

GeoHack week 2016
The university of Washington
Seattle Washington, United States
14 - 18 November 2016

Geohackweek is a 5-day workshop to be held at the University of Washington eScience Institute. Participants will learn about open source technologies used to analyze geospatial datasets.

Mornings will consist of interactive lectures, and afternoon sessions will involve facilitated exploration of datasets and hands-on software development.

This format is inspired by astrohackweek and neurohackweek, similar programs focused on astrophysics and neuorphysics.


To best benefit from the program, participants are expected to have some experience with programming (e.g. Python or similar) and with analysis of geospatial data (e.g. remote sensing analysis, vector mapping, environmental modeling, etc.).

Accepted applicants will be asked to pay a fee of $75 upon final registration. This fee will cover participation in the course, some meals, and snacks and beverages during the day for the duration of the course. Participants will be responsible for covering their lodging and travel costs.