

CMG 2016 : 31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Paris. Geo-Physics, from Mathematics to Experiments
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
Paris, France
06 - 10 June 2016
The 31st edition of the IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics (CMG) is to be held at the Institut Henri Poincare (Paris) on June 6th to 10th, 2016. The CMG takes place every two years all over the world, and covers a wide spectrum of current research topics in Geophysics: physical based modelling and measurements in Geophysics, using mathematical and numerical approaches. The subjects of study span accross many geophysical topics, like e.g. terrestrial, atmospheric and oceanic flows, seismology, modelling of seismic sources and eruptions. This conference is traditionally dedicated to theoretical and modeling works but in 2016, it will also emphasize works with an experimental side or related to experimental investigation -- in particular conceptual experiments that address physical mechanisms and scaling laws.

Sessions of interest
Cross-disciplinary approaches, methods and data > 4a. Geomorphology.
A. Brad Murray (Duke University)
Neil J. Balmforth (Univ. British Colombia, Vancouver)