
Cluster Hire for PhD Students and Postdocs At Louisiana State University
Louisiana State University, Louisiana, United States
Start reviewing process: 3 February 2025

Want to come be a part of the solution to Louisiana’s coastal crisis? My group at Louisiana State University has two PhD positions and one postdoctoral scholar position available for motivated scholars excited to study remote sensing, finance, green infrastructure and policy to address flood risk in the Gulf Region and beyond. Each position is described in more detail below, and all potential applicants are required to fill out a short (5-minute) Google form: Please note that unsolicited emails to Dr. Brand will not be considered, you must fill out the Google form for your application to be valid.

(PhD Student Position 1) Model-data synthesis of remotely sensed sediment data: The widespread availability of remotely sensed data is transforming the field of coastal sciences and engineering. These datasets provide unprecedented volumes of spatial information which can be used to better understand coastal sediment transport and improve coastal models of sediment transport. However, historically hydrodynamic and sediment transport models have focused our process understanding and model calibration efforts on field campaigns or stationary point source datasets with limited spatial resolution. This project seeks to develop new methods to integrate spatial remotely sensed data with hydrodynamic and sediment transport models (i.e. Delft3D, ROMS, FVCOM) and develop new techniques to understand model-data performance. There is the potential to incorporate field data collection into this work. Expected start date: Fall 2025. Salary for PhD students is $30,667/year.

(PhD Student Position 2) Innovative finance for funding coastal green infrastructure: Green infrastructure is becoming an increasingly popular method for coastal communities to manage flooding, pollution, and other coastal engineering challenges. The multi-faceted benefits of green infrastructure projects can struggle to compete against gray infrastructure projects due to a lack of quantification of both direct (e.g. flooding/pollutant removal) benefits and indirect co-benefits (e.g. improved fish habitat, expanded recreational opportunities, etc.) associated with their construction. I am seeking a PhD student interested in studying innovative financing for coastal green and gray infrastructure for the purposes of sea level rise and climate change adaptation. Expected start date: Fall 2025. Expected start date: Fall 2025. Salary for PhD students is $30,667/year.

(Postdoctoral Scholar Position: Innovation in Policy, Modeling, or Finance for Coastal Adaptation): Green infrastructure is becoming an increasingly popular method for coastal communities to manage flooding, pollution, and other coastal engineering challenges. The multi-faceted benefits of green infrastructure projects can struggle to compete against gray infrastructure projects due to a lack of quantification of both direct (e.g. flooding/pollutant removal) benefits and indirect co-benefits (e.g. improved fish habitat, expanded recreational opportunities, etc.) associated with their construction. Additionally, the relative newness of these project types presents unique permitting and policy challenges associated with turning theory into reality. I am broadly seeking a Postdoctoral Scholar interested in studying green and gray coastal infrastructure innovation in financing and policy. Expected start date: Spring through Fall 2025. Expected salary is $65,000 / year.

Louisiana State University is Louisiana's flagship university with more than 35,000 students. We are part of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the College of Engineering and the Center for Computation & Technology with excellent state-of-the-art computing facilities and access to field equipment. Louisiana hosts a strong coastal research community both at LSU and across several research and federal institutions with many opportunities for collaboration.

Baton Rouge is the capital of Louisiana and located along the Mississippi River close to Louisiana’s unique wetlands and swamp landscapes. Baton Rouge’s metropolitan area hosts a population of 870,000 and boasts a vibrant culture and excellent food scene.


Matthew Willi Brand
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE)
Center for Computation & Technology (joint appointment)
Louisiana State University

Patrick F. Taylor Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803


Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group