References Landlab
Total peer and non-peer reviewed publications |
63 |
Journal Articles |
42 |
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Peer reviewed reference(s) | Year | type | Cited |
Peer reviewed reference(s) | Year | type | Cited |
Keck, Jeffrey; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Campforts, Benjamin; Tucker, Gregory; Horner-Devine, Alexander; 2024. A landslide runout model for sediment transport, landscape evolution, and hazard assessment applications. Earth Surface Dynamics, 121165–1191. 10.5194/esurf-12-1165-2024 | 2024 | Model application | 1 |
Chen, Hao; Wang, Xianyan; Yu, Yanyan; Lu, Huayu; Van Balen, Ronald; 2024. Past anthropogenic land use change caused a regime shift of the fluvial response to Holocene climate change in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Earth Surface Dynamics, 12163–180. 10.5194/esurf-12-163-2024 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Yanzai; 2024. Identifying geomorphic domains using hierarchically clustered drainage area‐slope scaling. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 491762–1777. 10.1002/esp.5796 | 2024 | Model application | 1 |
Cardenas, Benjamin T.; Stacey, Kaitlyn; 2023. Landforms Associated With the Aspect‐Controlled Exhumation of Crater‐Filling Alluvial Strata on Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 50. 10.1029/2023GL103618 | 2023 | Other | 0 |
Nudurupati, Sai S.; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Tucker, Gregory E.; Gasparini, Nicole M.; Hobley, Daniel E. J.; Hutton, Eric W. H.; Barnhart, Katherine R.; Adams, Jordan M.; 2023. On Transient Semi‐Arid Ecosystem Dynamics Using Landlab: Vegetation Shifts, Topographic Refugia, and Response to Climate. Water Resources Research, 59. 10.1029/2021WR031179 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Sharma, Hemanti; Ehlers, Todd A.; 2023. Effects of seasonal variations in vegetation and precipitation on catchment erosion rates along a climate and ecological gradient: insights from numerical modeling. Earth Surface Dynamics, 111161–1181. 10.5194/esurf-11-1161-2023 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Cardenas, Benjamin T.; Lamb, Michael P.; Grotzinger, John P.; 2022. Martian landscapes of fluvial ridges carved from ancient sedimentary basin fill. Nature Geoscience, 15871–877. 10.1038/s41561-022-01058-2 | 2022 | Other | 8 |
Cullen, Cecilia; Anders, Alison M.; Lai, Jingtao; Druhan, Jennifer L.; 2022. Numerical modeling of groundwater‐driven stream network evolution in low‐relief post‐glacial landscapes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47658–671. 10.1002/esp.5278 | 2022 | Model application | 3 |
Anders, Alison M.; Lai, Jingtao; Marshak, Stephen; 2022. Development of Foreland Intracratonic Plateaus (Ozark Plateau and Appalachian Plateaus): A Consequence of Topographic Inversion Due To Erosion of Adjacent Fold‐Thrust Belts. Tectonics, 41. 10.1029/2021TC006957 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Chen, Hao; Wang, Xianyan; Lu, Huayu; Van Balen, Ronald; 2021. Anthropogenic impacts on Holocene fluvial dynamics in the Chinese Loess Plateau, an evaluation based on landscape evolution modeling. Geomorphology, 392107935. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107935 | 2021 | Model application | 11 |
Shen, Hong; Lynch, Brigid; Poulsen, Christopher J.; Yanites, Brian J.; 2021. A modeling framework (WRF-Landlab) for simulating orogen-scale climate-erosion coupling. Computers & Geosciences, 146104625. 10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104625 | 2021 | Model application | 13 |
Pan, Baotian; Cai, Shun; Geng, Haopeng; 2021. Numerical simulation of landscape evolution and mountain uplift history constrain—A case study from the youthful stage mountains around the central Hexi Corridor, NE Tibetan Plateau. Science China Earth Sciences, 64412–424. 10.1007/s11430-020-9716-6 | 2021 | Model application | 20 |
Barnhart, Katherine R.; Tucker, Gregory E.; Doty, Sandra G.; Shobe, Charles M.; Glade, Rachel C.; Rossi, Matthew W.; Hill, Mary C.; 2020. Inverting Topography for Landscape Evolution Model Process Representation: 1. Conceptualization and Sensitivity Analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125e2018JF004961. 10.1029/2018JF004961 | 2020 | Model application | 28 |
Pfeiffer, Allison; Barnhart, Katherine; Czuba, Jonathan; Hutton, Eric; 2020. NetworkSedimentTransporter: A Landlab component for bed material transport through river networks. Journal of Open Source Software, 52341. 10.21105/joss.02341 | 2020 | Model overview | 8 |
Lyons, Nathan; Albert, James; Gasparini, Nicole; 2020. SpeciesEvolver: A Landlab component to evolve life in simulated landscapes. Journal of Open Source Software, 52066. 10.21105/joss.02066 | 2020 | Model application | 7 |
