
References LISFLOOD

Barkwith, Andrew; Hurst, Martin D.; Jackson, Christopher R.; Wang, Lei; Ellis, Michael A.; Coulthard, Tom J.; 2015. Simulating the influences of groundwater on regional geomorphology using a distributed, dynamic, landscape evolution modelling platform. Environmental Modelling & Software, 74, 1–20. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.09.001
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2015Model application 15
Ramirez, Jorge A.; Lichter, Michal; Coulthard, Tom J.; Skinner, Chris; 2016. Hyper-resolution mapping of regional storm surge and tide flooding: comparison of static and dynamic models. Natural Hazards, 82, 571–590. 10.1007/s11069-016-2198-z
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2016Model application 97
Coulthard, Tom J.; Skinner, Christopher J.; 2016. The sensitivity of landscape evolution models to spatial and temporal rainfall resolution. Earth Surface Dynamics, 4, 757–771. 10.5194/esurf-4-757-2016
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2016Model application 41
Howard, Andy J.; Knight, David; Coulthard, Tom; Hudson-Edwards, Karen; Kossoff, David; Malone, Steve; 2016. Assessing riverine threats to heritage assets posed by future climate change through a geomorphological approach and predictive modelling in the Derwent Valley Mills WHS, UK. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 19, 387–394. 10.1016/j.culher.2015.11.007
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2016Model application 39
Liu, Baoli; Coulthard, Tom J.; 2017. Modelling the interaction of aeolian and fluvial processes with a combined cellular model of sand dunes and river systems. Computers & Geosciences, 106, 1–9. 10.1016/j.cageo.2017.05.003
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2017Model overview 35
Christie, E.K.; Spencer, T.; Owen, D.; McIvor, A.L.; Möller, I.; Viavattene, C.; 2018. Regional coastal flood risk assessment for a tidally dominant, natural coastal setting: North Norfolk, southern North Sea. Coastal Engineering, 134, 177–190. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.05.003
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2018Model application 49
Armaroli, Clara; Duo, Enrico; Viavattene, Christophe; 2019. From Hazard to Consequences: Evaluation of Direct and Indirect Impacts of Flooding Along the Emilia-Romagna Coastline, Italy. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 203. 10.3389/feart.2019.00203
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2019Model application 13
Feyen, L.; Barredo, J.I.; Dankers, R.; 2008. Implications of global warming and urban land use change on flooding in Europe. In: (eds.)Water and Urban Development Paradigms.. 10.
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2008Model application 64
Ekeu-Wei, I.; 2018. Application of open-access and 3rd party geospatial technology for integrated flood risk management in data sparse regions of developing countries.. , , . 10.17635/lancaster/thesis/217
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2018Model application 4
Apel, H.; Aronica, G. T.; Kreibich, H.; Thieken, A. H.; 2009. Flood risk analyses—how detailed do we need to be?. Natural Hazards, 49, 79–98. 10.1007/s11069-008-9277-8
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2009Model application 519
Van Der Knijff, J. M.; Younis, J.; De Roo, A. P. J.; 2010. LISFLOOD: a GIS‐based distributed model for river basin scale water balance and flood simulation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24, 189–212. 10.1080/13658810802549154
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2010Model application 443
van der Sande, C.J.; de Jong, S.M.; de Roo, A.P.J.; 2003. A segmentation and classification approach of IKONOS-2 imagery for land cover mapping to assist flood risk and flood damage assessment. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 4, 217–229. 10.1016/S0303-2434(03)00003-5
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2003Model application 69
Dankers, Rutger; Feyen, Luc; 2008. Climate change impact on flood hazard in Europe: An assessment based on high-resolution climate simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D19105. 10.1029/2007JD009719
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2008Model application 292
Pappenberger, F.; Beven, K. J.; Hunter, N. M.; Bates, P. D.; Gouweleeuw, B. T.; Thielen, J.; de Roo, A. P. J.; 2005. Cascading model uncertainty from medium range weather forecasts (10 days) through a rainfall-runoff model to flood inundation predictions within the European Flood Forecasting System (EFFS). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, 381–393. 10.5194/hess-9-381-2005
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2005Model application 325
Durand, Michael; Andreadis, Konstantinos M.; Alsdorf, Douglas E.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P.; Moller, Delwyn; Wilson, Matthew; 2008. Estimation of bathymetric depth and slope from data assimilation of swath altimetry into a hydrodynamic model. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L20401. 10.1029/2008GL034150
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2008Model application 188
Wanders, N.; Karssenberg, D.; de Roo, A.; de Jong, S. M.; Bierkens, M. F. P.; 2014. The suitability of remotely sensed soil moisture for improving operational flood forecasting. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 2343–2357. 10.5194/hess-18-2343-2014
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2014Model application 243
Sepulcre-Canto, G.; Horion, S.; Singleton, A.; Carrao, H.; Vogt, J.; 2012. Development of a Combined Drought Indicator to detect agricultural drought in Europe. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 3519–3531. 10.5194/nhess-12-3519-2012
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2012Model application 250
Feyen, Luc; Vrugt, Jasper A.; Nualláin, Breanndán Ó; van der Knijff, Johan; De Roo, Ad; 2007. Parameter optimisation and uncertainty assessment for large-scale streamflow simulation with the LISFLOOD model. Journal of Hydrology, 332, 276–289. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.07.004
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2007Model application 159
Dankers, Rutger; Feyen, Luc; 2009. Flood hazard in Europe in an ensemble of regional climate scenarios. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D16108. 10.1029/2008JD011523
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2009Model application 184
Yoon, Yeosang; Durand, Michael; Merry, Carolyn J.; Clark, Elizabeth A.; Andreadis, Konstantinos M.; Alsdorf, Douglas E.; 2012. Estimating river bathymetry from data assimilation of synthetic SWOT measurements. Journal of Hydrology, 464, 363–375. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.07.028
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2012Model application 119
Roo, A. P. J. De; Wesseling, C. G.; Deursen, W. P. A. Van; 2000. Physically based river basin modelling within a GIS: the LISFLOOD model. Hydrological Processes, 14, 1981–1992. 10.1002/1099-1085(20000815/30)14:11/123.0.CO;2-F
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2000Model application 277
Dottori, F.; Todini, E.; 2011. Developments of a flood inundation model based on the cellular automata approach: Testing different methods to improve model performance. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 36, 266–280. 10.1016/j.pce.2011.02.004
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2011Model application 119
Neal, Jeffrey; Fewtrell, Timothy; Trigg, Mark; 2009. Parallelisation of storage cell flood models using OpenMP. Environmental Modelling & Software, 24, 872–877. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2008.12.004
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2009Model application 108
Durand, Michael; Rodriguez, Ernesto; Alsdorf, Douglas E.; Trigg, Mark; 2010. Estimating River Depth From Remote Sensing Swath Interferometry Measurements of River Height, Slope, and Width. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 3, 20–31. 10.1109/JSTARS.2009.2033453
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2010Model application 109
Rojas, R.; Feyen, L.; Bianchi, A.; Dosio, A.; 2012. Assessment of future flood hazard in Europe using a large ensemble of bias-corrected regional climate simulations: FUTURE FLOOD HAZARD AND CLIMATE CHANGE. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 117, n/a–n/a. 10.1029/2012JD017461
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2012Model application 64
Dimitriadis, Panayiotis; Tegos, Aristoteles; Oikonomou, Athanasios; Pagana, Vassiliki; Koukouvinos, Antonios; Mamassis, Nikos; Koutsoyiannis, Demetris; Efstratiadis, Andreas; 2016. Comparative evaluation of 1D and quasi-2D hydraulic models based on benchmark and real-world applications for uncertainty assessment in flood mapping. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 478–492. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.01.020
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2016Model application 179
Wu, Xushu; Wang, Zhaoli; Guo, Shenglian; Liao, Weilin; Zeng, Zhaoyang; Chen, Xiaohong; 2017. Scenario-based projections of future urban inundation within a coupled hydrodynamic model framework: A case study in Dongguan City, China. Journal of Hydrology, 547, 428–442. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.02.020
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2017Model application 173
Gouweleeuw, B. T.; Thielen, J.; Franchello, G.; De Roo, A. P. J.; Buizza, R.; 2005. Flood forecasting using medium-range probabilistic weather prediction. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, 365–380. 10.5194/hess-9-365-2005
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2005Model application 116
Wanders, N.; Bierkens, M. F. P.; de Jong, S. M.; de Roo, A.; Karssenberg, D.; 2014. The benefits of using remotely sensed soil moisture in parameter identification of large-scale hydrological models. Water Resources Research, 50, 6874–6891. 10.1002/2013WR014639
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2014Model application 164
Villanueva, I.; Wright, N. G.; 2006. Linking Riemann and storage cell models for flood prediction. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management, 159, 27–33. 10.1680/wama.2006.159.1.27
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2006Model application 75
Pappenberger, F.; Frodsham, K.; Beven, K.; Romanowicz, R.; Matgen, P.; 2007. Fuzzy set approach to calibrating distributed flood inundation models using remote sensing observations. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11, 739–752. 10.5194/hess-11-739-2007
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2007Model application 145
Vousdoukas, Michalis I.; Voukouvalas, Evangelos; Mentaschi, Lorenzo; Dottori, Francesco; Giardino, Alessio; Bouziotas, Dimitrios; Bianchi, Alessandra; Salamon, Peter; Feyen, Luc; 2016. Developments in large-scale coastal flood hazard mapping. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16, 1841–1853. 10.5194/nhess-16-1841-2016
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2016Model application 184
Salamon, Peter; Feyen, Luc; 2009. Assessing parameter, precipitation, and predictive uncertainty in a distributed hydrological model using sequential data assimilation with the particle filter. Journal of Hydrology, 376, 428–442. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.07.051
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2009Model application 146
Younis, J.; Anquetin, S.; Thielen, J.; 2008. The benefit of high-resolution operational weather forecasts for flash flood warning. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12, 1039–1051. 10.5194/hess-12-1039-2008
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2008Model application 96
De Roo, A.; Odijk, M.; Schmuck, G.; Koster, E.; Lucieer, A.; 2001. Assessing the effects of land use changes on floods in the meuse and oder catchment. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere, 26, 593–599. 10.1016/S1464-1909(01)00054-5
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2001Model application 149
Thiemig, V.; Bisselink, B.; Pappenberger, F.; Thielen, J.; 2015. A pan-African medium-range ensemble flood forecast system. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 3365–3385. 10.5194/hess-19-3365-2015
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2015Model application 58
De Roo, Ad; Schmuck, Guido; Perdigao, Vanda; Thielen, Jutta; 2003. The influence of historic land use changes and future planned land use scenarios on floods in the Oder catchment. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 28, 1291–1300. 10.1016/j.pce.2003.09.005
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2003Model application 98
Seenath, Avidesh; Wilson, Matthew; Miller, Keith; 2016. Hydrodynamic versus GIS modelling for coastal flood vulnerability assessment: Which is better for guiding coastal management?. Ocean & Coastal Management, 120, 99–109. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.11.019
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2016Model application 110
Zajac, Zuzanna; Revilla-Romero, Beatriz; Salamon, Peter; Burek, Peter; Hirpa, Feyera A.; Beck, Hylke; 2017. The impact of lake and reservoir parameterization on global streamflow simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 548, 552–568. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.03.022
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2017Model application 96
Hirpa, Feyera A.; Salamon, Peter; Beck, Hylke E.; Lorini, Valerio; Alfieri, Lorenzo; Zsoter, Ervin; Dadson, Simon J.; 2018. Calibration of the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) using daily streamflow data. Journal of Hydrology, 566, 595–606. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.09.052
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2018Model application 101
Thirel, Guillaume; Salamon, Peter; Burek, Peter; Kalas, Milan; 2013. Assimilation of MODIS Snow Cover Area Data in a Distributed Hydrological Model Using the Particle Filter. Remote Sensing, 5, 5825–5850. 10.3390/rs5115825
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2013Model application 108
Dankers, Rutger; Christensen, Ole Bøssing; Feyen, Luc; Kalas, Milan; de Roo, Ad; 2007. Evaluation of very high-resolution climate model data for simulating flood hazards in the Upper Danube Basin. Journal of Hydrology, 347, 319–331. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.09.055
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2007Model application 65
