

Steepest Descent meeting
Vienna, Austria
18 - 18 April 2015
Steepest Descent 2015.gif
We are happy to announce the 3rd edition of the Steepest Descent meeting, saturday 18th of April 2015.

Book the date! And register here:

Steepest Descent is a one-day meeting for topics in the broad field of earth surface dynamics. It is held at the University of Vienna on the saturday after EGU.

Our objective is to add one day of focused interactions and networking between people interested in surface dynamics in a broad sense. We hope this serves the community of surface dynamics in Europe. It's also a good opportunity to foster special atmosphere and good spirit among us, around great talks, coffee breaks and lunch. All are invited to bring their EGU posters along, there will be boards available for all-day display.

This year, we are looking forward again to a great set of talks:

Christian France-Lanord (CRPG Nancy)
"Himalayan erosion from +5000 to -5000"

Doug Jerolmack (University of Pennsylvania):
"Creepy rivers and critical landscapes. (Or, why the threshold of motion is everything, and determining it is impossible)”

Anna Gorbuschina (FU-BAM Berlin)
"Microbial colonisation of bare rocks: a laboratory model to study initial and microscopic weathering processes”

Feel free to propose any additional discussion (funding, editorial, etc…), just contact us.

Detailed information and instructions for registration are available at

Looking forward to see you there!

The Steepest Descent team