Member info


Membership information[edit]

Benefits of membership in one or more working groups or focus research groups include:

  • You are part of a family of experts sharing research;
  • Advantages in staying current within a community taking Earth Sciences to the next level;
  • Competitive funding opportunities - better integrated proposals;
  • Improved knowledge of available models for education and application;
  • Recognized service in an interesting and new field of interdisciplinary science;
  • Better and faster penetration of one's numerical advances, data and simulation products;
  • Closer interaction with a wide variety of industrial and NGO partners and federal agencies, with possible spin-off funding opportunities;
  • Better academic and public recognition for code development;
  • Access to the CSDMS High Performance Computational Resources;
  • Increased outreach and knowledge transfer opportunities.

Tasks of the CSDMS Working Groups and Focus Research Groups

  • Represent the Community knowledge base and state-of-the-science;
  • Know the Community of practitioners and experts including ongoing funded projects and developing opportunities;
  • Foster interdisciplinarity within and between CSDMS working groups;
  • Decide what processes are in their disciplinary toolkit;
  • Identify gaps in knowledge and areas where numerical tools need to be developed;
  • Create and manage the various environmental process modules related to their discipline;
  • Ensure quality control for the algorithms and modules for their area of expertise (benchmark testing, model validation/verification);
  • Ensure adequacy of supporting boundary conditions and boundary initializations;
  • Set scientific modeling priorities for their discipline;
  • Make recommendations for resource prioritization;
  • Stimulate proposals and input from the community;
  • Facilitate the movement of these priorities up the hierarchy from technology group to steering committee;
  • Coordinate the evaluation of numerical codes according to interoperability, scientific contribution and technical documentation;
  • Address the CSDMS proof-of-concept challenges;
  • Provide community continuity to meet long-term CSDMS objectives.