
2 post-doc positions @EiLab - Politecnico di Milano
Politecnico di Milano, , Italy
Apply before: 31 July 2023

We have two post-doc positions focusing on ML/AI applications to hydro-, atmo- and cryosphere

The Environmental Intelligence for Global Change Lab ( at Politecnico di Milano invites applications for 2 postdoctoral positions for a period of 12 + 12 months.

POSITION 1 - ML for Arctic ice prediction

The position is funded by the MELTED (MachinE Learning for arcTic ice prEDiction) Project and will focus on:

  • Developing an interpretable Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning framework for supporting the modelling and prediction of Arctic sea ice dynamics by using reanalysis Arctic datasets
  • Creation of an interactive data visualization tool to explore the relationships between the analyzed Arctic fields and their spatio-temporal patterns identified by ML algorithms
  • Evaluating the importance of observed local variables and teleconnections to deepen the understanding of Arctic sea ice processes and enhance the forecasting of their dynamics.

Qualifications for this position include a Ph.D. in computer and/or automation engineering, artificial intelligence, applied mathematics or related fields. Candidates having a strong background in cryospheric sciences, or a related field of environmental engineering also encouraged to apply. Strong numerical and computational skills are required as well as English language skills both in oral and written communication. Strong programming skills in Python or MATLAB are required.

POSITION 2 - Detection and prediction of droughts and heatwaves via ML

The position is funded by the CLINT ( – (CLmate INTelligence) Project and will focus on:

  • Developing AI and ML algorithms for supporting the detection and prediction of extreme events (droughts and heatwaves) by mining spatial and temporal patterns and evolutions of climatological fields (e.g., temperature) associated the extreme events’ impacts.
  • Validating the detected teleconnections with data-driven causal inference methods.
  • Advancing the management of the extreme events by using the newly developed information

Qualifications for this position include a Ph.D. in computer and/or automation engineering, artificial intelligence, applied mathematics or related fields. Alternatively, candidates having a background in water resources engineering, or a related field of environmental engineering also encouraged to apply. Strong numerical and computational skills are required as well as English language skills both in oral and written communication.

The application package must include CV, list of publications, and the name of two references. Deadline for the package submission: 31 July 2023. Applications can be submitted HERE:

For informal enquiries please contact Professor Andrea Castelletti

Of interest for:
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Initiative