

Global Flood Partnership 2017 Conference
University of Alabama and the National Water Center
Tuscaloosa Alabama, United States
27 - 29 June 2017
The objective of the Global Flood Partnership is the development of flood observational and modelling infrastructure, leveraging on existing initiatives for better predicting and managing flood disaster impacts and flood risk globally. It brings together all relevant communities (from scientific, government, humanitarian, and private stakeholders) to provide operational, globally-applicable flood forecasting, monitoring and risk evaluation tools and services to complement and provide added value to national capabilities.

This year’s theme is “From hazards to impacts” and participants will have the opportunity to showcase their latest relevant research and activities. As usual, we will review the advances and success stories of the Partnership and discuss the next steps to further strengthen the GFP. As in the past meetings there will be various opportunities for participants to present their work, exchange ideas, and turn it into a lively and successful meeting. This includes a "Marketplace of Ideas" session, "Ignite" talks, Problem-solving session, workshops, poster pitch session and breakout groups.

There is no registration fee. Note: the number of participants is limited based on available resources. If the number of participants registering for the GFP Conference 2017 surpasses the limit set by the venue capacity (around 100 people) the steering committee will make a selection, based on the proposed contributions to the agenda of the meeting.