

2018 Gordon Research Conference: Flow and Transport in Permeable Media
Jordan Grand Hotel
Newry Maine, United States
08 - 13 July 2018
Application information

Applications for this meeting must be submitted by June 10, 2018. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed (full) before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated here. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the conference chair if more seats become available due to cancellations.

Conference description
This biennial Gordon Research Conference has become the premier venue for researchers from academia, national labs, and industry to share their latest ideas and exciting research findings related to flow and transport in permeable media. The 2018 meeting will be an outstanding forum for recognized leaders in their respective fields to get together and meet exceptional young scientists (senior PhD students, post-docs). The conference will highlight theoretical, experimental, and field research aimed at understanding the physics of flow and transport in porous media, and elucidating processes across scales. Specific topics and speakers will focus on: microfluidics and wettability; wet granular physics; flow instabilities and chemical reactions; digital rock physics; geomechanics and induced seismicity; biogeochemistry and reactive transport; biophysics and biological porous media; geophysical subsurface flows; and flow and transport in nanoscale porous media.

The speakers and participants are expected to share new, evolving, and unpublished ideas and research findings. The presentations will be chaired by recognized leaders in each of the topical areas under discussion. A primary objective is to generate stimulating discussions that engage the entire conference community in a constructive atmosphere. The conference format - programmed morning and evening lectures and free afternoons - provides ample time for informal interactions and the exchange of ideas. The setting is a unique forum for young scientists to engage with leaders in the field. The highly interactive poster sessions are a critical part of the conference, and all the GRC attendees are strongly encouraged to submit a poster on their latest research work.