How To CSDMS Subversion
Create a CSDMS subversion repository
First of all, our subversion repository is located on river at: /data/svn. To add a new user:
> /usr/bin/htdigest /data/svn/conf/svn-auth-file Subversion <username>
This of course must be done as root. The username needn't be a mysticplum username (although it can be).
Create the new repository (again as root):
> svnadmin create /data/svn/newrepos
Create a project group that contains members that are allowed to view and commit changes to the project. In addition, allow anyone to be able to browse the contents of the repository. This is done by editing subversion/conf/svn-access-file. To create a new group, define it and its members under the [groups] section:
newgroup = huttone
In this case, the group is called newgroup (it doesn't have to match a repository name) and the only member of the group is huttone. Now specify the access privileges of the repository:
* = r
@newrepos = rw
The first line indicates the repository, the second allows viewing of the repository by anyone, and the third limits commits to only group members. Change ownership of the directory to be nobody:
> sudo chown -R nobody /data/svn/newrepos
The new repository can now be viewed with a browser at Alternatively, repositories can be browsed at
The Initial Import
To get you unversioned files into the svn repository, use svn import. For example:
> svn import mydir -m "Inital import"
Adding newrepos/file1.f
Adding newrepos/file2.f
Committed revision 1.
This copied the contents of the directory mydir into newrepos.
> svn list
You can now use svn checkout to get a working copy of your files.
Repository Layout
Users are free to use whatever repository layout they wish however there we recommend that you store the main development line of your code in a trunk directory, branches in a branches directory, and tags in a tags directory. Thus:
> svn list
> svn list