Altenau, Elizabeth H.; Pavelsky, Tamlin M.; Bates, Paul D.; Neal, Jeffrey C.; 2017. The effects of spatial resolution and dimensionality on modeling regional-scale hydraulics in a multichannel river: REGIONAL MULTICHANNEL RIVER HYDRAULICS. Water Resources Research, 53, 1683–1701. 10.1002/2016WR019396
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2017Model application 38
Zellou, Bouchra; Rahali, Hassane; 2017. Assessment of reduced-complexity landscape evolution model suitability to adequately simulate flood events in complex flow conditions. Natural Hazards, 86, 1–29. 10.1007/s11069-016-2671-8
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2017Model application 33
Arnal, Louise; Cloke, Hannah L.; Stephens, Elisabeth; Wetterhall, Fredrik; Prudhomme, Christel; Neumann, Jessica; Krzeminski, Blazej; Pappenberger, Florian; 2018. Skilful seasonal forecasts of streamflow over Europe?. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 2057–2072. 10.5194/hess-22-2057-2018
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2018Model application 107
Andreadis, Konstantinos M.; Schumann, Guy J-P.; 2014. Estimating the impact of satellite observations on the predictability of large-scale hydraulic models. Advances in Water Resources, 73, 44–54. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.06.006
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2014Model application 57
Feyen, Luc; Kalas, Milan; Vrugt, Jasper A.; 2008. Semi-distributed parameter optimization and uncertainty assessment for large-scale streamflow simulation using global optimization / Optimisation de paramètres semi-distribués et évaluation de l'incertitude pour la simulation de débits à grande échelle par l'utilisation d'une optimisation glob. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 53, 293–308. 10.1623/hysj.53.2.293
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2008Model application 69
Fernández, Alfonso; Najafi, Mohammad Reza; Durand, Michael; Mark, Bryan G.; Moritz, Mark; Jung, Hahn Chul; Neal, Jeffrey; Shastry, Apoorva; Laborde, Sarah; Phang, Sui Chian; Hamilton, Ian M.; Xiao, Ningchuan; 2016. Testing the skill of numerical hydraulic modeling to simulate spatiotemporal flooding patterns in the Logone floodplain, Cameroon. Journal of Hydrology, 539, 265–280. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.05.026
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2016Model application 35
Revilla-Romero, Beatriz; Beck, Hylke E.; Burek, Peter; Salamon, Peter; de Roo, Ad; Thielen, Jutta; 2015. Filling the gaps: Calibrating a rainfall-runoff model using satellite-derived surface water extent. Remote Sensing of Environment, 171, 118–131. 10.1016/j.rse.2015.10.022
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2015Model application 57
Cammalleri, C.; Micale, F.; Vogt, J.; 2015. On the value of combining different modelled soil moisture products for European drought monitoring. Journal of Hydrology, 525, 547–558. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.04.021
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2015Model application 28
Trambauer, P.; Maskey, S.; Winsemius, H.; Werner, M.; Uhlenbrook, S.; 2013. A review of continental scale hydrological models and their suitability for drought forecasting in (sub-Saharan) Africa. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 66, 16–26. 10.1016/j.pce.2013.07.003
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2013Model application 75
Revilla-Romero, Beatriz; Wanders, Niko; Burek, Peter; Salamon, Peter; de Roo, Ad; 2016. Integrating remotely sensed surface water extent into continental scale hydrology. Journal of Hydrology, 543, 659–670. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.10.041
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2016Model application 54
Parkes, B. L.; Wetterhall, F.; Pappenberger, F.; He, Y.; Malamud, B. D.; Cloke, H. L.; 2013. Assessment of a 1-hour gridded precipitation dataset to drive a hydrological model: a case study of the summer 2007 floods in the Upper Severn, UK. Hydrology Research, 44, 89–105. 10.2166/nh.2011.025
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2013Model application 32
Yoon, Yeosang; Durand, Michael; Merry, Carolyn J.; Rodriguez, Ernesto; 2013. Improving Temporal Coverage of the SWOT Mission Using Spatiotemporal Kriging. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 6, 1719–1729. 10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2257697
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2013Model application 28
Liu, Zhu; Merwade, Venkatesh; 2018. Accounting for model structure, parameter and input forcing uncertainty in flood inundation modeling using Bayesian model averaging. Journal of Hydrology, 565, 138–149. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.08.009
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2018Model application 79
Siqueira, Vinícius A.; Paiva, Rodrigo C. D.; Fleischmann, Ayan S.; Fan, Fernando M.; Ruhoff, Anderson L.; Pontes, Paulo R. M.; Paris, Adrien; Calmant, Stéphane; Collischonn, Walter; 2018. Toward continental hydrologic–hydrodynamic modeling in South America. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 4815–4842. 10.5194/hess-22-4815-2018
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2018Model application 112
Hoch, Jannis M.; Eilander, Dirk; Ikeuchi, Hiroaki; Baart, Fedor; Winsemius, Hessel C.; 2019. Evaluating the impact of model complexity on flood wave propagation and inundation extent with a hydrologic–hydrodynamic model coupling framework. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19, 1723–1735. 10.5194/nhess-19-1723-2019
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2019Model application 34
Sanyal, Joy; Carbonneau, Patrice; Densmore, Alexander L.; 2013. Hydraulic routing of extreme floods in a large ungauged river and the estimation of associated uncertainties: a case study of the Damodar River, India. Natural Hazards, 66, 1153–1177. 10.1007/s11069-012-0540-7
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2013Model application 35
Hoch, Jannis M.; Eilander, Dirk; Ikeuchi, Hiroaki; Baart, Fedor; Winsemius, Hessel C.; 2019. Integrating large-scale hydrology and hydrodynamics for nested flood hazard modelling from the mountains to the coast. .
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2019Model application 2
Mo, Xingguo; Pappenberger, Florian; Beven, Keith; Liu, Suxia; De Roo, Ad; Lin, Zhonghui; 2006. Parameter conditioning and prediction uncertainties of the LISFLOOD-WB distributed hydrological model. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 51, 45–65. 10.1623/hysj.51.1.45
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2006Model application 30
Cammalleri, Carmelo; Micale, Fabio; Vogt, Jürgen; 2016. A novel soil moisture-based drought severity index (DSI) combining water deficit magnitude and frequency: A Novel Soil Moisture-based Drought Severity Index. Hydrological Processes, 30, 289–301. 10.1002/hyp.10578
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2016Model application 63
Chaabani, Chayma; Chini, Marco; Abdelfattah, Riadh; Hostache, Renaud; Chokmani, Karem; 2018. Flood Mapping in a Complex Environment Using Bistatic TanDEM-X/TerraSAR-X InSAR Coherence. Remote Sensing, 10, 1873. 10.3390/rs10121873
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2018Model application 44
Thirel, G.; Notarnicola, C.; Kalas, M.; Zebisch, M.; Schellenberger, T.; Tetzlaff, A.; Duguay, M.; Mölg, N.; Burek, P.; de Roo, A.; 2012. Assessing the quality of a real-time Snow Cover Area product for hydrological applications. Remote Sensing of Environment, 127, 271–287. 10.1016/j.rse.2012.09.006
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2012Model application 23
Laguardia, G.; Niemeyer, S.; 2008. On the comparison between the LISFLOOD modelled and the ERS/SCAT derived soil moisture estimates. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12, 1339–1351. 10.5194/hess-12-1339-2008
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2008Model application 31
Smith, Alan; Newing, Andy; Quinn, Niall; Martin, David; Cockings, Samantha; Neal, Jeffrey; 2015. Assessing the Impact of Seasonal Population Fluctuation on Regional Flood Risk Management. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4, 1118–1141. 10.3390/ijgi4031118
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2015Model application 13
Liu, Zhu; Merwade, Venkatesh; 2019. Separation and prioritization of uncertainty sources in a raster based flood inundation model using hierarchical Bayesian model averaging. Journal of Hydrology, 578, 124100. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124100
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2019Model application 29
Skinner, Christopher J.; Coulthard, Thomas J.; Parsons, Daniel R.; Ramirez, Jorge A.; Mullen, Liam; Manson, Susan; 2015. Simulating tidal and storm surge hydraulics with a simple 2D inertia based model, in the Humber Estuary, U.K. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 155, 126–136. 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.01.019
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2015Model application 53
Mehrnegar, Nooshin; Jones, Owen; Singer, Michael Bliss; Schumacher, Maike; Bates, Paul; Forootan, Ehsan; 2020. Comparing global hydrological models and combining them with GRACE by dynamic model data averaging (DMDA). Advances in Water Resources, 138, 103528. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2020.103528
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2020Model application 19
Toda, Luigi L.; Yokingco, John Colin E.; Paringit, Enrico C.; Lasco, Rodel D.; 2017. A LiDAR-based flood modelling approach for mapping rice cultivation areas in Apalit, Pampanga. Applied Geography, 80, 34–47. 10.1016/j.apgeog.2016.12.020
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2017Model application 18
Wilson, M. D.; Atkinson, P. M.; 2007. The use of remotely sensed land cover to derive floodplain friction coefficients for flood inundation modelling. Hydrological Processes, 21, 3576–3586. 10.1002/hyp.6584
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2007Model application 22
Hancock, G.R.; J.B.C., Lowry; Coulthard, T.J.; 2015. Catchment reconstruction — erosional stability at millennial time scales using landscape evolution models. Geomorphology, 231, 15–27. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.10.034
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2015Model application 55
Fieman, Dina M.; Attal, Mikaël; Addy, Stephen; 2020. Geomorphic response of a mountain gravel-bed river to an extreme flood in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, , sjg2019–005. 10.1144/sjg2019-005
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2020Model application 5
Fernández-Blanco, R.; Kavvadias, K.; Hidalgo González, I.; 2017. Quantifying the water-power linkage on hydrothermal power systems: A Greek case study. Applied Energy, 203, 240–253. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.06.013
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2017Model application 34
, ; 2014. LISFLOOD 모형을 이용한 파제에 의한 범람면적 비교 평가. 한국습지학회지, 16, 383–392. 10.17663/JWR.2014.16.3.383
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2014Model application 4
Walsh, Peter; Jakeman, Anthony; Thompson, Chris; 2020. Modelling headwater channel response and suspended sediment yield to in-channel large wood using the Caesar-Lisflood landscape evolution model. Geomorphology, 363, 107209. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107209
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2020Model application 4
Sanyal, Joy; Carbonneau, Patrice; Densmore, Alexander L.; 2014. Low-cost inundation modelling at the reach scale with sparse data in the Lower Damodar River basin, India. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59, 2086–2102. 10.1080/02626667.2014.884718
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2014Model application 14
Mo, X.; Beven, K. J.; Liu, S.; Leslie, L. M.; De Roo, A. P. J.; 2005. Long-term water budget estimation with the modified distributed model – LISFLOOD-WB over the Lushi basin, China. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 90, 1–16. 10.1007/s00703-004-0084-9
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2005Model application 15
Zhu, Xuehong; Dai, Qiang; Han, Dawei; Zhuo, Lu; Zhu, Shaonan; Zhang, Shuliang; 2019. Modeling the high-resolution dynamic exposure to flooding in a city region. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 3353–3372. 10.5194/hess-23-3353-2019
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2019Model application 30
Beckers, Brian; Schütt, Brigitta; 2013. The elaborate floodwater harvesting system of ancient Resafa in Syria – Construction and reliability. Journal of Arid Environments, 96, 31–47. 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2013.04.004
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2013Model application 10
Wu, Xushu; Wang, Zhaoli; Guo, Shenglian; Lai, Chengguang; Chen, Xiaohong; 2018. A simplified approach for flood modeling in urban environments. Hydrology Research, 49, 1804–1816. 10.2166/nh.2018.149
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2018Model application 28
Harrigan, Shaun; Zsoter, Ervin; Alfieri, Lorenzo; Prudhomme, Christel; Salamon, Peter; Wetterhall, Fredrik; Barnard, Christopher; Cloke, Hannah; Pappenberger, Florian; 2020. GloFAS-ERA5 operational global river discharge reanalysis 1979–present. .
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2020Model application 177
Hancock, G.R.; Verdon-Kidd, D.; Lowry, J.B.C.; 2017. Sediment output from a post-mining catchment – Centennial impacts using stochastically generated rainfall. Journal of Hydrology, 544, 180–194. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.11.027
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2017Model application 15
Hancock, G.R.; Verdon-Kidd, D.; Lowry, J.B.C.; 2017. Soil erosion predictions from a landscape evolution model – An assessment of a post-mining landform using spatial climate change analogues. Science of The Total Environment, 601, 109–121. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.04.038
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2017Model application 29
Hancock, G.R.; Saynor, M.; Lowry, J.B.C.; Erskine, W.D.; 2020. How to account for particle size effects in a landscape evolution model when there is a wide range of particle sizes. Environmental Modelling & Software, 124, 104582. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.104582
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2020Model application 8
Pappenberger, Florian; Beven, Keith; De Roo, Ad; Thielen, Jutta; Gouweleeuw, Ben; 2004. Uncertainty analysis of the rainfall runoff model LisFlood within the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE). International Journal of River Basin Management, 2, 123–133. 10.1080/15715124.2004.9635227
