
2 PhD vacancies on analysing and modelling drought risk and adaptation in East Africa
VU Amsterdam, , Netherlands
Apply before: 24 June 2020

I’m happy to announce that at IVM – VU Amsterdam we have 2 PhD vacancies related to the new EU-funded DOWN2EARTH project. DOWN2EARTH project will assess critical research gaps within the dryland regions of the Horn of Africa (HAD), including i) how climate change affects the characteristics of rainfall and groundwater storage, ii) how the evolution of hydrological processes will impact the people who depend on them, and (iii) how communities can best adapt to drought risk. For more information see this press release:

The two PhDs will be based at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at VU Amsterdam and will be part of an active research group and a vibrant ECR community within the institute. They will also benefit from interaction with researchers from a variety of disciplines both at IVM and within the DOWN2EARTH project and with stakeholders in the HAD region. The first PhD project will focus on how drought risk of rural communities in East Africa is related to climate and societal drivers, using quantitative and qualitative data analysis (see: The second PhD project will focus on modelling the relations between drought risk and adaptation behaviour of rural communities in East Africa, using Agent-Based Models:

Please share these vacancies widely within your network. The deadline for applications is 24th June. We strongly encourage applications from underrepresented groups, including female and African students. For more information please contact me.

Best wishes,


Of interest for:
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group