CSN Assumption Names
CSDMS Standard Names — Assumption Names
- This document provides standardized assumption names or descriptors for use in Model Coupling Metadata (MCM) files. They are organized into groups which are (for the most part) mutually exclusive and which intend to span the types that are needed to describe a model's underlying physics. They cannot yet be said to be exhaustive but they are illustrative. The ones collected here already illustrate various language patterns that are commonly used to describe assumptions.
- Note that assumption is meant to be taken as a broad term that can include things like conditions, simplifications, approximations, limitations, conventions, provisos and other forms of clarification.
- CSDMS encourages model developers to include as many <assume> tags in their Model Coupling Metadata (MCM) file as they feel apply to their model or to a particular input or output variable name. XML tag nesting determines the scope of an <assume> tag. For someone familiar with a particular modeling domain, the terms that have been collected here should be easily recognized and understood as part of that domain's standard terminology.
- Given a collection of models that have Model Coupling Metadata (MCM) files which include a standardized listing of assumptions it will be straightforward to write software that allows the CSDMS modeling framework to automatically check whether two components to be coupled are compatible and alert users to potential problems or mismatches. Reports can also be generated automatically that quantify the degree of compatibility. Similarly, opportunities for valid model coupling can then also be automatically identified.
Boundary Condition Assumptions
- See: Boundary value problem and Initial value problem. Initial conditions are also included in this section.
- These all end with "_boundary_condition".
cauchy_boundary_condition clamped_boundary_condition constant_pressure_boundary_condition dirichlet_boundary_condition free_surface_boundary_condition hinged_boundary_condition moving_boundary_condition mixed_boundary_condition neumann_boundary_condition natural_boundary_condition no_normal_flow_boundary_condition no_slip_boundary_condition periodic_boundary_condition (same as "wrap-around") pinned_boundary_condition robin_boundary_condition stefan_boundary_condition (See: Stefan problem.) tidal_boundary_condition toroidal_boundary_condition (same as "doubly periodic" ??)
Conserved Quantity Assumptions
- These names all end in "_conserved". See Conservation Law and links therein.
- These names would usually be used within an <object> tag block which would make it clear what is being conserved (e.g. water or sediment).
angular_momentum_conserved electric_charge_conserved energy_conserved linear_momentum_conserved mass_conserved momentum_conserved potential_vorticity_conserved
Coordinate Systems
- These end in "coordinate_system".
- See: List of common coordinate transformations.
bipolar_coordinate_system boundary-fitted_orthogonal_curvilinear_coordinate_system cartesian_coordinate_system (same as "rectilinear") cylindrical_coordinate_system (same as "polar" if 2D) elliptic_coordinate_system geographic_coordinate_system log-polar_coordinate_system orthogonal_curvilinear_coordinate_system parabolic_coordinate_system projected_coordinate_system (i.e. map projections) right_hand_rule_coordinate_system spherical_coordinate_system terrain_following_vertical_coordinate_system (Same as "sigma coordinates"?? See: S-coordinate models, Sigma coordinates.)
Georeferencing Assumptions
- Standard names for projections, ellipsoids and datums are available in the EPSG Registry.
- Standard names for projections, ellipsoids and datums are also used in the GeoTIFF Spec.
Sign and Angle Conventions
clockwise_from_east_azimuth_convention clockwise_from_north_azimuth_convention (all "bearing" angles, e.g. wind "from" angles) clockwise_from_south_azimuth_convention counter-clockwise_from_east_azimuth_convention counter-clockwise_from_x_axis_azimuth_convention (standard math) x-axis_directed_downwind x-axis_directed_offshore y-axis_directed_alongshore z-axis_directed_downward (positive_downward) z-axis_directed_upward (positive_upward) z-axis_normal_to_surface
Dimensionality Assumptions
- If the "richards_equation" assumption is used for infiltration, keep 1D and 3D out of the assumption name and give one of these with a separate <assume> tag.
- What about things like "1.5-dimensional" models?
1d 2d 3d
Equations, Laws and Principles
- An <assume> tag should be provided for each equation that a model (or model component) uses. Most equations have standard names, as shown in the examples below.
