

Summer School on Hydrological modeling with OMS components
Trento, Italy
18 - 21 July 2016
[[MOI summary::The school is aimed to train Ph.D. students, young researchers and others to the use of the Object Modeling System Components version 3 [David et al., 2013; Formetta et al., 2014]. These components deals with various degree of complexity all the hydrological processes and are part of two modeling systems, AGEs, developed by the ARS unit of USDA of Fort Collins in Colorado, and JGrass-NewAGE developed by University of Trento at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering.

The system is highly innovative for hydrology, since various modeling solutions can be built upon basic components to fulfill what research or practice of water management and hazards require.

The school will be open to 25 participants. The applications - up to 25 - must contain a short CV of the participant and a letter of motivation. They will be processed upon their arrive (first in first accepted) and be affective after the required little fee (see below) is paid.

Information about OMS/AGEs can be found at

Information about the JGrass-NewAGE system at]]