Start reviewing process: 27 January 2025
Position: PhD student
Start reviewing process: 27 January 2025
I am recruiting a new student for a geomorphology PhD project in my research group at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA, to start September 2025. The student will study the history and dynamics of river avulsion (when a river jumps its course and forms a new channel) and flooding in the Nooksack watershed, WA. The work to understand coupled responses of channel change and flooding
is motivated by a devastating flood in 2021 that caused over $2B in damage and raised concerns of a possible future avulsion in the Nooksack River. The student will join and receive mentorship from our team of geomorphologists, Quaternary geologists, civil engineers and social scientists working in collaboration with floodplain managers and representatives from county, state, and Tribal governments.
The PhD student will be fully funded in the Department of Earth & Space Sciences ( through graduate research (RA), teaching assistantship (TA), and university fellowships. Support includes a full tuition waiver, stipend, and funds to support research activities and attend conferences and workshops. Applicants can enter our PhD program directly from a Bachelors or from a MS degree.
I only recently learned about funding for this project - Our admissions process is underway, so please email me ASAP at for details!
All the best,
Kate Huntington
Kate Huntington, née Ruhl (she/her/hers)
Endowed Professor in Earth Systems
College of the Environment
Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle, WA