac{d}{d_{b}}} = {\frac{Q ^ \left ( \delta _{s}\right )}{Q_{b}}}</math> (5)
6) Bankfull bed roughness
<math> N_{b} = k_{N} Q_{b} ^ \left (\nu _{b} \right )</math> (6)
7) Bed roughness
<math> {\frac{N}{N_{b}}} = {\frac{Q ^ \left ( \nu _{s}\right )}{Q_{b}}}</math> (7)
8) Bankfull bank roughness
<math> M_{b} = k_{M} Q_{b} ^ \left (\mu _{b} \right )</math> (8)
9) Bed roughness
<math> {\frac{M}{M_{b}}} = {\frac{Q ^ \left ( \mu _{s}\right )}{Q_{b}}}</math> (9)
- Overview of Transport, Erosion, and Deposition by Running water
1) Continuity of mass equation for the time rate of change of height at a cell
<math> {\frac{dz_{i}}{dt}} = {\frac{1}{\Lambda _{i}}} \left ( -Q_{Si} + \sum\limits_{i=1}^\left (N_{i} \right ) Q_{Sj} \right ) </math> (10)
2) Potential erosion/deposition rate
<math> \Phi _{i} = {\frac{1}{\Lambda _{i}}} \left ( -Q_{Ci} + \sum\limits_{i=1}^\left (N_{i} \right ) Q_{Sj} \right ) </math> (11)
3) Volumetric water-borne sediment transport rate out of the cell
<math> Q_{Si} = \left\{\begin{matrix} \lambda _{i} D_{ci} & if \Phi _{i} > D_{c} \\ Q_{Ci} & otherwise \end{matrix}\right. </math> (12)
- Detachment-Capacity Laws
1) bed shear stress
<math> \tau _{0} = K_{t} \left ({\frac{Q}{W}}\right ) ^ \left (M_{b}\right ) S^ \left (N_{b}\right ) </math> (13)
2) Detachment capacity
<math> D _{c} = \left\{\begin{matrix} K_{br} \left ( \tau _{0} - \tau _{c} \right ) ^ \left (P_{b}\right ) & Detachmentlaw = 0 \\ K_{br} \left ( \tau _{0} ^ \left (P_{b} \right ) - \tau _{c} ^ \left (P_{b}\right ) \right ) & Detachmentlaw = 1 \end{matrix}\right.</math> (14)
- Transport capacity types
1) detachment-limited
<math> {\frac{\partial z_{b}}{\partial t}} = - D_{c} </math> (15)
2) Transport limited
<math> {\frac{\partial z_{b}}{\partial t}} = - {\frac{1}{\left ( 1 - \nu \right )}} {\frac{\partial C_{s} / W}{\partial x}} </math> (16)
- Transport Capacity Laws
1) Transport_Law = 0 (Power law formula, form 1)
<math> Q_{c} = K_{f} W \left ( \tau _{0} - \tau _{c} \right ) ^ \left (P_{f} \right ) </math> (17)
2) Transport_Law = 1 (Power law formula, form 2)
<math> Q_{c} = K_{f} W \left ( \tau _{0} ^ \left (P_{f}\right ) - \tau _{c} ^ \left (P_{f} \right )\right ) </math> (18)
3) Transport_Law = 2 (Bridge-Dominic version of Bagnold formula)
<math> Q_{c} = K_{f} W \left (\tau _{0} - \tau _{c} \right ) \left ( \sqrt{\tau _{0}} - \sqrt{\tau _{c}} \right ) </math> (19)
<math> K_{f} = {\frac{a}{\rho ^ \left ({\frac{1}{2}}\right ) \left ( \delta - \rho \right ) g tan \Phi}} </math> (20)
4) Transport_Law = 4 (Generic power-law formula for multiple size fractions)
<math> Q_{ci} = f_{i} K_{f} W \left (\tau _{0} - \tau _{ci} \right ) ^\left ( P_{f} \right ) </math> (21)
5) Transport_Law = 6 (Simple slope-discharge power law)
<math> Q_{c} = K_{f} Q^ \left (M_{f}\right ) S^\left (N_{f}\right ) </math> (22)
- Soil Creep
1) volumetric sediment discharge per unit width (liner)
<math> q_{c} = K_{d} \nabla z </math> (23)
2) volumetric sediment discharge per unit width (nonliner)
<math> q_{c} = {\frac{K_{d}\nabla z}{1 - \left ( |\nabla z | / S_{c}\right )^2 }} </math> (24)
- Surface hydrology and runoff generation (P > Ic)
<math> Q = \left (P - I_{c}\right ) A </math> (25)
- Excess storage capacity runoff (TrP > Dsr)
<math> R = {\frac{T_{r} - D_{sr}}{T_{r}}} </math> (26)
- Saturation-excess runoff
1) Capacity for shallow subsurface flow per unit contour length
<math> q_{sub} = {\frac{Q_{sub}}{w}} = T S </math> (27)
2) Surface discharge resulting from a combination of saturation-excess overland flow and return flow (P A > T S w)
<math> Q = P A - T S w </math> (28)
- Lateral Stream Channel Migration (Meandering)
1) Migration vector of the outer bank
<math> \hat{\zeta} = E_{eff} \tau_{w} \hat{n} </math> (29)
2) Effective bank erodibility
<math> E_{eff} = \left\{\begin{matrix} E_{0} \left ({\frac{1 - P_{H}h_{B}}{H + h_{B}}}\right ) & h_{B} > 0 \\ E_{0} & h_{B} <= 0 \end{matrix}\right.</math> (30)
- Effective erodibility at node i of the bank on the eˆ -side
<math> E_{eff,i}^ \left (hat{e}\right ) = {\frac{E_{eff,i1} d_{2} + E_{eff,i2} d_{1}}{d_{1} + d_{2}}} </math> (31)
- Floodplains: Overbank Sedimentation: Vertical deposition rate
<math> D_{OB} = \left ( \eta - z \right ) \mu exp \left ( - d / \lambda \right ) </math> (32)
Symbol | Description | Unit |
Rb | bankfull runoff rate | L / T |
A | drainage area | L2 |
Qb | bankfull discharge | L3 / T |
