
LSU Geology and Geophysics Chair search
Louisiana State University, Louisiana, United States
Start reviewing process: 1 March 2019

The Department of Geology and Geophysics on the beautiful campus of Louisiana State University is searching for an outstanding research-oriented geologist to serve as Department Chair. We request your assistance in identifying candidates for this position, or you may want to consider this position yourself. If you know of someone who would likely have an interest, we ask that you forward the attached advertisement. We believe that this is an excellent opportunity for a dedicated scholar who can be appointed at the full professor level, or having the equivalent experience, in the field of geosciences to lead a demographically and topically diverse group of faculty along with the talented students and research staff that comprise our department.

We are searching for a person with strong administrative experience, leadership ability, and research capacity. Responsibilities include leadership in the planning and administration of graduate and undergraduate academic programs in Geology and Geophysics, coordination with the entire faculty in developing a viable strategic vision and establishing new initiatives, guidance of the promotion and tenure process, selected course instruction (at a reduced load), maintenance of an externally funded research program, coordination with the LSU Foundation in fund raising to maintain and build upon our strong traditional relationships with the energy and environmental industries. This position reports to the Dean of the College of Science, Cynthia Peterson.

The full ad and application form is here:

More information about the department is here:

LSU Geology & Geophysics

Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Coastal Working Group