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2004Model application 22
Trichakis, I.; Burek, P.; de Roo, A.; Pistocchi, A.; 2017. Towards a Pan-European Integrated Groundwater and Surface Water Model: Development and Applications. Environmental Processes, 4, 81–93. 10.1007/s40710-017-0216-0
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2017Model application 15
, ; 2011. 극한홍수 저감을 위한 농경지의 저류지화 방안 연구. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 44, 787–795. 10.3741/JKWRA.2011.44.10.787
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2011Model application 6
Gai, Lingtong; Nunes, João P.; Baartman, Jantiene E.M.; Zhang, Hongming; Wang, Fei; de Roo, Ad; Ritsema, Coen J.; Geissen, Violette; 2019. Assessing the impact of human interventions on floods and low flows in the Wei River Basin in China using the LISFLOOD model. Science of The Total Environment, 653, 1077–1094. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.379
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2019Model application 15
Ziliani, Luca; Surian, Nicola; Botter, Gianluca; Mao, Luca; 2020. Assessment of the geomorphic effectiveness of controlled floods in a braided river using a reduced-complexity numerical model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 3229–3250. 10.5194/hess-24-3229-2020
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2020Model application 15
Bisselink, B.; Zambrano-Bigiarini, M.; Burek, P.; de Roo, A.; 2016. Assessing the role of uncertain precipitation estimates on the robustness of hydrological model parameters under highly variable climate conditions. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 8, 112–129. 10.1016/j.ejrh.2016.09.003
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2016Model application 18
Willis, Thomas; Wright, Nigel; Sleigh, Andrew; 2019. Systematic analysis of uncertainty in 2D flood inundation models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 122, 104520. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.104520
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2019Model application 32
Skinner, Christopher J.; Coulthard, Tom J.; Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Van De Wiel, Marco J.; Hancock, Greg; 2018. Global sensitivity analysis of parameter uncertainty in landscape evolution models. Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 4873–4888. 10.5194/gmd-11-4873-2018
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2018Model application 41
Cammalleri, Carmelo; Vogt, Jürgen; Salamon, Peter; 2016. Development of an operational low-flow index for hydrological drought monitoring over Europe. Hydrological Sciences Journal, , 1–13. 10.1080/02626667.2016.1240869
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2016Model application 39
Van Hateren, Theresa C.; Sutanto, Samuel J.; Van Lanen, Henny A.J.; 2019. Evaluating skill and robustness of seasonal meteorological and hydrological drought forecasts at the catchment scale – Case Catalonia (Spain). Environment International, 133, 105206. 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105206
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2019Model application 20
Sutanto, Samuel Jonson; Vitolo, Claudia; Di Napoli, Claudia; D’Andrea, Mirko; Van Lanen, Henny A.J.; 2020. Heatwaves, droughts, and fires: Exploring compound and cascading dry hazards at the pan-European scale. Environment International, 134, 105276. 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105276
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2020Model application 153
Hoober, David; Svoray, Tal; Cohen, Sagy; 2017. Using a landform evolution model to study ephemeral gullying in agricultural fields: the effects of rainfall patterns on ephemeral gully dynamics: Rainfall Pattern Effects on Ephemeral Gully Dynamics. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42, 1213–1226. 10.1002/esp.4090
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2017Model application 28
Wilson, M.D.; Atkinson, P.M.; 2005. The use of elevation data in flood inundation modelling: A comparison of ERS interferometric SAR and combined contour and differential GPS data. International Journal of River Basin Management, 3, 3–20. 10.1080/15715124.2005.9635241
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2005Model application 24
, ; 2013. LiDAR 고도자료와 LISFLOOD 모형을 이용한 홍수범람해석. 한국지리정보학회지, 16, 1–15. 10.11108/KAGIS.2013.16.4.001
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2013Model application 9
Thirel, G.; Salamon, P.; Burek, P.; Kalas, M.; 2011. Assimilation of MODIS snow cover area data in a distributed hydrological model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 8, 1329–1364. 10.5194/hessd-8-1329-2011
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2011Model application 0
Poeppl, R.E.; Coulthard, T.; Keesstra, S.D.; Keiler, M.; 2019. Modeling the impact of dam removal on channel evolution and sediment delivery in a multiple dam setting. International Journal of Sediment Research, 34, 537–549. 10.1016/j.ijsrc.2019.06.001
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2019Model application 18
Yan, Kun; Neal, Jeffrey C.; Solomatine, Dimitri P.; Di Baldassarre, Giuliano; 2015. Global and Low-Cost Topographic Data to Support Flood Studies. In: (eds.)Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks and Disasters.. 105–123.
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2015Model application 3
Siev, Sokly; Ann, Vannak; Nakamura, Takashi; Fujii, Hideto; Yoshimura, Chihiro; Soleh Setiyawan, A.; Dwi Ariesyady, H.; Nastiti, A.; Roosmini, D.; Sonny Abfertiawan, M.; 2020. Flood mapping under an extreme event in a large shallow lake influenced by flood pulse in Southeast Asia. E3S Web of Conferences, 148, 06004. 10.1051/e3sconf/202014806004
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2020Model application 0
Bove, Gerald; Becker, Austin; Sweeney, Benjamin; Vousdoukas, Michalis; Kulp, Scott; 2020. A method for regional estimation of climate change exposure of coastal infrastructure: Case of USVI and the influence of digital elevation models on assessments. Science of The Total Environment, 710, 136162. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136162
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2020Model application 34
Seenath, Avidesh; 2015. Modelling coastal flood vulnerability: Does spatially-distributed friction improve the prediction of flood extent?. Applied Geography, 64, 97–107. 10.1016/j.apgeog.2015.09.010
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2015Model application 13
Jung, Hahn; Jasinski, Michael; 2015. Sensitivity of a Floodplain Hydrodynamic Model to Satellite-Based DEM Scale and Accuracy: Case Study—The Atchafalaya Basin. Remote Sensing, 7, 7938–7958. 10.3390/rs70607938
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2015Model application 17
Dankers, R.; Feyen, L.; Christensen, O. B.; 2009. On the benefit of high-resolution climate simulations in impact studies of hydrological extremes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 6, 2573–2597. 10.5194/hessd-6-2573-2009
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2009Model application 14
Yu, Wansik; Kim, Yeonsu; Lee, Daeeop; Lee, Giha; 2019. Hydrological assessment of basin development scenarios: Impacts on the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia. Quaternary International, 503, 115–127. 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.09.023
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2019Model application 15
Cammalleri, Carmelo; Vogt, Jürgen V.; Bisselink, Bernard; de Roo, Ad; 2017. Comparing soil moisture anomalies from multiple independent sources over different regions across the globe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 6329–6343. 10.5194/hess-21-6329-2017
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2017Model application 41
Seenath, Avidesh; 2018. Effects of DEM Resolution on Modeling Coastal Flood Vulnerability. Marine Geodesy, 41, 581–604. 10.1080/01490419.2018.1504838
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2018Model application 4
Wilson, M.D.; Atkinson, P.M.; 2003. Sensitivity of a flood inundation model to spatially-distributed friction. . Volume 3.
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2003Model application 5
Lowry, J.B.C.; Narayan, M.; Hancock, G.R.; Evans, K.G.; 2019. Understanding post-mining landforms: Utilising pre-mine geomorphology to improve rehabilitation outcomes. Geomorphology, 328, 93–107. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.11.027
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2019Model application 21
Martínez-Fernández, J.; Almendra-Martín, L.; de Luis, M.; González-Zamora, A.; Herrero-Jiménez, C.; 2019. Tracking tree growth through satellite soil moisture monitoring: A case study of Pinus halepensis in Spain. Remote Sensing of Environment, 235, 111422. 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111422
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2019Model application 11
Xie, Jun; Wang, Ming; Liu, Kai; Coulthard, Tom J.; 2018. Modeling sediment movement and channel response to rainfall variability after a major earthquake. Geomorphology, 320, 18–32. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.07.022
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2018Model application 16
Lowry, John; Coulthard, Tom; Hancock, Gregory; 2013. Assessing the long-term geomorphic stability of a rehabilitated landform using the CAESAR-Lisflood landscape evolution model. . Volume .
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2013Model application 10
Entwistle, Neil; Heritage, George; Milan, David; 2018. Flood energy dissipation in anabranching channels: Flood energy dissipation in anabranching channels. River Research and Applications, 34, 709–720. 10.1002/rra.3299
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2018Model application 15
Adamovic, Marko; Gelati, Emiliano; Bisselink, Berny; Roo, Ad; 2020. Addressing the Water–Energy Nexus by Coupling the Hydrological Model with a New Energy LISENGY Model: A Case Study in the Iberian Peninsula. Water, 12, 762. 10.3390/w12030762
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2020Model application 3
Gouweleeuw, Ben T.; Owe, Manfred; D'Urso, Guido; Thielen, Jutta; de Roo, Ad; Gouweleeuw, Ben T.; Jochum, Anne M.; Cloke, Hannah; Van der Knijff, Johan; Franchello, Gian; 2004. Evaluation of river flow in Europe over the last four decades using ERA40. . Volume .
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2004Model application 2
Emmanuel, Lawin; N’Tcha M’Po, Yèkambèssoun; Biaou, Chabi; Komi, Kossi; Hounguè, Rita; Yao, Kouassi; Afouda, Abel; 2018. Mid-Century Daily Discharge Scenarios Based on Climate and Land Use Change in Ouémé River Basin at Bétérou Outlet. Hydrology, 5, 69. 10.3390/hydrology5040069
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2018Model application 3
Slingerland, Neeltje; Beier, Nicholas; Wilson, Gordon; 2019. Stress testing geomorphic and traditional tailings dam designs for closure using a landscape evolution model. . Volume .
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2019Model application 3
Thomson, Heather; Chandler, Lisa; 2019. Tailings storage facility landform evolution modelling. . Volume .
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2019Model application 2
Gai, Lingtong; 2019. Flood analysis in the Wei River Basin. , , . 10.18174/477522
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2019Model application 0
Desalegn, Ayenew; Demissie, Solomon; Admassu, Seifu; 2016. Extreme Weather and Flood Forecasting and Modelling for Eastern Tana Sub Basin, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. Journal of Waste Water Treatment & Analysis, 7, . 10.4172/2157-7587.1000257
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2016Model application 6
Sampson, Christopher C.; Fewtrell, Timothy J.; Duncan, Alastair; Shaad, Kashif; Horritt, Matthew S.; Bates, Paul D.; 2012. Use of terrestrial laser scanning data to drive decimetric resolution urban inundation models. Advances in Water Resources, 41, 1–17. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.02.010
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2012Model application 137
Md Ali, A.; Solomatine, D. P.; Di Baldassarre, G.; 2015. Assessing the impact of different sources of topographic data on 1-D hydraulic modelling of floods. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 631–643. 10.5194/hess-19-631-2015
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2015Model application 93
Towner, Jamie; Cloke, Hannah L.; Zsoter, Ervin; Flamig, Zachary; Hoch, Jannis M.; Bazo, Juan; Coughlan de Perez, Erin; Stephens, Elisabeth M.; 2019. Assessing the performance of global hydrological models for capturing peak river flows in the Amazon basin. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 3057–3080. 10.5194/hess-23-3057-2019
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2019Model application 52
O'Shea, Thomas; Bates, Paul; Neal, Jeffrey; 2020. Testing the impact of direct and indirect flood warnings on population behaviour using an agent-based model. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20, 2281–2305. 10.5194/nhess-20-2281-2020
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2020Model application 8
Kabir, Syed; Patidar, Sandhya; Xia, Xilin; 2020. A deep convolutional neural network model for rapid prediction of fluvial flood inundation. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125481. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125481
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2020Model application 135
Gelati, Emiliano; Zajac, Zuzanna; Ceglar, Andrej; Bassu, Simona; Bisselink, Bernard; Adamovic, Marko; Bernhard, Jeroen; Malagó, Anna; Pastori, Marco; Bouraoui, Fayçal; de Roo, Ad; 2020. Assessing groundwater irrigation sustainability in the Euro-Mediterranean region with an integrated agro-hydrologic model. Advances in Science and Research, 17, 227–253. 10.5194/asr-17-227-2020
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2020Model application 9
Ramirez, Jorge Alberto; Zischg, Andreas Paul; Schürmann, Stefan; Zimmermann, Markus; Weingartner, Rolf; Coulthard, Tom; Keiler, Margreth; 2020. Modeling the geomorphic response to early river engineering works using CAESAR-Lisflood. Anthropocene, 32, 100266. 10.1016/j.ancene.2020.100266
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2020Model application 9
Siev, Sokly; Paringit, Enrico C.; Yoshimura, Chihiro; Hul, Seingheng; 2019. Modelling inundation patterns and sediment dynamics in the extensive floodplain along the Tonle Sap River. River Research and Applications, 35, 1387–1401. 10.1002/rra.3491
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2019Model application 4
