

GEOframe Winter School 2021 - Modelling the hydrological cycle with the open source GEOframe tools
Trento, Italy
07 - 16 January 2021
The third edition of the Winter School on GEOframe (; GWS2021) will be held between January 7 and 16, 2021 in Trento, Italy. The course is devoted to Ph.D. Students, Post-docs, Young researchers (and Professionals!) interested in estimating all the components of the hydrological cycle (rainfall, evapotranspiration, snow-melting, and river discharge). The system allows to work out catchments from very small to continental (e.g. Abera et al., 2017a,b; ), up to build operational solutions, as the one used in in Basilicata.

The aim of the course is to enable participants to run their own simulations and, eventually, on their own catchments and estimate the hydrological budget components. Previous Winter school material is freely available at the GEOframe blog (

Compared to what was done in the past courses, there will be more practice and a more detailed work on evapotranspiration and rainfall-runoff. It will be much more focused on exercises and on getting the water budget performed under various hypotheses on models' structure.

Due to COVID-19 the lectures and the work will be limited to, at most, 10 people in presence but it will be possible to follow the class remotely either synchronous online and synchronous online (we’ll use a “blended” type of teaching based on Zoom). There is no fee or subscription for the asynchronous classes. Synchronous classes require subscription and the payment of a small fee of 10 Euros or (for Italians) a subscription to the Italian Hydrological Society. Who requires a certificate of participation, however, must pay (150 euros).

Instructors will be:

  • Prof. Riccardo Rigon, Ph.D. (GS)
  • Prof. Giuseppe Formetta, Ph.D. (GS)
  • Ing. Marialaura Bancheri, Ph.D. (GS)
  • Ing. Niccolò Tubini, Ph.D. candidate
  • Ing. Concetta D’Amato, Ph.D student

The provisional topics will be:

  • Day 1 - Installation and introduction to the Object Modelling System Infrastructure and Jupyter
  • Day 2- Hydrologic Response Units delineation and treatment of spatial features
  • Day 3- Interpolation of hydrometeorological datasets and elements of parameters calibration with LUCA and particle swarm tools
  • Day 4 - Estimation of evaporation and transpiration
  • Day 5 - Rainfall-Runoff I - Representation of semidistributed models with the Extended Petri Nets. The embedded reservoir (ERM -see also here) and other available models. Discussing inputs data to models and modelling solutions.
  • Day 6 - Rainfall-Runoff - II - Preparing the topology and the simulation files. Connecting and disconnecting components. Running modelling solutions.
  • Day 7 - Trying alternative modelling solutions
  • Day 8 - A little on travel times with GEOframe


Subscription should be made during the November month and sent to

With December 1, 2020, we start to give students support for installations required to run our models.

Of interest for:
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group