Data:NLCD 1992


NLCD 1992 dataset information page

Short Description

National Land Cover Dataset 1992

Statement: National Land Cover Dataset 1992

Abstract: Derived from the early to mid-1990s Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite data, the National Land Cover Data (NLCD) is a 21-class land cover classification scheme applied consistently over the United States. The spatial resolution of the data is 30 meters and mapped in the Albers Conic Equal Area projection, NAD 83. The NLCD are provided on a state-by-state basis. The state data sets were cut out from larger "regional" data sets that are mosaics of Landsat TM scenes. At this time, all of the NLCD state files are available for free download as 8-bit binary files and some states are also available on CD-ROM as a Geo-TIFF.

Data format

Data type: Land Cover
Data origin: Modeled
Data format: GeoTIFF
Other format:
Data resolution: 30meter
Datum: NAD 83

Data Coverage

Spatial data coverage: USA
Temporal data coverage: Time snap shot
Time period covered: 1992


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