Visa, Ion; Duta, Anca; Stunjek, Goran; Pfeifer, Antun; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; 2020. Analysis of the Water—Power Nexus of the Balkan Peninsula Power System. In: (eds.)Solar Energy Conversion in Communities.. 235–257.
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2020Model application 3
Li, Congrong; Wang, Ming; Liu, Kai; Coulthard, Tom J.; 2020. Landscape evolution of the Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area in response to future climate change. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125244. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125244
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2020Model application 12
Sutanto, Samuel J.; Van Lanen, Henny A. J.; 2020. Streamflow drought: implication of drought definitions and its application for drought forecasting. .
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2020Model application 26
Duo, Enrico; Fernández-Montblanc, Tomas; Armaroli, Clara; 2020. Semi-probabilistic coastal flood impact analysis: From deterministic hazards to multi-damage model impacts. Environment International, 143, 105884. 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105884
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2020Model application 5
Collins, Sarah L.; Christelis, Vasileios; Jackson, Christopher R.; Mansour, Majdi M.; Macdonald, David M.J.; Barkwith, Andrew K.A.P.; 2020. Towards integrated flood inundation modelling in groundwater-dominated catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 591, 125755. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125755
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2020Model application 6
Ekeu-wei, Iguniwari Thomas; Blackburn, George Alan; 2020. Catchment-Scale Flood Modelling in Data-Sparse Regions Using Open-Access Geospatial Technology. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9, 512. 10.3390/ijgi9090512
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2020Model application 8
Yang, Quntao; Zhang, Shuliang; Dai, Qiang; Yao, Rui; 2020. Improved Framework for Assessing Vulnerability to Different Types of Urban Floods. Sustainability, 12, 7668. 10.3390/su12187668
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2020Model application 11
Lyddon, Charlotte E.; Brown, Jennifer M.; Leonardi, Nicoletta; Plater, Andrew J.; 2020. Sensitivity of Flood Hazard and Damage to Modelling Approaches. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, 724. 10.3390/jmse8090724
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2020Model application 4
Zhu, Shaonan; Dai, Qiang; Zhao, Binru; Shao, Jiaqi; 2020. Assessment of Population Exposure to Urban Flood at the Building Scale. Water, 12, 3253. 10.3390/w12113253
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2020Model application 16
Sutanto, Samuel Jonson; Van Lanen, Henny A. J.; 2020. Hydrological Drought Characteristics Based on Groundwater and Runoff Across Europe. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 383, 281–290. 10.5194/piahs-383-281-2020
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2020Model application 10
, ; 2020. Modelling sediment storage times in alluvial floodplains. , , . 10.17638/03083202
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2020Model application 0
Irawan, Amir M.; Marfai, Muh A.; Nugraheni, Imma R.; Gustono, Sandy T.; Rejeki, Hasti A.; Widodo, Anton; Mahmudiah, Rikha R.; Faridatunnisa, Maritsa; 2021. Comparison between averaged and localised subsidence measurements for coastal floods projection in 2050 Semarang, Indonesia. Urban Climate, 35, 100760. 10.1016/j.uclim.2020.100760
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2021Model application 19
Zhao, Jie; Pelich, Ramona; Hostache, Renaud; Matgen, Patrick; Wagner, Wolfgang; Chini, Marco; 2021. A large-scale 2005–2012 flood map record derived from ENVISAT-ASAR data: United Kingdom as a test case. Remote Sensing of Environment, 256, 112338. 10.1016/j.rse.2021.112338
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2021Model application 19
Skinner, Christopher J.; Peleg, Nadav; Quinn, Niall; Coulthard, Tom J.; Molnar, Peter; Freer, Jim; 2020. The impact of different rainfall products on landscape modelling simulations. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45, 2512–2523. 10.1002/esp.4894
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2020Model application 9
Dottori, Francesco; Alfieri, Lorenzo; Bianchi, Alessandra; Skoien, Jon; Salamon, Peter; 2021. A new dataset of river flood hazard maps for Europe and the Mediterranean Basin region. Earth System Science Data Discussions, , 1–35. 10.5194/essd-2020-313
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2021Model application 15
Lyddon, C.; 2020. Quantifying the impacts of uncertainties in coastal hazard modelling. , , . 10.17638/03091459
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2020Model application 0
Harrigan, Shaun; Zsoter, Ervin; Alfieri, Lorenzo; Prudhomme, Christel; Salamon, Peter; Wetterhall, Fredrik; Barnard, Christopher; Cloke, Hannah; Pappenberger, Florian; 2020. GloFAS-ERA5 operational global river discharge reanalysis 1979-present. .
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2020Model application 177
Shaw, James; Kesserwani, Georges; Neal, Jeffrey; Bates, Paul; Sharifian, Mohammad Kazem; 2021. LISFLOOD-FP 8.0: the new discontinuous Galerkin shallow-water solver for multi-core CPUs and GPUs. Geoscientific Model Development, 14, 3577–3602. 10.5194/gmd-14-3577-2021
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2021Model application 47
Pavičević, Matija; De Felice, Matteo; Busch, Sebastian; Hidalgo González, Ignacio; Quoilin, Sylvain; 2021. Water-energy nexus in African power pools – The Dispa-SET Africa model. Energy, 228, 120623. 10.1016/
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2021Model application 14
Malgwi, Mark Bawa; Ramirez, Jorge Alberto; Zischg, Andreas; Zimmermann, Markus; Schürmann, Stefan; Keiler, Margreth; 2021. A method to reconstruct flood scenarios using field interviews and hydrodynamic modelling: application to the 2017 Suleja and Tafa, Nigeria flood. Natural Hazards, , . 10.1007/s11069-021-04756-z
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2021Model application 4
Jafarzadegan, Keighobad; Abbaszadeh, Peyman; Moradkhani, Hamid; 2021. Sequential Data Assimilation for Real-Time Probabilistic Flood Inundation Mapping. .
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2021Model application 36
Peleg, Nadav; Skinner, Chris; Ramirez, Jorge Alberto; Molnar, Peter; 2021. Rainfall spatial-heterogeneity accelerates landscape evolution processes. Geomorphology, 390, 107863. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107863
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2021Model application 17
Wong, Jefferson S.; Freer, Jim E.; Bates, Paul D.; Warburton, Jeff; Coulthard, Tom J.; 2021. Assessing the hydrological and geomorphic behaviour of a landscape evolution model within a limits‐of‐acceptability uncertainty analysis framework. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46, 1981–2003. 10.1002/esp.5140
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2021Model application 7
Winkelbauer, Susanna; Mayer, Michael; Seitner, Vanessa; Zsoter, Ervin; Zuo, Hao; Haimberger, Leopold; 2021. Diagnostic evaluation of river discharge into the Arctic Ocean and its impact on oceanic volume transports. .
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2021Model application 11
Zambrano, Fernando Campo; Kobiyama, Masato; Pereira, Marco Alésio Figueiredo; Michel, Gean Paulo; Fan, Fernando Mainardi; 2020. Influence of different sources of topographic data on flood mapping: urban area São Vendelino municipality, southern Brazil. RBRH, 25, e40. 10.1590/2318-0331.252020190108
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2020Model application 3
Karamouz, M.; Mahani, F. Fooladi; 2021. DEM Uncertainty Based Coastal Flood Inundation Modeling Considering Water Quality Impacts. Water Resources Management, 35, 3083–3103. 10.1007/s11269-021-02849-9
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2021Model application 13
Sun, Qinke; Fang, Jiayi; Dang, Xuewei; Xu, Kepeng; Fang, Yongqiang; Li, Xia; Liu, Min; 2021. Multi-scenario urban flood risk assessment by integrating future land use change models and hydrodynamic models. .
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2021Model application 11
Hut, Rolf; Drost, Niels; van de Giesen, Nick; van Werkhoven, Ben; Abdollahi, Banafsheh; Aerts, Jerom; Albers, Thomas; 2021. The eWaterCycle platform for Open and FAIR Hydrological collaboration. .
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2021Model application 18
Dazzi, Susanna; Shustikova, Iuliia; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Castellarin, Attilio; Vacondio, Renato; 2021. Comparison of two modelling strategies for 2D large-scale flood simulations. Environmental Modelling & Software, 146, 105225. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105225
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2021Model application 21
Vanham, Davy; Alfieri, Lorenzo; Flörke, Martina; Grimaldi, Stefania; Lorini, Valerio; de Roo, Ad; Feyen, Luc; 2021. The number of people exposed to water stress in relation to how much water is reserved for the environment: a global modelling study. The Lancet Planetary Health, 5, e766–e774. 10.1016/S2542-5196(21)00234-5
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2021Model application 19
Jafarzadegan, Keighobad; Alipour, Atieh; Gavahi, Keyhan; Moftakhari, Hamed; Moradkhani, Hamid; 2021. Toward improved river boundary conditioning for simulation of extreme floods. Advances in Water Resources, 158, 104059. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2021.104059
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2021Model application 15
Wilson, Matthew D.; Coulthard, Thomas J.; 2021. Tracing and visualisation of contributing water sources in the LISFLOOD-FP model of flood inundation. .
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2021Model application 0
Gioia, Dario; Schiattarella, Marcello; 2020. Modeling Short-Term Landscape Modification and Sedimentary Budget Induced by Dam Removal: Insights from LEM Application. Applied Sciences, 10, 7697. 10.3390/app10217697
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2020Model application 7
Makungu, E.; Hughes, D.A.; 2021. Understanding and modelling the effects of wetland on the hydrology and water resources of large African river basins. Journal of Hydrology, 603, 127039. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127039
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2021Model application 14
Zare, Mohammad; Schumann, Guy J.-P.; Teferle, Felix Norman; Mansorian, Ruja; 2021. Generating Flood Hazard Maps Based on an Innovative Spatial Interpolation Methodology for Precipitation. Atmosphere, 12, 1336. 10.3390/atmos12101336
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2021Model application 4
Xu, Kepeng; Fang, Jiayi; Fang, Yongqiang; Sun, Qinke; Wu, Chengbo; Liu, Min; 2021. The Importance of Digital Elevation Model Selection in Flood Simulation and a Proposed Method to Reduce DEM Errors: A Case Study in Shanghai. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 12, 890–902. 10.1007/s13753-021-00377-z
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2021Model application 50
Asinya, Enah Asinya; Alam, Md Jobair Bin; 2021. Flood Risk in Rivers: Climate Driven or Morphological Adjustment. Earth Systems and Environment, 5, 861–871. 10.1007/s41748-021-00257-y
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2021Model application 7
Wu, Minghao; Wu, Hong; Warner, Andrew T.; Li, Hao; Liu, Zhicheng; 2021. Informing Environmental Flow Planning through Landscape Evolution Modeling in Heavily Modified Urban Rivers in China. Water, 13, 3244. 10.3390/w13223244
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2021Model application 3
Xie, Jun; Coulthard, Tom J.; McLelland, Stuart J.; 2022. Modelling the impact of seismic triggered landslide location on basin sediment yield, dynamics and connectivity. Geomorphology, 398, 108029. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.108029
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2022Model application 7
Kristianto, Aries; Efendi, Usman; 2021. Prediksi spasio temporal rob berbasis model LISFLOOD FP di Pesisir Jakarta.. Majalah Geografi Indonesia, 35, . 10.22146/mgi.66594
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2021Model application 0
Efendi, Usman; Kristianto, Aries; Pratama, Bayu Edo; 2021. Respon Hujan Lebat dan Kenaikan Tinggi Muka Laut Terhadap Prediksi Luasan Banjir Rob di Semarang (Studi Kasus Tanggal 3 – 5 Desember 2018). Jurnal Kelautan Nasional, 16, 157. 10.15578/jkn.v16i3.9634
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2021Model application 1
O'Loughlin, F.E.; Neal, J.; Schumann, G.J.P.; Beighley, E.; Bates, P.D.; 2020. A LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model of the middle reach of the Congo. Journal of Hydrology, 580, 124203. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124203
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2020Model application 45
Shustikova, Iuliia; Neal, Jeffrey C.; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Bates, Paul D.; Vorogushyn, Sergiy; Castellarin, Attilio; 2020. Levee Breaching: A New Extension to the LISFLOOD-FP Model. Water, 12, 942. 10.3390/w12040942
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2020Model application 20
LISFLOOD Developers; 2020. LISFLOOD-FP 8.0 hydrodynamic model. , , .
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2020Model application 4
Wood, Melissa; Hostache, Renaud; Neal, Jeffrey; Wagener, Thorsten; Giustarini, Laura; Chini, Marco; Corato, Giovani; Matgen, Patrick; Bates, Paul; 2016. Calibration of channel depth and friction parameters in the LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model using medium-resolution SAR data and identifiability techniques. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20, 4983–4997. 10.5194/hess-20-4983-2016
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2016Model application 96
Wood, M.; Hostache, R.; Neal, J.; Wagener, T.; Giustarini, L.; Chini, M.; Corato, G.; Matgen, P.; Bates, P.; 2016. Calibration of channel depth and friction parameters in the LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model using medium resolution SAR data. .
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2016Model application 96
Coulthard, Tom J.; Neal, Jeff C.; Bates, Paul D.; Ramirez, Jorge; de Almeida, Gustavo A. M.; Hancock, Greg R.; 2013. Integrating the LISFLOOD-FP 2D hydrodynamic model with the CAESAR model: implications for modelling landscape evolution: INTEGRATING HYDRODYNAMICS IN LANDSCAPE EVOLUTION MODELS. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38, 1897–1906. 10.1002/esp.3478
