Model help:BedrockAlluvialTransition

The CSDMS Help System
The CSDMS Help System


This is used to calculate aggradation and degradation with a migrating bedrock-alluvial transition at the upstream end.

Model introduction

This program calculates the bed surface evolution at predefined nodes relative to moving boundary nodes for a transition from bedrock to allvium.

Model parameters

Parameter Description Unit
Input directory path to input files -
Site prefix Site prefix for Input/Output files -
Case prefix Case prefix for Input/Output files -
Parameter Description Unit
Flood discharge (q) water discharge per unit width during floods m2 / s
Intermittency flood intermittency (I) -
Upstream bed material sediment fed rate during floods volume sediment feed rate per width at upstream end during flood m2 / s
Grain size of bed material (D) mm
Chezy resistance coefficient (Cf) coefficient in Chezy relation -
Subaqueous basement slope (b) slope of bedrock basement -
Slope of forest face (S) initial slope of alluvial region -
Submerged specific gravity of sediment -
Bed porosity (L) -
Position of downstream end of the reach (d) m
Number of spatial steps (M) -
Time step (t) days
Number of iterations before printing (i) -
Number of printouts (p) -
Parameter Description Unit
Model name name of the model
Author name name of the model author -

Uses ports

This will be something that the CSDMS facility will add

Provides ports

This will be something that the CSDMS facility will add

Main equations

  • Continuity condition at the bedrock-alluvial transition
<math> {\frac{\partial \eta}{\partial t}} | _{s_{ba}} - S | _{s_{ba}} \dot{s}_{ba} = - S_{b} | _{s_{ba}} \dot{s}_{ba} </math> (1)
  • coordinate transformation
<math> \bar{x} = {\frac{x - s_{ba} \left ( t \right )}{s_{d} - s_{ba} \left ( t \right )}} </math> (2)
<math> \bar{t} = t </math> (3)
  • Bed slope
<math> S = - {\frac{\partial \eta}{\partial x}} = - {\frac{1}{s_{d} - s_{ba}}} {\frac{\partial \eta}{\partial \bar{x}}} </math> (4)
  • Exner equation
<math> \left ( 1 - \lambda_{p} \right ) {\frac{\partial \eta}{\partial t}} = - I_{f} {\frac{\partial q_{t}}{\partial x}} </math> (4)
  • Speed of migration of the bedrock-alluvial transition
<math> \dot{s}_{ba} = - {\frac{1}{S_{b} |_{\bar{x} = 0}}} {\frac{\partial \eta}{\partial \bar{t}}} | _{\bar{x} = 0} </math> (5)


This program computes fluvial aggradation/degradation with a bedrock-alluvial transition. The bedrock-alluvial transition is located at a point sba(t) which is free to change in time. A bedrock basement channel with slope Sb is exposed from x = 0 to sba(t); it is covered with alluvium from x = sba(t) to x = sd, where Sd is fixed. Initially sba = 0. The bedrock basement channel is assumed to undergo no incision on the time scales at which the alluvial reach responds to change. In computing bed level change on the alluvial reach, the normal (steady, uniform) flow approximation is used. Base level is maintained at x = sd, where bed elevation h = 0. The Engelund-Hansen relation is used to compute sediment transport rate, so the analysis is appropriate for sand-bed streams. Resistance is specified in terms of a constant Chezy coefficient Cz.

From the continuity equation, it could be derived that If the bed aggrades, the transition moves upstream; if the bed degrades the transition moves downstream.

  • Note on model running

The water depth is calculated using a Chézy formulation, when only the Chézy coefficient is present in the inputted file, and with the Manning-Strickler formulation, when only the roughness height, kc, value is present. When both are present the program will ask the user which formulation they would like to use.


An example run with input parameters, BLD files, as well as a figure / movie of the output

Follow the next steps to include images / movies of simulations:

See also: Help:Images or Help:Movies


Gary Parker


Engelund, F. and E. Hansen, 1967, A Monograph on Sediment Transport in Alluvial Streams, Technisk Vorlag, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Parker, G. and Muto, T., 2003, 1D numerical model of delta response to rising sea level, Proc. 3rd IAHR Symposium, River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Barcelona, Spain, 1-5 September.

Sklar, L., and W. E. Dietrich, 1998, River longitudinal profiles and bedrock incision models: Stream power and the influence of sediment supply, in Rivers Over Rock: Fluvial Processes in Bedrock Channels, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 107, edited by K. J. Tinkler and E. E. Wohl, pp. 237–260, AGU, Washington, D. C.

Whipple, K. X., G. S. Hancock, and R. S. Anderson, 2000, River incision into bedrock: Mechanics and relative efficacy of plucking, abrasion, and cavitation, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 112, 490–503.

Wong, M. and Parker, G., submitted, The bedload transport relation of Meyer-Peter and Müller overpredicts by a factor of two, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
