

Berkeley Catchment Science Symposium 2014
Berkeley campus
Berkeley California, United States
14 - 14 December 2014
Berkely Catchment Science2014.gif
It is my pleasure to send you the program for the 9th Berkeley Catchment Science Symposium, which will be held December 14th (the Sunday before AGU) on the Berkeley campus. We have a great roster of invited talks:

Hjalmar Laudon (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) Fifty shades of brown: From hotspots and episodes to integrated perspectives of dissolved organic carbon in catchment biogeochemistry

Ying Fan Reinfelder (Rutgers University) Groundwater in the critical zone: from hillslope to planet

Rina Schumer (Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada) Real and apparent changes in erosion and deposition rates through time

Jill Baron (Colorado State University and U.S. Geological Survey) Global change influences on nitrogen cycling in mountain catchments

Plus, as always, pop-ups!

Registration is now open. To register, go to:

Our group is now getting big enough that there is a chance we will run out of space. Registering early guarantees you a spot!

For the full schedule, as well as information on how to find the venue, please see the attached program. If for some reason the program is no longer attached, you can also find it at . For further queries you can contact me or our coordinator, Sang Oum <>, who has done a fantastic job arranging the logistics.

Please feel free to forward this program to others who might be interested. And if there's someone who you think should be on the catchment symposium mailing list but isn't, please feel free to send their address to me.

All the best,
- Jim Kirchner

James Kirchner
Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science
Senior Advisor, Central Sierra Field Research Stations
University of California, Berkeley

Professor of the Physics of Environmental Systems, ETH Zürich
ETH Zentrum, CHN F50.3, CH-8092 Zürich
Phone +41 44 632 8018