GRDC dataset information page
Short Description
GRDC stations update status of Jan. 2010 |
Statement: Glocal Runoff Data Centre
Abstract: The GRDC is an international archive of data up to 200 years old, and fosters multinational and global long-term hydrological studies. Originally established two decades ago, the aim of the GRDC is to help earth scientists analyse global climate trends and assess environmental impacts and risks. Positioned as a facilitator for exchanges between data providers and data users, the GRDC has become a focal point for international cooperation. Researchers, universities and other organisations make use of the facilities available for research programmes and projects.
The Global Runoff Database at GRDC is a unique collection of river discharge data collected at daily or monthly intervals from more than 7300 stations in 156 countries. This adds up to around 280 000 station-years with an average record of 38 years. The GRDC provides discharge data and data products for non-commercial applications.
The GRDC operates under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and supports research on global climate change and integrated water resources management. The German Federal Institute of Hydrology (Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde or BfG) hosts the GRDC in Koblenz near the confluence of the Moselle and Rhine Rivers.
Data format
Data type: | River discharge |
Data origin: | Measured |
Data format: | Shapefile |
Other format: | |
Data resolution: | Point source data |
Datum: |
Data Coverage
Spatial data coverage: Global
Temporal data coverage: Time series
Time period covered:
Download data: node.html
Data source: node.html
- In all publications, the source of the data will be fully cited as: "The Global Runoff Data Centre, D - 56002 Koblenz, Germany".