Tucker, Gregory E.; Hobley, Daniel E. J.; McCoy, Scott W.; Struble, Will T.; 2020. Modeling the Shape and Evolution of Normal‐Fault Facets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125. 10.1029/2019JF005305 | 2020 | Model application | 12 |
Litwin, David G.; Tucker, Gregory E.; Barnhart, Katherine R.; Harman, Ciaran J.; 2020. GroundwaterDupuitPercolator: A Landlab component for groundwater flow. Journal of Open Source Software, 51935. 10.21105/joss.01935 | 2020 | Model application | 14 |
Carriere, Alexandra; Le Bouteiller, Caroline; Tucker, Gregory E.; Klotz, Sebastien; Naaim, Mohamed; 2020. Impact of vegetation on erosion: Insights from the calibration and test of a landscape evolution model in alpine badland catchments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 451085–1099. 10.1002/esp.4741 | 2020 | Model application | 14 |
Barnhart, Katherine R.; Tucker, Gregory E.; Doty, Sandra G.; Shobe, Charles M.; Glade, Rachel C.; Rossi, Matthew W.; Hill, Mary C.; 2020. Inverting Topography for Landscape Evolution Model Process Representation: 3. Determining Parameter Ranges for Select Mature Geomorphic Transport Laws and Connecting Changes in Fluvial Erodibility to Changes in Climate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125. 10.1029/2019JF005287 | 2020 | Model application | 20 |
Barnhart, Katherine R.; Tucker, Gregory E.; Doty, Sandra G.; Shobe, Charles M.; Glade, Rachel C.; Rossi, Matthew W.; Hill, Mary C.; 2020. Inverting Topography for Landscape Evolution Model Process Representation: 2. Calibration and Validation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125e2018JF004963. 10.1029/2018JF004963 | 2020 | Model application | 21 |
Barnhart, Katherine R.; Hutton, Eric W. H.; Tucker, Gregory E.; Gasparini, Nicole M.; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Hobley, Daniel E. J.; Lyons, Nathan J.; Mouchene, Margaux; Nudurupati, Sai Siddhartha; Adams, Jordan M.; Bandaragoda, Christina; 2020. Short communication: Landlab v2.0: A software package for Earth surface dynamics. Earth Surface Dynamics, 379-397. 10.5194/esurf-8-379-2020 | 2020 | Model overview | 48 |
Phuong, Jimmy; Bandaragoda, Christina; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Beveridge, Claire; Strauch, Ronda; Setiawan, Landung; Mooney, Sean D.; 2019. Automated retrieval, preprocessing, and visualization of gridded hydrometeorology data products for spatial-temporal exploratory analysis and intercomparison. Environmental Modelling & Software, 116119–130. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.01.007 | 2019 | Model application | 9 |
Barnhart, Katherine R.; Glade, Rachel C.; Shobe, Charles M.; Tucker, Gregory E.; 2019. Terrainbento 1.0: a Python package for multi-model analysis in long-term drainage basin evolution. Geoscientific Model Development, 121267–1297. 10.5194/gmd-12-1267-2019 | 2019 | Model overview | 27 |
Glade, Rachel C.; Shobe, Charles M.; Anderson, Robert S.; Tucker, Gregory E.; 2019. Canyon shape and erosion dynamics governed by channel-hillslope feedbacks. Geology, 47650–654. 10.1130/G46219.1 | 2019 | Model overview | 28 |
Bandaragoda, C.; Castronova, A.; Istanbulluoglu, E.; Strauch, R.; Nudurupati, S.S.; Phuong, J.; Adams, J.M.; Gasparini, N.M.; Barnhart, K.; Hutton, E.W.H.; Hobley, D.E.J.; Lyons, N.J.; Tucker, G.E.; Tarboton, D.G.; Idaszak, R.; Wang, S.; 2019. Enabling Collaborative Numerical Modeling in Earth Sciences using Knowledge Infrastructure. Environmental Modelling & Software, 120104424. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.03.020 | 2019 | Model application | 19 |
Barnhart, Katherine; Hutton, Eric; Tucker, Gregory; 2019. umami: A Python package for Earth surface dynamics objective function construction. Journal of Open Source Software, 41776. 10.21105/joss.01776 | 2019 | Model overview | 5 |
Reitman, Nadine G.; Mueller, Karl J.; Tucker, Gregory E.; Gold, Ryan D.; Briggs, Richard W.; Barnhart, Katherine R.; 2019. Offset Channels May Not Accurately Record Strike‐Slip Fault Displacement: Evidence From Landscape Evolution Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 12413427–13451. 10.1029/2019JB018596 | 2019 | Model application | 33 |
Zebari, Mjahid; Grützner, Christoph; Navabpour, Payman; Ustaszewski, Kamil; 2019. Relative timing of uplift along the Zagros Mountain Front Flexure (Kurdistan Region of Iraq): Constrained by geomorphic indices and landscape evolution modeling. Solid Earth, 10663–682. 10.5194/se-10-663-2019 | 2019 | Model application | 42 |
Barnhart, Katherine; Hutton, Eric; Gasparini, Nicole; Tucker, Gregory; 2018. Lithology: A Landlab submodule for spatially variable rock properties. Journal of Open Source Software, 3979. 10.21105/joss.00979 | 2018 | Model overview | 7 |
