

Drought in the Anthropocene
Tempe Arizona, United States
28 - 30 October 2019
Drought 2019.png
In this human-influenced era, we need to rethink drought propagation to include the human role in mitigating and enhancing drought. One major challenge is the quantification of impacts of drought on society, i.e. finding the relation between physical drought characteristics and wildfires, crop yields, electricity production, navigation, etc. This is a basic prerequisite for the prediction of changes in risk and vulnerability in the future. This workshop will provide a venue to share recent research results, exchange ideas, network with potential collaborators, and develop a proposal to fund future working group activities. This workshop will focus on cascading impacts of drought but welcomes all working at the intersection of drought and human systems.

Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group