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2013Model application 235
Jeon, Ho-Seong; Kim, Ji-sung; Kim, Kyu Ho; Hong, il; 2016. Application of the LISFLOOD-FP model for flood stage prediction on the lower mankyung river. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 49, 459–467. 10.3741/JKWRA.2016.49.6.459
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2016Model application 0
European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen.; 2013. LISFLOOD, distributed water balance and flood simulation model :revised user manual 2013.. In: (eds.).. .
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2013Model application 113
Sosa, Jeison; Sampson, Christopher; Smith, Andrew; Neal, Jeffrey; Bates, Paul; 2020. A toolbox to quickly prepare flood inundation models for LISFLOOD-FP simulations. Environmental Modelling & Software, 123, 104561. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.104561
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2020Model application 30
European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability.; 2013. LISVAP, evaporation pre-processor for the LISFLOOD water balance and flood simulation model :revised user manual.. In: (eds.).. .
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2013Model application 14
Shustikova, Iuliia; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Neal, Jeffrey C.; Bates, Paul; Castellarin, Attilio; 2019. Comparing 2D capabilities of HEC-RAS and LISFLOOD-FP on complex topography. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 64, 1769–1782. 10.1080/02626667.2019.1671982
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2019Model application 89
Amarnath, G.; Umer, Y. M.; Alahacoon, N.; Inada, Y.; 2015. Modelling the flood-risk extent using LISFLOOD-FP in a complex watershed: case study of Mundeni Aru River Basin, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 370, 131–138. 10.5194/piahs-370-131-2015
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2015Model application 22
Cantoni i Gomez, Elia; Tramblay, Yves; Dakhlaoui, Hamouda; Thiemig, Vera; Salamon, Peter; 2021. Flood modelling in Tunisia: On the suitability of a large-scale hydrological model for flood forecasting at basin scale. .
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2021Model application 0
Ceola, Serena; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Schumann, Guy J. P.; 2022. Unraveling Long-Term Flood Risk Dynamics Across the Murray-Darling Basin Using a Large-Scale Hydraulic Model and Satellite Data. Frontiers in Water, 3, 797259. 10.3389/frwa.2021.797259
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2022Model application 3
Koohi, Sakineh; Azizian, Asghar; Brocca, Luca; 2021. Calibration of a Distributed Hydrological Model (VIC-3L) Based On Global Water Resources Reanalysis Dataset. .
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2021Model application 0
Liu, Z.; Merwade, V.; Jafarzadegan, K.; 2019. Investigating the role of model structure and surface roughness in generating flood inundation extents using one- and two-dimensional hydraulic models. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 12, e12347. 10.1111/jfr3.12347
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2019Model application 124
Neal, J.; Schumann, G.; Fewtrell, T.; Budimir, M.; Bates, P.; Mason, D.; 2011. Evaluating a new LISFLOOD-FP formulation with data from the summer 2007 floods in Tewkesbury, UK: Evaluating a new LISFLOOD-FP formulation. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 4, 88–95. 10.1111/j.1753-318X.2011.01093.x
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2011Model application 134
Kabuya, Pierre; Hughes, Denis; Tshimanga, Raphael; Trigg, Mark; 2020. Understanding factors influencing the wetland parameters of a monthly rainfall-runoff model in the Upper Congo River basin. .
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2020Model application 4
Coxon, Gemma; Milsom, Robert; Neal, Jeff; 2020. Estimating out-of-bank discharge uncertainties using a hydrodynamic model and nationally available datasets. .
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2020Model application 0
Hoch, Jannis; Eilander, Dirk; Ikeuchi, Hiroaki; 2020. How model selection can determine flood risk estimates – a case study in the Ganges basin using the GLOFRIM framework. .
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2020Model application 0
Pearson, Eleanor; Carrivick, Jonathan; Lamb, Rob; 2020. Implementation of runoff attenuation features into a landscape evolution model for the assessment of the impact on catchment sediment dynamics. .
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2020Model application 0
Neal, Jeffrey; Schumann, Guy; Bates, Paul; 2012. A subgrid channel model for simulating river hydraulics and floodplain inundation over large and data sparse areas: FLOODPLAIN INUNDATION OVER LARGE AREAS. Water Resources Research, 48, . 10.1029/2012WR012514
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2012Model application 394
Thomas Steven Savage, James; Pianosi, Francesca; Bates, Paul; Freer, Jim; Wagener, Thorsten; 2016. Quantifying the importance of spatial resolution and other factors through global sensitivity analysis of a flood inundation model: GSA OF A FLOOD INUNDATION MODEL. Water Resources Research, 52, 9146–9163. 10.1002/2015WR018198
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2016Model application 105
O'Shea, Thomas; Bates, Paul; Neal, Jeffrey; 2019. An agent-based model for flood risk warning. .
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2019Model application 2
Wong, Jefferson S.; Freer, Jim E.; Bates, Paul D.; Sear, David A.; Stephens, Elisabeth M.; 2015. Sensitivity of a hydraulic model to channel erosion uncertainty during extreme flooding: SENSITIVITY OF A HYDRAULIC MODEL TO CHANNEL EROSION UNCERTAINTY. Hydrological Processes, 29, 261–279. 10.1002/hyp.10148
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2015Model application 34
Jafarzadegan, Keighobad; Abbaszadeh, Peyman; Moradkhani, Hamid; 2021. Sequential Data Assimilation for Real-Time Probabilistic Flood Inundation Mapping. .
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2021Model application 36
Stephens, Elisabeth; Bates, Paul; 2015. Assessing the reliability of probabilistic flood inundation model predictions: Reliability of Probabilistic Flood Inundation Predictions. Hydrological Processes, 29, 4264–4283. 10.1002/hyp.10451
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2015Model application 13
Skøien, Jon Olav; Bogner, Konrad; Salamon, Peter; Wetterhall, Fredrik; 2021. On the implementation of post-processing of runoff forecast ensembles. Journal of Hydrometeorology, , . 10.1175/JHM-D-21-0008.1
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2021Model application 3
De Roo, Ad; Trichakis, Ioannis; Bisselink, Berny; Gelati, Emiliano; Pistocchi, Alberto; Gawlik, Bernd; 2021. The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in the Mediterranean: Current Issues and Future Challenges. Frontiers in Climate, 3, 782553. 10.3389/fclim.2021.782553
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2021Model application 7
Bessar, M. A.; Choné, G.; Lavoie, A.; Buffin-Bélanger, T.; Biron, P. M.; Matte, P.; Anctil, F.; 2021. Comparative analysis of local and large-scale approaches to floodplain mapping: a case study of the Chaudière River. Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, 46, 194–206. 10.1080/07011784.2021.1961610
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2021Model application 3
Archer, Leanne; Neal, Jeffrey; Bates, Paul; Vosper, Emily; Mitchell, Dann; 2021. Assessing current and future flood risk estimates associated with hurricane rainfall under the 1.5°C and 2°C Paris Agreement goals in Puerto Rico. .
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2021Model application 0
Palau, Rosa M; Hürlimann, Marcel; Berenguer, Marc; Sempere-Torres, Daniel; 2021. Towards the use of hydrometeorological thresholds for the regional-scale LEWS of Catalonia (NE Spain).. .
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2021Model application 1
Van Lanen, Henny A.J.; Sutanto, Samuel J.; 2021. Implication of multi drought definitions to identify streamflow drought across Europe. .
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2021Model application 0
Winkelbauer, Susanna; Mayer, Michael; Seitner, Vanessa; Zsoter, Ervin; Zuo, Hao; Haimberger, Leopold; 2022. Diagnostic evaluation of river discharge into the Arctic Ocean and its impact on oceanic volume transports. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26, 279–304. 10.5194/hess-26-279-2022
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2022Model application 11
Harrigan, Shaun; Zsoter, Ervin; Alfieri, Lorenzo; Prudhomme, Christel; Salamon, Peter; Wetterhall, Fredrik; Barnard, Christopher; Cloke, Hannah; Pappenberger, Florian; 2020. GloFAS-ERA5 operational global river discharge reanalysis 1979–present. .
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2020Model application 92
Cammalleri, C.; Barbosa, P.; Vogt, J. V.; 2020. Evaluating simulated daily discharge for operational hydrological drought monitoring in the Global Drought Observatory (GDO). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65, 1316–1325. 10.1080/02626667.2020.1747623
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2020Model application 10
Grimaldi, S.; Schumann, G. J.‐P.; Shokri, A.; Walker, J. P.; Pauwels, V. R. N.; 2019. Challenges, Opportunities, and Pitfalls for Global Coupled Hydrologic‐Hydraulic Modeling of Floods. Water Resources Research, 55, 5277–5300. 10.1029/2018WR024289
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2019Model application 45
Cammalleri, Carmelo; Naumann, Gustavo; Mentaschi, Lorenzo; Bisselink, Bernard; Gelati, Emiliano; De Roo, Ad; Feyen, Luc; 2020. Diverging hydrological drought traits over Europe with global warming. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 5919–5935. 10.5194/hess-24-5919-2020
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2020Model application 27
Sutanto, Samuel J.; Van Lanen, Henny A. J.; 2020. Streamflow drought: implication of drought definitions and its application for drought forecasting. .
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2020Model application 26
Van Lanen, Henny A.J.; Van Hateren, Theresa C.; Sutanto, Samuel J.; 2020. Evaluating skill and robustness of seasonal meteorological and hydrological drought forecasts at the catchment scale – Case Catalonia (Spain). .
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2020Model application 20
Hunter, N. M.; Bates, P. D.; Neelz, S.; Pender, G.; Villanueva, I.; Wright, N. G.; Liang, D.; Falconer, R. A.; Lin, B.; Waller, S.; Crossley, A. J.; Mason, D. C.; 2008. Benchmarking 2D hydraulic models for urban flooding. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management, 161, 13–30. 10.1680/wama.2008.161.1.13
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2008Model application 375
Ekeu-wei, Iguniwari Thomas; Blackburn, Alan George; 2020. Catchment-Scale Flood Modelling in Data-Sparse Regions Using Open-Access Geospatial Technology. .
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2020Model application 8
Waldo, Lavado-Casimiro; Juan Carlos, Jimenez; Harold, Llauca; Karen, Leon; Clara, Oria; Alan, Llacza; Adrian, Huerta; Oscar, Felipe; Julia, Acuña; Pedro, Rau; Jorge, Abad; 2020. ANDES: The first system for flash flood monitoring and forecasting in Peru. .
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2020Model application 0
Malgwi, Mark Bawa; Ramirez, Jorge Alberto; Zischg, Andreas; Zimmermann, Markus; Schürmann, Stefan; Keiler, Margreth; 2020. Reconstructing floods in small-medium scale data-scarce catchments using field interview data and hydrodynamic modelling. .
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2020Model application 0
Romanov, A.V.; Yachmenova, M.V.; 2020. Feedback structure and EFAS flood warning verification for the rivers in the northwestern Russian Federation. Hydrometeorological research and forecasting, 4, 96–109. 10.37162/2618-9631-2020-4-96-109
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2020Model application 0
Skøien, Jon Olav; Salamon, Peter; Wetterhall, Fredrik; 2020. Will post-processing always improve my forecasts?. .
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2020Model application 0
Towner, Jamie; Cloke, Hannah L.; Zsoter, Ervin; Flamig, Zachary; Hoch, Jannis M.; Bazo, Juan; Coughlan de Perez, Erin; Stephens, Elisabeth M.; 2019. Assessing the performance of global hydrological models for capturing peak river flows in the Amazon Basin. .
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2019Model application 52
Grimaldi, S.; Li, Y.; Walker, J. P.; Pauwels, V. R. N.; 2018. Effective Representation of River Geometry in Hydraulic Flood Forecast Models. Water Resources Research, 54, 1031–1057. 10.1002/2017WR021765
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2018Model application 47
Savage, James Thomas Steven; Bates, Paul; Freer, Jim; Neal, Jeffrey; Aronica, Giuseppe; 2016. When does spatial resolution become spurious in probabilistic flood inundation predictions?: When Spatial Resolution Becomes Spurious in Probabilistic Flood Maps. Hydrological Processes, 30, 2014–2032. 10.1002/hyp.10749
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2016Model application 108
Di Baldassarre, Giuliano; Schumann, Guy; Bates, Paul D.; Freer, Jim E.; Beven, Keith J.; 2010. Flood-plain mapping: a critical discussion of deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55, 364–376. 10.1080/02626661003683389
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2010Model application 236
Rudorff, Conrado M.; Melack, John M.; Bates, Paul D.; 2014. Flooding dynamics on the lower Amazon floodplain: 1. Hydraulic controls on water elevation, inundation extent, and river-floodplain discharge: HYDRAULIC CONTROLS OF FLOODING ON THE LOWER AMAZON. Water Resources Research, 50, 619–634. 10.1002/2013WR014091
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2014Model application 95
Ozdemir, H.; Sampson, C. C.; de Almeida, G. A. M.; Bates, P. D.; 2013. Evaluating scale and roughness effects in urban flood modelling using terrestrial LIDAR data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 4015–4030. 10.5194/hess-17-4015-2013
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2013Model application 95
Hoch, Jannis M.; Neal, Jeffrey C.; Baart, Fedor; van Beek, Rens; Winsemius, Hessel C.; Bates, Paul D.; Bierkens, Marc F. P.; 2017. GLOFRIM v1.0 – A globally applicable computational framework for integrated hydrological–hydrodynamic modelling. Geoscientific Model Development, 10, 3913–3929. 10.5194/gmd-10-3913-2017
