

5th international paleoflood conference
RAPID CITY South Dakota, United States
12 - 15 September 2016
  • The impact of climate and land-use changes on paleoflood magnitude and frequency.
  • Pleistocene and Holocene geomorphic and sedimentary records of paleofloods, and the factors influencing their long-term preservation potential.
  • River channel and catchment responses to paleofloods in different geomorphic contexts (upland vs. lowland, gorge vs. plain, bedrock vs. alluvial, etc.).
  • River channel and basin ‘recovery’ following large floods.
  • Evidence of megafloods on earth and on other planetary bodies.
  • Hydroclimatic controls of paleofloods in various environmental settings (temperate, tropical, polar, dryland, etc.).
  • Distinguishing characteristics of paleofloods generated by different mechanisms (direct meteorological events, glacial outburst floods, etc.).
  • Methods and techniques of paleoflood reconstruction (geochronology, hydraulic modeling, soil stratigraphy, sedimentology, etc.).
  • Innovative hydraulic modeling techniques used to reconstruct extreme flows.
  • Databases (for floods, chronology, climate proxies, etc.) to compile paleoflood data and other information that could be used in studying paleofloods.
  • Incorporation of paleoflood information in the assessment of flood hazard and risk related to engineered structures (dams, bridges, power plants, etc.).
  • Application of paleoflood information to policy issues associated with flood hazards.
  • Paleoflood hydrology and the archaeological record.