
Postdoctoral position in snow modelling at New Mexico Tech
New Mexico Tech, New Mexico, United States
Start reviewing process: 25 January 2025

My lab at New Mexico Tech is recruiting a 3-year postdoctoral researcher to work on a project in collaboration with Dr. Dalei Hao at the DOE Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Start date is flexible, early 2025 is preferred.

Objective of the project is to improve large-scale snow simulations in Earth System Models by i) investigating the spatial variability of snow cover over mountains / complex terrain regions, ii) investigating how snow grain shape and albedo change with snow aging, and iii) studying the space-time variability of snow droughts.

The candidate should be interested in the physical processes related to hydrology, cryosphere, and climate science. A strong quantitative background in numerical methods, statistics, and programming is desired. Previous experience working with Earth System Models is highly welcome.

Interested candidates should contact me (enrico.zorzetto at to arrange a virtual interview and learn more about the research project. In your email, please include i) your CV, ii) a cover letter describing your previous research experience, relevant skills and research interests, and iii) a list of publications and software or data products.

Enrico Zorzetto

Enrico Zorzetto
Assistant Professor of Hydrology
Earth and Environmental Science Dept.
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

801 Leroy Pl. Socorro, NM 87801

Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group