Wb | bankfull channel width | L |
kw | coefficient in bankfull width-discharge relation | - |
ωb | exponent in bankfull width-discharge relation | - |
W | channel width | L |
ωs | exponent in at-a-station width-discharge relation | - |
db | bankfull water depth | L |
d | water depth | L |
kd | coefficient in bankfull depth-discharge relation | - |
δb | exponent in bankfull depth-discharge relation | - |
δs | exponent in at-a-station depth-discharge relation | - |
Nb | bankfull bed roughness | - |
N | bed roughness | - |
kN | coefficient in bankfull roughness-discharge relation | - |
νb | exponent in bankfull roughness-discharge relation | - |
νs | exponent in at-a-station roughness-discharge relation | - |
Mb | bankfull bank roughness | - |
M | bank roughness | - |
kM | - | |
μb | coefficient in bank roguhness-discharge relation | - |
μs | exponent in bank roughness-discharge relation | - |
zi | surface height at cell i | L |
Λi | cell's horizontal surface area | L |
QSi | volumetric water-borne sediment transport rate out of the cell | L3 / T |
QSj | the transport rate in from neighboring cell j | L3 / T |
Ni | the number of neighboring cells that drain to cell i | - |
Dci | potential detachment rate | L / T |
Φi | potential erosion/deposition rate | L / T |
τ0 | bed shear stress | - |
Q | discharge | L3 |
S | gradient from cell i to its downstream neighbor | - |
Kbr | rate coefficient (regolith for Detachment_Law = 0; bedrock for Detachment_Law = 1) | - |
τc | a threshold below which no detachment takes place | - |
Pb | Excess power/shear exponent in detachment capacity equation | - |
Qc | transport capacity | - |
Kf | transport efficiency factor | - |
ρ | water density | M / L3 |
δ | sediment density | M / L3 |
a / tan φ | dimensionless transport-capacity coefficient | M / L3 |
g | acceleration due to gravity | L / T2 |
fi | proportion of size i on the bed | - |
τci | effective critical shear stress for the ith size fraction | - |
qc | volumetric sediment discharge per unit width | L2 / T |
Kd | transport coefficient | - |
Sc | threshold slope gradient at which transport rate tends to infinity | - |
Q | surface discharge | L3 / T |
P | rainfall intensity | L / T |
Ic | infiltration capacity | L / T |
R | local runoff rate | L / T |
Dsr | soil-canopy-surface retention depth | L |
Tr | rainfall duration | T |
qsub | capacity for shallow subsurface flow per unit contour length | - |
S | local slope | - |
T | soil transmissivity | L2 / T |
w | width of adjoining Voronoi cell edges | - |
zb | elevation of the channel bed above a datum within the underlying rock column | L |
Dc | maximum detachment (erosion) capacity | L / T |
ν | bed sediment porosity | - |
x | a vector oriented in the direction of flow | - |
Cs | transport capacity | L3 / T |
ζˆ | migration vector of the outer bank | - |
τw | bank shear stress | - |
Eeff | effective bank erodibility | - |
nˆ | unit vector perpendicular to the downstream direction | - |
E0 | nominal bank erodibility | - |
H | water depth | L |
hB | bank height above the water surface | L |
PH | degree to which the effective bank erodibility is dependent on bank height, 0<= PH <= 1 | - |
eˆ | unit vector in the direction of either the left (nˆ) or the right (− nˆ ) bank | - |
Eeff,i1, Eeff,i2 | effective erodibility of the bank nodes with respect to node i | - |
d1, d2 | distances of the bank nodes from the line parallel to the unit vector | L |
DOB | vertical deposition rate | L / T |
z | local elevation | L |
d | distance between the point in question and the nearest point on the main channel | L |
η | water surface height at the nearest point on the main channel | L |
μ | deposition rate constant | 1 / T |
λ | distance-decay constant | - |
Kt | Coefficient relating shear stress to discharge and slope, can be calculated from water density, gravitational acceleration, and roughness (See Tucker and Slingerland (1997)). | - |
See reference: Tucker, G.E. et al. (2001) and Tucker, G.E. (2010).
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- Tucker, G.E., Lancaster, S.T., Gasparini, N.M., Bras, R.L., 2001. The Channel-Hillslope Integrated Landscape Development Model (CHILD) in Landscape erosion and evolution modeling. R. S. Harmon and W. W. Doe (ed.). Kluwer Press, Dordrecht, pages 349–388.
- Tucker, G.E., 2010. CHILD User Guide for version R9.4.1. University of Colorado, Boulder, USA