

Current issues and key knowledge gaps of land-use in the climate system (LUC4C)
Scotland House Conference Center
Brussels, Belgium
25 - 26 September 2017
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Land-use and land-cover change are key processes through which humans affect the functioning of the Earth system, contributing to global climate and environmental changes and with impacts on human well-being. Nearly 80% of the land surface are affected one way or another by human activities, 40% of the land area managed as croplands and pastures. In the wake of the Paris agreement, issues of land use are becoming central for achieving a <2°C warming world. What is now a source of greenhouse gases will need to be rapidly transformed into a sink, and maintained that way.

Abstract submissions are now invited to contribute to the workshop, addressing the above topics with modelling or observational studies. These should cover the regional-global scope as indicated above.

Abstracts are limited to 300 words. Participation in the workshop is limited to 70 participants, and abstracts will be selected based on the novelty of the method or results and match to the session objectives.

For submitting an abstract follow instructions at