
Postdoc position in sea-level modeling
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Start reviewing process: 31 August 2021

The Earth Surface Evolution research group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher to investigate sea-level and crustal responses to ice mass variations in East Antarctica. This two-year postdoctoral project will focus on numerical modeling of sea-level change and glacial isostatic adjustment under the supervision of Ken Ferrier (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and in collaboration with Brian Gunter (Georgia Tech). Successful applicants will have a PhD in a related discipline (e.g., sea-level change, paleoclimate, geomorphology) and extensive experience in numerical modeling. Funding for this project is provided through a NASA grant with postdoc salary support at $55,000/year.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact for further information. The Department of Geoscience at UW-Madison welcomes people of all races, national origins, gender identifications, sexual orientations, and disability statuses, and strives to provide an academically enriching and supportive climate so that everyone can thrive and succeed.

Best regards,

Ken Ferrier (he/him/his), associate professor
Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group