
References GOLEM

Tucker, G.E.; Whipple, K.X. 2002. Topographic outcomes predicted by stream erosion models: Sensitivity analysis and intermodel comparison. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 107, . 10.1029/2001JB000162
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2002Related theory 410
Tucker, Gregory E.; Bras, Rafael L.; 1998. Hillslope processes, drainage density, and landscape morphology. Water Resources Research, 34, 2751–2764. 10.1029/98WR01474
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1998Model overview 612
Tucker, Gregory E.; Slingerland, Rudy; 1997. Drainage basin responses to climate change. Water Resources Research, 33, 2031–2047. 10.1029/97WR00409
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1997Model overview 583
Tucker, Gregory E.; Slingerland, Rudy; 1996. Predicting sediment flux from fold and thrust belts. Basin Research, 8, 329–349. 10.1046/j.1365-2117.1996.00238.x
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1996Model overview 253
Tucker, Gregory E.; Slingerland, Rudy L.; 1994. Erosional dynamics, flexural isostasy, and long-lived escarpments: A numerical modeling study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 99, 12229–12243. 10.1029/94JB00320
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1994Model overview 474
Tucker, G.E.; 2011. GOLEM, version 5:14.. , , https://csdms.colorado.edu/pub/models/doi-source-code/golem-10.1594.IEDA.100132-5.14.tar.gz. 10.1594/IEDA/100132
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2011Source code ref. 0
Benaïchouche, Abed; Stab, Olivier; Tessier, Bruno; Cojan, Isabelle; 2016. Evaluation of a landscape evolution model to simulate stream piracies: Insights from multivariable numerical tests using the example of the Meuse basin, France. Geomorphology, 253, 168–180. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.10.001
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2016Model application 29
Bock, Michael; Conrad, Olaf; Günther, Andreas; Gehrt, Ernst; Baritz, Rainer; Böhner, Jürgen; 2018. SaLEM (v1.0) – the Soil and Landscape Evolution Model (SaLEM) for simulation of regolith depth in periglacial environments. Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 1641–1652. 10.5194/gmd-11-1641-2018
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2018Model application 4
Bock, Michael; Conrad, Olaf; Günther, Andreas; Gehrt, Ernst; Baritz, Rainer; Böhner, Jürgen; 2017. SaLEM (v1.0) – A Soil and Landscape Evolution Model for simulation of regolith depth in periglacial environments. .
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2017Model application 0
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