
Post doc positions at the University of Padova
University of Padova, , Italy
Start reviewing process: 23 February 2022

Fully-funded 1-year (potentially renewable to 2 years) post-doc positions are available at the University of Padova (Italy) in the context of the ERC project “Dynamical river networks: climatic controls and biogeochemical function” (

Suitable condidates should be highly motivated, and must show passion for research and willingness to learn. They might need to travel for fieldwork or conferences if necessary. The resource should have good skills in scientific writing and basic skills in coding with Matlab (or similar softwares) for data analysis. The reasearch concerns the monitoring and the modeling of river netowrk dynamics and the study of the related impications in terms stream metabolism, water quality and river outgassing. Beside the general features outlined above, the ideal canidate should be in line with one of the following profiles:

  • Previous experience with fieldwork and hydrologic measurements, resourcesfulness, basic hiking skills, experience in data management; previous experience with modeling/monitroing of water quality (including - but not limited to – isotopes and nutrients) or in-stream processes (stream metabolism/outgassing) is also appreciated; the candidate will be in charge of maintaining the field site of the Rietholzbach, close to Zurich (CH). Being german speaking (basic) could be a useful plus, but is not mandatory.
  • Past experience with stochastic modeling and/or mathematical modeling of hydrological processes using analytical tools or numerical codes; good mathematical and coding skills; the resource will be in charge of refining / developing analytical and/or numerical models for river network dynamics (including calibration and validation using existing field data).
The salary is approximately 30000 euro (gross) per year, but the travel expenses for fieldtrips and conferences are payed. Travel expenses might include general expenses during any fieldtrip outside Padova (i.e. the salary of the resource based in Zurich could be integrated through travel remboursement of this type). Potential candidates are invited to send their CV and a brief motivation email to .

Of interest for:
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group
  • River Network Modeling Initiative