Meander Centerline Migration Model-Publications
References Meander Centerline Migration Model
Total peer and non-peer reviewed publications |
7 |
Journal Articles |
5 |
Books |
0 |
Book sections |
1 |
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Peer reviewed reference(s) | Year | type | Cited |
Peer reviewed reference(s) | Year | type | Cited |
Bogoni, Manuel; Putti, Mario; Lanzoni, Stefano; 2017. Modeling meander morphodynamics over self-formed heterogeneous floodplains: MEANDERS OVER HETEROGENEOUS FLOODPLAINS. Water Resources Research, 535137–5157. 10.1002/2017WR020726 | 2017 | Model overview | 57 |
Emily Underwood 2017. A New Model for River Meanders. Eos Transactions AGU, 98. 10.1029/2017EO078667 | 2017 | Source code | 0 |
Manuel Bogoni 2017. Long-term evolution of meandering rivers flowing above heterogeneous floodplains. , 119. [1] | 2017 | Related theory | 1 |
Frascati, Alessandro; Lanzoni, Stefano; 2009. Morphodynamic regime and long‐term evolution of meandering rivers. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114F02002. 10.1029/2008JF001101 | 2009 | Model overview | 100 |
Lanzoni, Stefano; Siviglia, Annunziato; Frascati, Alessandro; Seminara, Giovanni; 2006. Long waves in erodible channels and morphodynamic influence: LONG WAVES IN ERODIBLE CHANNELS. Water Resources Research, 42. 10.1029/2006WR004916 | 2006 | Related theory | 70 |
Lanzoni, Stefano; Seminara, Giovanni; 2006. On the nature of meander instability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111F04006. 10.1029/2005JF000416 | 2006 | Related theory | 100 |
Nr. of publications: | 4 |
Total citations: | 157 |
h-index: | 2 |
m-quotient: | 0.12 |
Publications per year