Data:Great Lakes Bathymetry


Great Lakes Bathymetry dataset information page

Short Description

Great Lakes bathymetry

Statement: Bathymetric models and contours of the Great Lakes; 3 arc-second (~90 m) cell size

Abstract: NOAA was engaged in a program to compile Great Lakes bathymetric data and make them readily available to the public, especially to the communities concerned with Great Lakes science, pollution, coastal erosion, response to climate changes, threats to lake ecosystems, and health of the fishing industry. This program was managed by NGDC and relied on the cooperation of NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, NOAA/National Ocean Service, the Canadian Hydrographic Service, other agencies, and academic laboratories.

Compilation of new bathymetry for the Great Lakes was an important part of this program, carried out cooperatively between NOAA (NGDC and GLERL), and the Canadian Hydrographic Service. This new bathymetry provided a more detailed portrayal of lakefloor topography, and revealed some lakefloor features seen for the first time.

Data format

Data type: Topography
Data origin: Modeled
Data format: GeoTIFF, Shapefile, NetCDF, Binary, ASCII
Other format: Arc ASCII
Data resolution: 3 arc-second (~90 m) cell size (horizontal)
Datum: NAD 83 geographic (horizontal); IGLD85, local lake level (vertical)

Data Coverage

Spatial data coverage: 75 to 95 degress West, 40 to 50 degrees North
Temporal data coverage: Time averaged
Time period covered:


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