Start reviewing process: 25 January 2025
Position: Postdoctoral position
Start reviewing process: 25 January 2025
Objective of the project is to improve large-scale snow simulations in Earth System Models by i) investigating the spatial variability of snow cover over mountains / complex terrain regions, ii) investigating how snow grain shape and albedo change with snow aging, and iii) studying the space-time variability of snow droughts.
The candidate should be interested in the physical processes related to hydrology, cryosphere, and climate science. A strong quantitative background in numerical methods, statistics, and programming is desired. Previous experience working with Earth System Models is highly welcome.
Interested candidates should contact me (enrico.zorzetto at to arrange a virtual interview and learn more about the research project. In your email, please include i) your CV, ii) a cover letter describing your previous research experience, relevant skills and research interests, and iii) a list of publications and software or data products.
Enrico Zorzetto
Enrico Zorzetto
Assistant Professor of Hydrology
Earth and Environmental Science Dept.
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology