

Joint workshop for CSDMS Terrestrial & Coastal Working Groups
Boulder Colorado, USA
26 - 27 October 2009

This is a CSDMS related meeting
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One of the things we will do at this meeting is to review and work on proof-of-concept projects that are underway and planned, as well as to generate ideas for new ones; collaborative projects involving interesting and relevant questions that can be addressed by coupling models of different environments. Since this meeting will be a combined Coastal/Terrestrial meeting, we'll be concentrating partly on ideas for questions involving coastal-terrestrial coupling. You are all welcome to participate in what should be a stimulating and enjoyable set of discussions, ranging from brainstorming to outlining grant proposals. Anyone interested should come with a few possible project ideas to toss out, which can involve scientific questions about a particular location, or can apply more broadly. This meeting will also feature the opportunity to work on submitting model codes to CSDMS; time designated for CSDMS Integration Facility personnel to be on hand to help with tasks ranging from filling out the model questionnaire, to factoring the code into Initialize, Run, Finalize form, or making more sophisticated alterations. Remember, the process isn’t meant to involve too much, but with people there to help, it will be even easier to make ourselves get around to it. We can also make the knowledgeable Integration Facility people available by phone or video conference during these portions of the meeting, for those who can’t make it in person.
Terrestrial WG, Coastal WG