Lai, Jingtao; Anders, Alison M.; 2018. Modeled Postglacial Landscape Evolution at the Southern Margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Hydrological Connection of Uplands Controls the Pace and Style of Fluvial Network Expansion. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123967–984. 10.1029/2017JF004509 | 2018 | Model application | 25 |
Langston, Abigail L.; Tucker, Gregory E.; 2018. Developing and exploring a theory for the lateral erosion of bedrock channels for use in landscape evolution models. Earth Surface Dynamics, 61–27. 10.5194/esurf-6-1-2018 | 2018 | Model application | 55 |
Pelletier, Jon D.; Barron-Gafford, Greg A.; Gutiérrez-Jurado, Hugo; Hinckley, Eve-Lyn S.; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; McGuire, Luke A.; Niu, Guo-Yue; Poulos, Michael J.; Rasmussen, Craig; Richardson, Paul; Swetnam, Tyson L.; Tucker, Greg E.; 2018. Which way do you lean? Using slope aspect variations to understand Critical Zone processes and feedbacks: Which way do you lean?. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 431133–1154. 10.1002/esp.4306 | 2018 | Model application | 78 |
Schmid, Manuel; Ehlers, Todd A.; Werner, Christian; Hickler, Thomas; Fuentes-Espoz, Juan-Pablo; 2018. Effect of changing vegetation and precipitation on denudation – Part 2: Predicted landscape response to transient climate and vegetation cover over millennial to million-year timescales. Earth Surface Dynamics, 6859–881. 10.5194/esurf-6-859-2018 | 2018 | Model application | 37 |
Strauch, Ronda; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Nudurupati, Sai Siddhartha; Bandaragoda, Christina; Gasparini, Nicole M.; Tucker, Gregory E.; 2018. A hydroclimatological approach to predicting regional landslide probability using Landlab. Earth Surface Dynamics, 649–75. 10.5194/esurf-6-49-2018 | 2018 | Model application | 33 |
Gray, Harrison J.; Shobe, Charles M.; Hobley, Daniel E.J.; Tucker, Gregory E.; Duvall, Alison R.; Harbert, Sarah A.; Owen, Lewis A.; 2018. Off-fault deformation rate along the southern San Andreas fault at Mecca Hills, southern California, inferred from landscape modeling of curved drainages. Geology, 4659–62. 10.1130/G39820.1 | 2018 | Model application | 28 |
Tucker, Gregory E.; McCoy, Scott W.; Hobley, Daniel E. J.; 2018. A lattice grain model of hillslope evolution. Earth Surface Dynamics, 6563–582. 10.5194/esurf-6-563-2018 | 2018 | Model overview | 8 |
Adams, Jordan M.; Gasparini, Nicole M.; Hobley, Daniel E. J.; Tucker, Gregory E.; Hutton, Eric W. H.; Nudurupati, Sai S.; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; 2017. The Landlab v1.0 OverlandFlow component: a Python tool for computing shallow-water flow across watersheds. Geoscientific Model Development, 101645–1663. 10.5194/gmd-10-1645-2017 | 2017 | Model overview | 46 |
Shobe, Charles M.; Tucker, Gregory E.; Barnhart, Katherine R.; 2017. The SPACE 1.0 model: a Landlab component for 2-D calculation of sediment transport, bedrock erosion, and landscape evolution. Geoscientific Model Development, 104577–4604. 10.5194/gmd-10-4577-2017 | 2017 | Model overview | 61 |
Hobley, Daniel E. J.; Adams, Jordan M.; Nudurupati, Sai Siddhartha; Hutton, Eric W. H.; Gasparini, Nicole M.; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Tucker, Gregory E.; 2017. Creative computing with Landlab: an open-source toolkit for building, coupling, and exploring two-dimensional numerical models of Earth-surface dynamics. Earth Surface Dynamics, 521–46. 10.5194/esurf-5-21-2017 | 2017 | Model application | 178 |
Hobley, Daniel E. J.; Adams, Jordan M.; Nudurupati, Sai Siddhartha; Hutton, Eric W. H.; Gasparini, Nicole M.; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Tucker, Gregory E.; 2017. Creative computing with Landlab: an open-source toolkit for building, coupling, and exploring two-dimensional numerical models of Earth-surface dynamics. Earth Surface Dynamics, 521–46. 10.5194/esurf-5-21-2017 | 2017 | Model overview | 178 |
Wickert, A. D.; 2016. Open-source modular solutions for flexural isostasy: gFlex v1.0. Geoscientific Model Development, 9997–1017. 10.5194/gmd-9-997-2016 | 2016 | Model overview | 54 |
Tucker, Gregory E.; Hobley, Daniel E. J.; Hutton, Eric; Gasparini, Nicole M.; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Adams, Jordan M.; Nudurupati, Sai Siddartha; 2016. CellLab-CTS 2015: continuous-time stochastic cellular automaton modeling using Landlab. Geoscientific Model Development, 9823–839. 10.5194/gmd-9-823-2016 | 2016 | Related theory | 20 |
Nr. of publications: | 62 |
Total citations: | 1342 |
h-index: | 21 |
m-quotient: | 1.91 |
Publications per year