

GRC Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry
Bates College
Lewiston Maine, United States
25 - 30 June 2017
This Gordon Research Conference (GRC) unites ecologists, hydrologists, geochemists, soil scientists, and other scientists who understand the need for interdisciplinary research to advance catchment science. Catchment science, conceptually rooted in the physical boundaries that define a catchment or watershed ecosystem, is inherently integrative. Catchment scientists are compelled to transcend disciplinary boundaries and work across interfaces or transitions within components of the catchment system such as groundwater and surface water interactions, the land-atmosphere boundary, terrestrial and aquatic transitions, and boundaries imposed by humans. The various disciplines that form the basis of catchment science can also pose boundaries in our communication and our approaches. This conference aims to share and integrate the scientific diversity and perspectives that form catchment science. We anticipate the conference will provide a unique opportunity for participants to synthesize research in catchment science by widening their view, crossing disciplinary boundaries and expanding knowledge beyond current boundaries.

The conference is limited to 150 participants. The scientific program will include oral presentations (by invitation only), moderated discussions of important topics, and poster sessions. All conference participants are encouraged to present posters. If you have any questions about the program of the GRC on catchment science or wish to suggest a speaker or discussion leader, please feel free to contact one of the conference organizers.

The GRC will also be preceded by a two-day Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) that is organized by and designed for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. The GRS provides opportunities for the exchange of ideas among early career investigators and an occasion to build relationships with peers that will form the next generation of catchment scientists. GRS attendees are expected to join the GRC and share in the full experience. For information on the GRS, please contact one of the student GRS organizers.