- These all end in "_equation", "_law" or "_principle", except for the "law of the wall".
adams_williamson_equation (See: Adams-Williamson equation.) ampere_law archimedes_principle avogadro_law beer_lambert_law bernoulli_principle biharmonic_equation biot_savart_law boltzman_equation boyle_law burgers_equation cauchy_riemann_equations combined_gas_law conservation_of_energy_law ### conservation_of_mass_law ### (same as continuity_equation) conservation_of_momentum_law ### coulomb_law dalton_law darcy_law (See: Darcy's law). darcy_weisbach_equation (See: Darcy-Weisbach). diffusion_equation ehrenfest_equations (See: Ehrenfest equations). eikonal_equation (See: Eikonal equation.) einstein_field_equations euler_equation (inviscid flow) euler_lagrange_equation exner_equation faraday_law faxen_law fick_law flint_law fresnel_equations friedmann_equations fourier_law gauss_law_for_electricity gauss_law_for_magnetism gay_lussac_law geodesic_equation geometric_optics_equation gibbs_helmholtz_equation gibrat_law (See: Gibrat's law.) glen_stress_strain_law (Glen's Law for glacier flows, Glen (1955); nonnewtonian fluid) hack_law ### heat_equation (use "diffusion_equation" instead) helmholtz_equation henry_law horton_law hubble_law huygens_fresnel_principle (See: Huygens-Fresnel principle.) ideal_gas_law (See: Ideal gas law. Also an "ideal_gas_model" ??) joule_first_law joule_second_law kepler_first_law_of_planetary_motion kepler_second_law_of_planetary_motion kepler_third_law_of_planetary_motion kirchoff_circuit_laws Kirchoff circuit laws kirchoff_diffraction_formula kirchoff_thermal_radiation_law laplace_equation law_of_the_wall (flow resistance) lorentz_force_law manning_equation (flow resistance) mass_energy_equivalence maxwell_equations minimal_surface_equation navier_stokes_equation nernst_equation (See: Nernst equation.) newton_first_law_of_motion newton_law_of_cooling newton_law_of_universal_gravitation newton_second_law_of_motion newton_third_law_of_motion nonlinear_diffusion_equation ### ohm_law p_laplace_equation planck_law poiseuille_law poisson_equation reynolds_averaged_navier_stokes_equation richards_equation (infiltration theory) schroedinger_equation snell_law stefan_boltzmann_law stiff_equation #### (a type, vs. a named equation) stokes_law thermodynamics_zeroth_law thermodynamics_first_law thermodynamics_second_law thermodynamics_third_law wien_displacement_law young_laplace_equation zipf_law (See: Zipf's law.)
- These all end in "_inequality".
- These all end in "_identity".
- These all end in "_approximation" and some can be found in other sections.
adiabatic_approximation binomial_approximation born_approximation born-huang_approximation born-oppenheimer_approximation boussinesq_approximation (ocean modeling) central_field_approximation coherent_potential_approximation coopmans_approximation (See: Coopmans approximation.) deep_water_wave_approximation diophantine_approximation (of real numbers by rationals) eikonal_approximation empty-lattice_approximation flat_space-time_approximation first-order_approximation fourier_series_approximation frictionless_approximation gaussian_approximation gross-pitaevskii_approximation heavy_traffic_approximation infiltrated-depth_approximation (infiltration modeling) kirkwood_approximation lanczos_approximation laurent_series_approximation linear_approximation local-density_approximation low_rank_approximation mean-field_approximation minimax_approximation muffin-tin_approximation pade_approximation (of functions by rational functions) patched-conic_approximation percus-yevick_approximation perturbation_series_approximation (See: Perturbation theory.) power-law_approximation puiseux_series_approximation quadratic_approximation rigid_lid_approximation (## maybe not here?) second-order_approximation shallow_water_approximation shallow_water_wave_approximation small-angle_approximation (also, paraxial approximation) spouge_approximation steady-state_approximation stirling_approximation taylor_series_approximation thin-lense_approximation two-stream_approximation wavelet_series_approximation #### wkb_approximation
Flow-Type Assumptions
- These names all end in "_flow".
