

User information[edit]

Shruthi Padmanabhan

Fernando Blanco

Ebro Delta : A study of coastal dynamic 2014/01/01 2014/09/30 This is an independent academic research project. It is currently not funded by any professional or government organisation

The Project hopes to study the various factors involved in the formation of a delta. The historical modifications made along the river , disrupting the sediment flow to the delta and analyse its impact on the growth or shrinkage of the pro-deltaic region. The current coastal dynamics and the effect of storms on the delta help understand the formation of different landscapes with the delta and establish areas of intervention. The study and analysis of various man made intervention that can be applied for maintaining the existing ecological value of the delta.


  1. Understand the historical evolution of the delta 2. Study the behavior of the delta coast in the event of storms 2. To understand the current coastal dynamics of the site. 3. Apply the interventions in the past in-order to create a sustainable landscape with the current conditions


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