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2017Model application 34
Archer, L.; Neal, J. C.; Bates, P. D.; House, J. I.; 2018. Comparing TanDEM‐X Data With Frequently Used DEMs for Flood Inundation Modeling. Water Resources Research, 54, . 10.1029/2018WR023688
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2018Model application 36
Rudorff, Conrado M.; Melack, John M.; Bates, Paul D.; 2014. Flooding dynamics on the lower Amazon floodplain: 2. Seasonal and interannual hydrological variability: LOWER AMAZON FLOODPLAIN HYDROLOGICAL VARIABILITY. Water Resources Research, 50, 635–649. 10.1002/2013WR014714
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2014Model application 64
Haas, Julian; Sharifi, Ehsan; Salamon, Peter; Güntner, Andreas; 2021. Monthly surface water storage from a global rainfall-runoff model for signal separation of GRACE-based terrestrial water storage variations. .
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2021Model application 0
Fewtrell, T. J.; Bates, P. D.; Horritt, M.; Hunter, N. M.; 2008. Evaluating the effect of scale in flood inundation modelling in urban environments. Hydrological Processes, 22, 5107–5118. 10.1002/hyp.7148
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2008Model application 212
Wilson, Matthew; Bates, Paul; Alsdorf, Doug; Forsberg, Bruce; Horritt, Matthew; Melack, John; Frappart, Frédéric; Famiglietti, James; 2007. Modeling large-scale inundation of Amazonian seasonally flooded wetlands: A 2D HYDRODYNAMIC MODEL OF THE AMAZON. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, . 10.1029/2007GL030156
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2007Model application 251
Sutanto, Samuel Jonson; Vitolo, Claudia; Di Napoli, Claudia; D'Andrea, Mirko; Van Lanen, Henny; 2020. Droughts, heatwaves, and wildfires: exploring compound and cascading events of dry hazards at the pan-European scale. .
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2020Model application 0
European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability.; 2013. EFAS-Meteo: a European daily high resolution gridded meteorological data set for 1990 2011.. In: (eds.).. .
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2013Model application 39
Fewtrell, Timothy J.; Neal, Jeffrey C.; Bates, Paul D.; Harrison, Peter J.; 2011. Geometric and structural river channel complexity and the prediction of urban inundation. Hydrological Processes, 25, 3173–3186. 10.1002/hyp.8035
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2011Model application 72
Lewis, Matt; Horsburgh, Kevin; Bates, Paul; Smith, Ros; 2011. Quantifying the Uncertainty in Future Coastal Flood Risk Estimates for the U.K. Journal of Coastal Research, 276, 870–881. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-10-00147.1
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2011Model application 67
Jung, Hahn Chul; Jasinski, Michael; Kim, Jin-Woo; Shum, C. K.; Bates, Paul; Neal, Jeffrey; Lee, Hyongki; Alsdorf, Doug; 2012. Calibration of two-dimensional floodplain modeling in the central Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System using SAR interferometry: ATCHAFALAYA FLOODPLAIN MODELING WITH INSAR CALIBRATION. Water Resources Research, 48, . 10.1029/2012WR011951
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2012Model application 49
European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability.; 2012. A multi-criteria optimisation of scenarios for the protection of water resources in Europe: support to the EU blueprint to safeguard Europe’s waters.. In: (eds.).. .
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2012Model application 37
Hunter, N. M.; Bates, P. D.; Horritt, M. S.; De Roo, A. P. J.; Werner, M. G. F.; 2005. Utility of different data types for calibrating flood inundation models within a GLUE framework. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, 412–430. 10.5194/hess-9-412-2005
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2005Model application 131
Luke, Adam; Kaplan, Brad; Neal, Jeff; Lant, Jeremiah; Sanders, Brett; Bates, Paul; Alsdorf, Doug; 2015. Hydraulic modeling of the 2011 New Madrid Floodway activation: a case study on floodway activation controls. Natural Hazards, 77, 1863–1887. 10.1007/s11069-015-1680-3
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2015Model application 21
Zhu, Xuehong; Dai, Qiang; Han, Dawei; Zhuo, Lu; Zhu, Shaonan; Zhang, Shuliang; 2018. Modelling the high-resolution dynamic exposure to flood in city-region. .
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2018Model application 0
Ridolfi, E.; Yan, K.; Alfonso, L.; Di Baldassarre, G.; Napolitano, F.; Russo, F.; Bates, Paul D.; 2012. An entropy method for floodplain monitoring network design. . Volume .
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2012Model application 11
Bódis, Katalin; 2009. Development of a data set for continental hydrologic modelling : input layers related to topography, channel geometry, land cover and soil characteristics of European and African river basins. In: (eds.).. .
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2009Model application 8
Samuels, Paul; Huntington, Stephen; Allsop, William; Harrop, Jackie; 2008. Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice: Extended Abstracts Volume (332 pages) + full paper CD-ROM (1772 pages). In: (eds.).. .
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2008Model application 9
Rajib, Adnan; Liu, Zhu; Merwade, Venkatesh; Tavakoly, Ahmad A.; Follum, Michael L.; 2020. Towards a large-scale locally relevant flood inundation modeling framework using SWAT and LISFLOOD-FP. Journal of Hydrology, 581, 124406. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124406
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2020Model application 74
Wolstenholme, Josh; Skinner, Christopher; Milan, David; Parsons, Daniel; 2021. Geomorphological numerical modelling of woody dams in CAESAR-Lisflood. .
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2021Model application 0
Shaw, James; Kesserwani, Georges; Neal, Jeffrey; Bates, Paul; Sharifian, Mohammad Kazem; 2020. LISFLOOD-FP 8.0: the new discontinuous Galerkin shallow water solver for multi-core CPUs and GPUs. .
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2020Model application 47
Feeney, Christopher J.; Chiverrell, Richard C.; Smith, Hugh G.; Hooke, Janet M.; Cooper, James R.; 2020. Modelling the decadal dynamics of reach‐scale river channel evolution and floodplain turnover in CAESAR‐Lisflood. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45, 1273–1291. 10.1002/esp.4804
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2020Model application 23
Sosa, Jeison; Sampson, Christopher; Smith, Andrew; Neal, Jeffrey; Bates, Paul; 2020. A toolbox to quickly prepare flood inundation models for LISFLOOD-FP simulations. .
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2020Model application 30
Rahimzadeh, Omid; Bahremand, Abdolreza; Noura, Nader; Mukolwe, Micah; 2019. Evaluating flood extent mapping of two hydraulic models, 1D HEC‐RAS and 2D LISFLOOD‐FP in comparison with aerial imagery observations in Gorgan flood plain, Iran. Natural Resource Modeling, 32, . 10.1111/nrm.12214
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2019Model application 3
Chen, Mengye; Li, Zhi; Gao, Shang; Luo, Xiangyu; Wing, Oliver E. J.; Shen, Xinyi; Gourley, Jonathan J.; Kolar, Randall L.; Hong, Yang; 2021. A comprehensive flood inundation mapping for Hurricane Harvey using an integrated hydrological and hydraulic model. Journal of Hydrometeorology, , . 10.1175/JHM-D-20-0218.1
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2021Model application 13
Chen, Si; Yang, Sheng-mei; Ma, Kun; 2018. Study on the Runoff Simulation of Urban Rainstorm Based on SCS Model. DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, , . 10.12783/dtcse/pcmm2018/23690
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2018Model application 0
Hut, Rolf; Drost, Niels; Aerts, Jerom; Bouaziz, Laurene; van Verseveld, Willem; Jagers, Bert; Baart, Fedor; Hoch, Jannis; Melsen, Lieke; Bennett, Andrew; Arnal, Lousie; Fenicia, Fabrizio; Santos, Leonard; Gelati, Emiliano; dal Molin, Marco; Knoben, Wouter; Gharari, Shervan; Hall, Caitlyn; Hutton, Eric; 2021. Comparing impact of ERA5 vs ERAInterim on hydrology using the eWaterCycle Open Hydrological Platform. .
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2021Model application 1
Alidoost, Fakhereh; Aerts, Jerom; Andela, Bouwe; Camphuijsen, Jaro; van De Giesen, Nick; van Den Oord, Gijs; Drost, Niels; Hut, Rolf; Kalverla, Peter; Pelupessy, Inti; van Werkhoven, Ben; Smeets, Stef; Verhoeven, Stefan; 2021. Preprocessing of hydrological models’ input in eWaterCycle with ESMValTool. .
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2021Model application 0
Kezhkepurath Gangadhara, Kiran; Venkata Vemavarapu, Srinivas; 2020. Probabilistic Flood Hazard Maps at Ungauged Locations Using Multivariate Extreme Values Approach. .
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2020Model application 0
Hatchard, Simbi; Bates, Paul; Pianosi, Francesca; Williamson, Sam; 2020. Estimating Optimal Small Hydropower Portfolios in Data Scarce Southern African Regions. .
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2020Model application 0
Gioia; Lazzari; 2019. Testing the Prediction Ability of LEM-Derived Sedimentary Budget in an Upland Catchment of the Southern Apennines, Italy: A Source to Sink Approach. Water, 11, 911. 10.3390/w11050911
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2019Model application 7
Sampson, Christopher C.; Bates, Paul D.; Neal, Jeffrey C.; Horritt, Matthew S.; 2013. An automated routing methodology to enable direct rainfall in high resolution shallow water models: DIRECT RAINFALL IN HIGH RESOLUTION SHALLOW WATER MODELS. Hydrological Processes, 27, 467–476. 10.1002/hyp.9515
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2013Model application 49
Knight, P. J.; Prime, T.; Brown, J. M.; Morrissey, K.; Plater, A. J.; 2015. Application of flood risk modelling in a web-based geospatial decision support tool for coastal adaptation to climate change. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15, 1457–1471. 10.5194/nhess-15-1457-2015
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2015Model application 30
di Baldassarre, G.; Yan, K.; Ferdous, Md. R.; Brandimarte, L.; 2014. The interplay between human population dynamics and flooding in Bangladesh: a spatial analysis. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 364, 188–191. 10.5194/piahs-364-188-2014
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2014Model application 19
European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability; 2008. Early flash flood warning : a feasibility study with a distributed hydrological model and threshold exceedance. In: (eds.).. .
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2008Model application 3
Maskell, John; Horsburgh, Kevin; Lewis, Matthew; Bates, Paul; 2014. Investigating River–Surge Interaction in Idealised Estuaries. Journal of Coastal Research, 294, 248–259. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00221.1
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2014Model application 37
Adeloye, A. J.; Mwale, F. D.; Dulanya, Z.; 2015. A metric-based assessment of flood risk and vulnerability of rural communities in the Lower Shire Valley, Malawi. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 370, 139–145. 10.5194/piahs-370-139-2015
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2015Model application 11
Leedal, D.; Neal, J.; Beven, K.; Young, P.; Bates, P.; 2010. Visualization approaches for communicating real-time flood forecasting level and inundation information: Visualization approaches for communicating real-time flood forecasting. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 3, 140–150. 10.1111/j.1753-318X.2010.01063.x
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2010Model application 75
Wetterhall, F.; He, Y.; Cloke, H.; Pappenberger, F.; 2011. Effects of temporal resolution of input precipitation on the performance of hydrological forecasting. Advances in Geosciences, 29, 21–25. 10.5194/adgeo-29-21-2011
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2011Model application 21
Tang, Maochuan; Zhao, Qing; Pepe, Antonio; Devlin, Adam Thomas; Falabella, Francesco; Yao, Chengfang; Li, Zhengjie; 2022. Changes of Chinese Coastal Regions Induced by Land Reclamation as Revealed through TanDEM-X DEM and InSAR Analyses. Remote Sensing, 14, 637. 10.3390/rs14030637
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2022Model application 8
Sutanto, Samuel J.; Van Lanen, Henny A. J.; 2021. Application of multi drought definitions to forecast streamflow drought across Europe. .
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2021Model application 0
Hostache, Renaud; Chini, Marco; Giustarini, Laura; Neal, Jeffrey; Kavetski, Dmitri; Wood, Melissa; Corato, Giovanni; Pelich, Ramona‐Maria; Matgen, Patrick; 2018. Near‐Real‐Time Assimilation of SAR‐Derived Flood Maps for Improving Flood Forecasts. Water Resources Research, 54, 5516–5535. 10.1029/2017WR022205
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2018Model application 102
Dasgupta, Antara; Hostache, Renaud; Ramsankaran, Raaj; Schumann, Guy; Grimaldi, Stefania; Pauwels, Valentijn; Walker, Jeffrey; 2020. Optimizing SAR-based Flood Extent Assimilation for Improved Flood Inundation Forecasts. .
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2020Model application 1
Luque Lozano, Pau; Gómez-Pujol, Lluís; Marcos, Marta; Orfila, Alejandro; 2020. Coastal flooding in the Balearic Islands during the 21st century caused by sea level rise and extreme events. .
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2020Model application 0
Couasnon, Anais; Eilander, Dirk; Bates, Paul; Winsemius, Hessel C.; Ward, Philip J.; 2020. Hydrodynamic modelling of compound flood drivers in estuaries. .
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2020Model application 0
Smith, Mark; Willis, Tom; Alfieri, Lorenzo; James, William; Trigg, Mark; Yamazaki, Dai; Hardy, Andrew; Bisselink, Berny; De Roo, Ad; Macklin, Mark; Thomas, Christopher; 2020. Modelling hydro-climatic suitability of malaria transmission in Africa: new patterns emerge. .
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2020Model application 0
Yin, Yunzhu; Val, Dimitri V.; Zou, Qingping; Yurchenko, Daniil; 2022. Resilience of Critical Infrastructure Systems to Floods: A Coupled Probabilistic Network Flow and LISFLOOD-FP Model. Water, 14, 683. 10.3390/w14050683
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Model application

