

Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium
University of Tennessee
Knoxville Tennessee, United States
12 - 14 September 2014
During the past forty years of spacecraft exploration of the solar system, geomorphology has become an extraterrestrial science. Spacecraft missions to other planetary bodies continue to provide surface data at unprecedented resolutions, which in some cases are higher than the resolution of data for Earth. Several countries have recent, ongoing, or planned missions to investigate the surface of the moon. Cameras in orbit around Mars are providing images at a variety of wavelengths with coverage over significant proportions of the planet at resolutions down to meters per pixel. The MESSENGER mission in orbit at Mercury is returning data of novel tectonic and volcanic morphologies. And in the outer solar system, instruments on the Cassini spacecraft are showing that, despite their exotic materials, Titan and other Saturnian satellites have Earth-like surface morphologies. Myriad other missions to other terrestrial planetary bodies are also planned or ongoing.

By providing for substantial investigation of and trenchant comparison among the landforms of geologic bodies in our solar system, these data represent a new era in geomorphology.

The 2014 Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium (BGS) will support new scientific collaborations between and discoveries by the terrestrial and planetary geomorphology communities through presentation of planetary geomorphologic features and their terrestrial analogs. Investigations using spacecraft data, terrestrial field work, numerical modeling, and experimental results will be presented. The symposium will feature invited oral presentations highlighting comparisons between terrestrial and extraterrestrial processes and landscapes. Poster contributions are also welcome.