
5 Ph.D. positions at the University of Trento Ph.D. call 2022-2023
University of Trento, , Italy
Start reviewing process: 25 July 2022

The Ph.D. research topics are:
  • Hydropower generation in the Italian Alps under a climate changing climate
  • On assimilation of radar data for improving snowmelt modelling in alpine regions
  • Building a Digital eArth Twin of Hydrology (DARTHs)
  • Coupling vegetation dynamics, hydrological models, and high-resolution remote sensing data to understand onset and propagation of hydrological droughts in mountain regions
  • Hybrid Machine Learning and Process-based modeling in environmental applications

The above Ph.D. positions in Hydrology and Hydro-informatics are available at the University of Trento, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Center for Agricolture, Environment and Food. For each one, please find any information at:

The Hydrology group of UniTrento is a growing reality with 6 faculty members, 6 postdocs, and 11 international Ph.D. students (16 including this call). The group has several international collaborations with University of Southern California, EPFL, Colorado State University, University of Alabama, Carleton University and others on specific topics. Please feel free to disseminate the information to interested students worldwide. Below a more detailed description of the topics.

The UniTrento Hydrology Group (

Of interest for:
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group