Slingerland, Neeltje; Dressler, Sven; 2022. Evaluating construction tolerances and tailings dam shape for closure using the CAESAR-Lisflood landscape evolution model. None. Volume None.
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Model application

Sadeghi, Farzaneh; Rubinato, Matteo; Goerke, Marcel; Hart, James; 2022. Assessing the Performance of LISFLOOD-FP and SWMM for a Small Watershed with Scarce Data Availability. Water, 14, 748. 10.3390/w14050748
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Model application

Saynor, M.J.; Lowry, J.B.C.; Boyden, J.M.; 2018. Assessment of rip lines using CAESAR‐Lisflood on a Trial Landform at the Ranger Uranium Mine. Land Degradation & Development, None, ldr.3242. 10.1002/ldr.3242
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Model application

Yang, Quntao; Ma, Zheng; Zhang, Shuliang; 2022. Urban Pluvial Flood Modeling by Coupling Raster-Based Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model and SWMM. Water, 14, 1760. 10.3390/w14111760
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Model application

Zeng, Zhaoyang; Wang, Zhaoli; Lai, Chengguang; 2022. Simulation Performance Evaluation and Uncertainty Analysis on a Coupled Inundation Model Combining SWMM and WCA2D. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13, 448–464. 10.1007/s13753-022-00416-3
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Model application

Dasgupta, Antara; Hostache, Renaud; Ramsankaran, Raaj; Schumann, Guy J.‐P.; Grimaldi, Stefania; Pauwels, Valentijn R. N.; Walker, Jeffrey P.; 2021. A Mutual Information‐Based Likelihood Function for Particle Filter Flood Extent Assimilation. Water Resources Research, 57, None. 10.1029/2020WR027859
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Model application

Dottori, Francesco; Alfieri, Lorenzo; Bianchi, Alessandra; Skoien, Jon; Salamon, Peter; 2022. A new dataset of river flood hazard maps for Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Earth System Science Data, 14, 1549–1569. 10.5194/essd-14-1549-2022
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Model application

Dasgupta, Antara; Hostache, Renaud; Ramsankaran, Raaj; Schumann, Guy J.‐P.; 2021. On the Impacts of Observation Location, Timing, and Frequency on Flood Extent Assimilation Performance. Water Resources Research, 57, None. 10.1029/2020WR028238
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Model application

Choné, Guénolé; Biron, Pascale M.; Buffin‐Bélanger, Thomas; Mazgareanu, Iulia; Neal, Jeff C.; Sampson, Christopher C.; 2021. An assessment of large‐scale flood modelling based on LiDAR data. Hydrological Processes, 35, None. 10.1002/hyp.14333
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Model application

Zhao, Gang; Bates, Paul; Neal, Jeffrey; 2020. The Impact of Dams on Design Floods in the Conterminous US. Water Resources Research, 56, None. 10.1029/2019WR025380
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Model application

Pepe, Antonio; Tang, Maochuan; Zhao, Qing; Yao, Chengfang; Jie, Zheng; Devlin, Adam Thomas; Falabella, Francesco; 2022. Synergistic Use of COSMO-SkyMed and Sentinel-1 Data for Costal Flood Analyses. None. Volume None.
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Model application

Cammalleri, Carmelo; Naumann, Gustavo; Mentaschi, Lorenzo; Bisselink, Bernard; Gelati, Emiliano; De Roo, Ad; Feyen, Luc; 2020. Diverging hydrological drought traits over Europe with global warming. None.
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Model application

Li, Dongyue; Andreadis, Konstantinos M.; Margulis, Steven A.; Lettenmaier, Dennis P.; 2020. A Data Assimilation Framework for Generating Space‐Time Continuous Daily SWOT River Discharge Data Products. Water Resources Research, 56, None. 10.1029/2019WR026999
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Model application

Karamouz, M.; Fereshtehpour, M.; 2019. Modeling DEM Errors in Coastal Flood Inundation and Damages: A Spatial Nonstationary Approach. Water Resources Research, 55, 6606–6624. 10.1029/2018WR024562
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Model application

Cammalleri, C.; Micale, F.; Vogt, J.; 2016. Recent temporal trend in modelled soil water deficit over Europe driven by meteorological observations: RECENT TEMPORAL TREND IN MODELLED SOIL WATER. International Journal of Climatology, 36, 4903–4912. 10.1002/joc.4677
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Model application

Ramirez, Jorge Alberto; Mertin, Mirjam; Peleg, Nadav; Horton, Pascal; Skinner, Chris; Zimmermann, Markus; Keiler, Margreth; 2022. Modelling the long-term geomorphic response to check dam failures in an alpine channel with CAESAR-Lisflood. International Journal of Sediment Research, 37, 687–700. 10.1016/j.ijsrc.2022.04.005
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Model application

Cantoni, Elia; Tramblay, Yves; Grimaldi, Stefania; Salamon, Peter; Dakhlaoui, Hamouda; Dezetter, Alain; Thiemig, Vera; 2022. Hydrological performance of the ERA5 reanalysis for flood modeling in Tunisia with the LISFLOOD and GR4J models. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 42, 101169. 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101169
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Model application

Wing, Oliver E. J.; Bates, Paul D.; Neal, Jeffrey C.; Sampson, Christopher C.; Smith, Andrew M.; Quinn, Niall; Shustikova, Iuliia; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Gilles, Daniel W.; Goska, Radoslaw; Krajewski, Witold F.; 2019. A New Automated Method for Improved Flood Defense Representation in Large‐Scale Hydraulic Models. Water Resources Research, 55, 11007–11034. 10.1029/2019WR025957
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Model application

Almendra-Martín, Laura; Martínez-Fernández, José; Piles, María; González-Zamora, Ángel; Benito-Verdugo, Pilar; Gaona, Jaime; 2022. Influence of Atmospheric Patterns on Soil Moisture Dynamics in Europe. SSRN Electronic Journal, None, None. 10.2139/ssrn.4067339
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Model application

Bunel, Raphaël; Lecoq, Nicolas; Copard, Yoann; Guérin, Eric; Van de Wiel, Marco; Massei, Nicolas; 2021. Generation of realistic synthetic catchments to explore fine continental surface processes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46, 593–610. 10.1002/esp.5048
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Model application

Sridharan, B.; Gurivindapalli, Dinakar; Kuiry, Soumendra Nath; Mali, Vijay Kisan; Nithila Devi, N.; Bates, Paul D.; Sen, Dhrubajyoti; 2020. Explicit Expression of Weighting Factor for Improved Estimation of Numerical Flux in Local Inertial Models. Water Resources Research, 56, None. 10.1029/2020WR027357
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Model application

Hall, Jim W.; 2014. Editorial: steps towards global flood risk modelling: Editorial. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 7, 193–194. 10.1111/jfr3.12119
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Model application

Chen, Yulan; Li, Jianjun; Jiao, Juying; Wang, Nan; Bai, Leichao; Chen, Tongde; Zhao, Chunjing; Zhang, Ziqi; 2023. Modeling the impacts of fully-filled check dams on flood processes using CAESAR-lisflood model in the Shejiagou catchment of the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 45, 101290. 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101290
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Model application

Skinner, Christopher J.; Coulthard, Thomas J.; 2023. Testing the sensitivity of the CAESAR-Lisflood landscape evolution model to grid cell size. Earth Surface Dynamics, 11, 695–711. 10.5194/esurf-11-695-2023
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Model application

Li, Congrong; Wang, Ming; Chen, Fang; Coulthard, Thomas J; Wang, Lei; 2023. Integrating the SLIDE model within CAESAR-Lisflood: Modeling the ‘rainfall-landslide-flash flood’ disaster chain mechanism under landscape evolution in a mountainous area. CATENA, 227, 107124. 10.1016/j.catena.2023.107124
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Model application

Silva Peixoto, Jerusa da; Ernesto de Moraes, Marcio Augusto; Garcia, Klaifer; Broedel, Elisângela; Cuartas, Adriana; Nova da Cruz, Patrícia Porta; 2024. Performance analysis of the lisflood hydrological model in a flood event in the madeira river basin. International Journal of Hydrology, 8, 38–42. 10.15406/ijh.2024.08.00372
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Model application

Sharifian, Mohammad Kazem; Kesserwani, Georges; Chowdhury, Alovya Ahmed; Neal, Jeffrey; Bates, Paul; 2023. LISFLOOD-FP 8.1: new GPU-accelerated solvers for faster fluvial/pluvial flood simulations. Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 2391–2413. 10.5194/gmd-16-2391-2023
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Model application

sadeghian, kazem; Bahremand, Abdolreza; Amir, Sadoddin; 2020. Two-Dimetional Hydraulic Simulation of Floods using the LISFLOOD-FP Raster Model (A Case Study: The Shemshak Watershed, Tehran Province). journal of watershed management research, 11, 165–174. 10.52547/jwmr.11.22.165
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Model application

Rahimzadeh, Omid; Bahremand, Abdolreza; Noura, Nader; Mukolwe, Micah; 2019. Evaluating flood extent mapping of two hydraulic models, 1D HEC‐RAS and 2D LISFLOOD‐FP in comparison with aerial imagery observations in Gorgan flood plain, Iran. Natural Resource Modeling, 32, None. 10.1111/nrm.12214
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Model application

