
Postdoctoral position at Arizona State University
Arizona State University, Arizona, United States
Start reviewing process: 14 February 2025

Post-doctoral Research Opportunity at the labs of Osvaldo Sala & Enrique Vivoni, Feb 3, 2025

Arizona State University’s Sala and Vivoni laboratories are seeking a postdoctoral research scholar to research the impact of woody plant encroachment on the hydrology of drylands. This project will integrate environmental sensor networks, a numerical ecohydrology model, and plant-soil-water field work at the Jornada Experimental Range ( Come work with a great team of students, technical staff and our faculty members (Enrique Vivoni, Ph.D., P.E. ( and Osvaldo E. Sala (!

Essential duties

  1. Deploy, maintain, and collaborate on experiments with PIs, lab manager and graduate students.
  2. Analyze experimental data and write scientific papers associated with the research.
  3. Travel to meetings to present results.
  4. Be an active member in research group activities (e.g. participate in lab meetings).


  1. Successful candidates must have a PhD in Ecology, Hydrology, Geography, Meteorology, Environmental Engineering, Earth Science, or related field.
  2. Demonstrated dedication to solving scientific challenges through research and scholarship.
  3. A demonstrated record of scholarly achievement, excellent communication skills, and proficiency in both written and spoken English.
  4. The capacity to work effectively in interdisciplinary teams.

Send letter of intent, CV, and names with contact information of who would serve as a reference.

Applications will reviewed beginning 2/14/2025. Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis for a reserve pool. Applications in the reserve pool may then be reviewed in the order in which they were received until the position is filled.

This is a grant-funded position. Continuation is contingent on future grant funding. Renewal of the position is contingent upon satisfactory progress and contribution to the collective program.

Of interest for:
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group
  • Ecosystem Dynamics Focus Research Group