Van Der Knijff, J. M.; Younis, J.; De Roo, A. P. J.; 2010. LISFLOOD: a GIS‐based distributed model for river basin scale water balance and flood simulation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24, 189–212. 10.1080/13658810802549154
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Model application

Roth, Samantha M.; Lee, Ben Seiyon; Sharma, Sanjib; Hosseini‐Shakib, Iman; Keller, Klaus; Haran, Murali; 2023. Flood hazard model calibration using multiresolution model output. Environmetrics, 34, None. 10.1002/env.2769
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Model application

Gao, Zhong; Lu, Xiaoping; Chen, Ruihong; Guo, Minrui; Wang, Xiaoxuan; 2024. Constructing a Machine Learning Model for Rapid Urban Flooding Forecast in Sloping Cities along the Yangtze River: A Case Study in Jiujiang. Water, 16, 1694. 10.3390/w16121694
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Model application

Archer, L.; Hatchard, S.; Devitt, L.; Neal, J. C.; Coxon, G.; Bates, P. D.; Kendon, E. J.; Savage, J.; 2024. Future Change in Urban Flooding Using New Convection‐Permitting Climate Projections. Water Resources Research, 60, None. 10.1029/2023WR035533
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Model application

Benito-Verdugo, Pilar; Martínez-Fernández, José; González-Zamora, Ángel; Almendra-Martín, Laura; Gaona, Jaime; Herrero-Jiménez, Carlos Miguel; 2023. Impact of Agricultural Drought on Barley and Wheat Yield: A Comparative Case Study of Spain and Germany. Agriculture, 13, 2111. 10.3390/agriculture13112111
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Model application

Hossain, Sazzad; Cloke, Hannah L.; Ficchì, Andrea; Gupta, Harshita; Speight, Linda; Hassan, Ahmadul; Stephens, Elisabeth M.; 2023. A decision‐led evaluation approach for flood forecasting system developments: An application to the Global Flood Awareness System in Bangladesh. Journal of Flood Risk Management, None, None. 10.1111/jfr3.12959
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Model application

Fan, Yuyan; Yu, Haijun; He, Sijing; Lai, Chengguang; Li, Xiangyang; Jiang, Xiaotian; 2024. The Mitigating Efficacy of Multi-Functional Storage Spaces in Alleviating Urban Floods across Diverse Rainfall Scenarios. Sustainability, 16, 6417. 10.3390/su16156417
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Model application

Chomba, Innocent C.; Banda, Kawawa E.; Winsemius, Hessel C.; Eunice, Makungu; Sichingabula, Henry M.; Nyambe, Imasiku A.; 2022. Integrated Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Inundation Modeling in a Groundwater Dependent Tropical Floodplain. Journal of Human, Earth, and Future, 3, 237–246. 10.28991/HEF-2022-03-02-09
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Model application

González-Zamora, Ángel; García-Barreda, Sergi; Martínez-Fernández, José; Almendra-Martín, Laura; Gaona, Jaime; Benito-Verdugo, Pilar; 2022. Soil Moisture and Black Truffle Production Variability in the Iberian Peninsula. Forests, 13, 819. 10.3390/f13060819
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Model application

Kahl, Günter; 2015. The Dictionary of Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics. In: (eds.)None.. None.
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Model application

Thirel, G.; Salamon, P.; Burek, P.; Kalas, M.; 2011. Assimilation of MODIS snow cover area data in a distributed hydrological model. None, None, None. 10.5194/hessd-8-1329-2011
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Model application

Koohi, Sakine; Azizian, Asghar; Brocca, Luca; 2022. Calibration of a Distributed Hydrological Model (VIC-3L) Based on Global Water Resources Reanalysis Datasets. Water Resources Management, 36, 1287–1306. 10.1007/s11269-022-03081-9
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Model application

Siqueira, Vinícius A.; Paiva, Rodrigo C. D.; Fleischmann, Ayan S.; Fan, Fernando M.; Ruhoff, Anderson L.; Pontes, Paulo R. M.; Paris, Adrien; Calmant, Stéphane; Collischonn, Walter; 2018. Toward continental hydrologic–hydrodynamic modeling in South America. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 4815–4842. 10.5194/hess-22-4815-2018
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Model application

Younis, J.; Anquetin, S.; Thielen, J.; 2008. The benefit of high-resolution operational weather forecasts for flash flood warning. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12, 1039–1051. 10.5194/hess-12-1039-2008
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Model application

Nkiaka, Elias; Bryant, Robert G.; Ntajal, Joshua; Biao, Eliézer I.; 2022. Evaluating the accuracy of gridded water resources reanalysis and evapotranspiration products for assessing water security in poorly gauged basins. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26, 5899–5916. 10.5194/hess-26-5899-2022
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Model application

Xie, Jun; Coulthard, Thomas; 2021. Tracing seismic landslide-derived sediment dynamics in response to climate change. None, None, None. None
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Model application

Peleg, Nadav; Skinner, Chris; Fatichi, Simone; Molnar, Peter; 2020. Hydro-geomorphological response to changes in the spatial structure of extreme rainfall in a warmer world. None, None, None. None
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Model application

Hawker, Laurence; Neal, Jeffrey; Savage, James; Kirkpatrick, Thomas; Lord, Rachel; Zylberberg, Yanos; Groeger, Andre; Thuy, Truong Dang; Fox, Sean; Agyemang, Felix; Nam, Pham Khanh; 2024. Assessing LISFLOOD-FP with the next-generation digital elevation model FABDEM using household survey and remote sensing data in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24, 539–566. 10.5194/nhess-24-539-2024
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Model application

Archer, Leanne; Neal, Jeffrey; Bates, Paul; Vosper, Emily; Carroll, Dereka; Sosa, Jeison; Mitchell, Daniel; 2024. Current and future rainfall-driven flood risk from hurricanes in Puerto Rico under 1.5 and 2 °C climate change. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24, 375–396. 10.5194/nhess-24-375-2024
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Model application

Lai, Chengguang; Liao, Yaoxing; Wang, Zhaol; Chen, Xiaohong; 2023. Fast Simulation of Urban Waterlogging Based on Multi-Objective Machine Learning Model. Frontiers of Chinese Water Sciences, 1, 1–16. 10.48014/fcws.20220827001
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Model application

Wang, Di; Wang, Ming; Liu, Kai; Xie, Jun; 2023. An assessment of short–medium-term interventions using CAESAR-Lisflood in a post-earthquake mountainous area. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23, 1409–1423. 10.5194/nhess-23-1409-2023
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Model application

Fereshtehpour, Mohammad; Esmaeilzadeh, Mostafa; Alipour, Reza Saleh; Burian, Steven J.; 2024. Impacts of DEM type and resolution on deep learning-based flood inundation mapping. Earth Science Informatics, 17, 1125–1145. 10.1007/s12145-024-01239-0
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Model application

Nair, Devika; Evans, K. G.; Bellairs, Sean; 2023. Modelling of a Post-Mining Catchment for Future Simulations. Mining, 3, 409–427. 10.3390/mining3030025
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Model application

Grimaldi, Stefania; Wright, Ashley J.; Walker, Jeffrey P.; Pauwles, Valentijn R.N.; 2020. Verification of flood wave arrival time predictions using remote sensing-derived water levels. None, None, None. None
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Model application

Thapa, Saraswati; Sinclair, Hugh D.; Creed, Maggie J.; Mudd, Simon M.; Attal, Mikael; Borthwick, Alistair G. L.; Ghimire, Bhola N.; Watson, C. Scott; 2024. The impact of sediment flux and calibre on flood risk in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49, 706–727. 10.1002/esp.5731
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Model application

Willis, Tom; Smith, Mark; Cross, Donall; Hardy, Andrew; Ettritch, Georgina; Malawo, Happiness; Sinkombo, Mweemba; Chalo, Cosmas; Thomas, Chris; 2020. Uncertainty in the modelling of large scale flood events in the Barotse floodplain, Zambia. None, None, None. None
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Model application

Nithila Devi, N.; Kuiry, Soumendra Nath; 2024. A Novel Local‐Inertial Formulation Representing Subgrid Scale Topographic Effects for Urban Flood Simulation. Water Resources Research, 60, None. 10.1029/2023WR035334
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Model application

Carneiro-Barros, Jose E.; Plomaritis, Theocharis A.; Fazeres-Ferradosa, Tiago; Rosa-Santos, Paulo; Taveira-Pinto, Francisco; 2023. Coastal Flood Mapping with Two Approaches Based on Observations at Furadouro, Northern Portugal. Remote Sensing, 15, 5215. 10.3390/rs15215215
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Model application

Le Gal, Marine; Fernández-Montblanc, Tomás; Duo, Enrico; Montes Perez, Juan; Cabrita, Paulo; Souto Ceccon, Paola; Gastal, Véra; Ciavola, Paolo; Armaroli, Clara; 2023. A new European coastal flood database for low–medium intensity events. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23, 3585–3602. 10.5194/nhess-23-3585-2023
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Model application

Palau, Rosa M.; Berenguer, Marc; Hürlimann, Marcel; Sempere-Torres, Daniel; 2023. Implementation of hydrometeorological thresholds for regional landslide warning in Catalonia (NE Spain). Landslides, 20, 2039–2054. 10.1007/s10346-023-02094-8
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Model application

Samuels, Paul; Huntington, Stephen; Allsop, William; Harrop, Jackie; 2008. Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice: Extended Abstracts Volume (332 pages) + full paper CD-ROM (1772 pages). In: (eds.)None.. None.
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Model application

Singh, Hrishikesh; Mohanty, Mohit Prakash; 2023. Can atmospheric reanalysis datasets reproduce flood inundation at regional scales? A systematic analysis with ERA5 over Mahanadi River Basin, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, None. 10.1007/s10661-023-11798-2
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Model application

Schweckendiek, Timo; 2012. Comprehensive Flood Risk Management: Research for Policy and Practice. In: (eds.)None.. None.
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Model application

Huang, Jing; Pang, Tiantian; Liu, Zhenzhen; Wang, Zhiqiang; Wang, Huimin; 2023. Risk Simulation of Urban Rainstorm Flood Disasters Considering Crowd Activities. Systems, 11, 407. 10.3390/systems11080407
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Model application

Elyahyioui, Jihane; Pauwels, Valentijn; Daly, Edoardo; Petitjean, Francois; Prakash, Mahesh; 2020. Efficient simulation of flood events using machine learning. None, None, None. None
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Model application

Cammalleri, Carmelo; De Michele, Carlo; Toreti, Andrea; 2024. Exploring the joint probability of precipitation and soil moisture over Europe using copulas. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28, 103–115. 10.5194/hess-28-103-2024
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Model application

Taylor, Ian; Kemp, André; O’Kane, Michael; Walker, S; Barteaux, MItchell; Laurencont, Tania; 2016. Designer waste landform modelling and design — Rum Jungle Mine. None. Volume None.
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Model application

Chomba, Innocent C.; Banda, Kawawa; Winsemius, Hessel; Makungu, Eunice; Hughes, Dennis; Eilander, Dirk; Hrachowitz, Markus; Nyambe, Imasiku; Sichingabula, Henry; Mataa, Mulema; Chomba, Machaya; Ellender, Bruce; Ngwenaya, Victoria; 2021. A fully coupled spatially distributed hydrologic-hydrodynamic model for the Barotse Floodplain, Upper Zambezi. None, None, None. None
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Model application

Drost, Niels; Hut, Rolf; Van De Giesen, Nick; Van Werkhoven, Ben; Aerts, Jerom P.M.; Camphuijsen, Jaro; Pelupessy, Inti; Weel, Berend; Verhoeven, Stefan; Van Haren, Ronald; Hutton, Eric; Alidoost, Fakhereh; Van Den Oord, Gijs; Dzigan, Yifat; Andela, Bouwe; Kalverla, Peter; 2020. Coupling Hydrological models using BMI in eWaterCycle. None, None, None. None
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Model application

Skinner, Christopher J.; Coulthard, Tom J.; Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Van De Wiel, Marco J.; Hancock, Greg; 2018. Global sensitivity analysis of parameter uncertainty in landscape evolution models. Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 4873–4888. 10.5194/gmd-11-4873-2018
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Model application

Skoulikaris, Charalampos; 2024. Large-Scale Hydrological Models and Transboundary River Basins. Water, 16, 878. 10.3390/w16060878
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Model application

Remaud, Arthur; Armitage, John J.; Teles, Vanessa; Rohais, Sébastien; Mulder, Thierry; 2024. From flood to turbidity current: combined models to simulate continent to ocean sediment transport in the Var system, France. Sedimentologika, 2, None. 10.57035/journals/sdk.2024.e22.1538
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Model application

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