accelerating_flow axisymmetric_flow (in cylindrical coordinates, all theta derivatives are zero) boundary_layer_flow converging_flow couette_flow (See: Couette flow. Really a "flow model"?) critical_flow (Froude number = 1. See subcritical & supercritical.) depth_integrated_flow (for 3D flow to 2D flow; vs. vertically_integrated_flow) diverging_flow drag_induced_flow (e.g. Couette flow) electro_osmotic_flow fully_developed_flow (i.e. derivatives of velocity with distance in the flow direction vanish) geostrophic_flow ###### CHECK hele_shaw_flow (See: Hele-Shaw flow. Really a "flow model"?) high_froude_number_flow high_reynolds_number_flow hydraulically_rough_flow hydraulically_smooth_flow hydrostatic_flow hypersonic_flow inviscid_flow (of an ideal fluid with no viscosity) isentropic_flow (both adiabatic and reversible; see isentropic_process) laminar_flow low_froude_number_flow low_reynolds_number_flow nonaccelerating_flow (i.e. the nonlinear inertial term is negligible compared to others) nonhydrostatic_flow no_radial_flow (i.e. in cylindrical coordinates, the r component of velocity is zero) no_swirl_flow (i.e. in cylindrical coordinates, the theta component of velocity is zero; also non-swirling) plug_flow (See: Plug flow. Sometimes called "piston flow".) poiseuille_flow (See: [1]. Really a "flow model"?) potential_flow (irrotational and inviscid, as around airfoils; See Potential flow). pressure_induced_flow (e.g. Poiseuille flow) separated_flow statistically_isotropic_turbulent_flow steady_flow (all time derivatives equal zero) stokes_flow (same as "creeping flow"; See: Stokes flow). subcritical_flow (Froude number < 1; see: Froude number.) subsonic_flow supercritical_flow (Froude_number > 1) supersonic_flow taylor_couette_flow (Really a flow model?) taylor_dean_flow (Really a flow model?) transonic_flow turbulent_flow unsteady_flow variable_area_flow (include this one? see converging and diverging flow; nozzles) viscous_flow Note: "reynolds_averaged" is used in "reynolds_averaged_navier_stokes_equation".
Fluid-Type Assumptions
- These names all end in "_fluid". See Non-newtonian Fluid and links therein.
- See: Fluid dynamics and links therein.
- The word "material" is often used instead of "fluid" or "solid", especially in the case of material types or models that may occur in either fluid or solid form.
- Most of these assumptions correspond to a particular functional relationship that describes how a fluid or material responds to an applied shear stress. (See: stress-strain curve.) These typically involve some combination of (1) shear stress (often denoted by tau or sigma), (2) time derivative of shear stress, and (3) shear strain rate (time derivative of the strain), sometimes abbreviated to "shear rate" or "strain rate" Note that strain is dimensionless and often denoted as epsilon. Shear stress (like pressure) has SI units of Pa. Shear rate (same as strain rate) has SI units of (1/s).
- Glen's Law is a power-law relationship that expresses the shear strain rate as the shear stress to a power, where the power is often n=3. It may be a special case of one of the nonnewtonian fluid types listed here.
bingham_plastic_fluid (See: Bingham plastic). boger_fluid (See: [2]). carreau_fluid (See: [3]). casson_fluid (industry standard model for molten milk chocolate) compressible_fluid cross_fluid (See: [4]). dilatant_fluid (shear thickening fluid or STF) first_order_fluid herschel_bulkley_fluid (See: [5]). incompressible_fluid kelvin_voigt_fluid (a linear viscoelastic model; same as "kelvin_material" ?? ######) maxwell_fluid (a linear viscoelastic model. See: Maxwell material.) newtonian_fluid (linear relation between shear stress and strain rate that goes through origin) nonnewtonian_fluid oldroyd_fluid (a linear viscoeleastic model; see Oldroyd-B model. power_law_fluid (generalized Newtonian, Ostward-de Waele) pseudoplastic_fluid (shear thinning) quemada_fluid (Used to model blood. See: Hemorheology.) rheopectic_fluid second_order_fluid super_fluid (See: Superfluid). thixotropic_fluid (See: Thixotropy.) viscoelastic_fluid (See: Viscoelastic.) viscoplastic_fluid (See: Viscoplastic.) Note: Use "inviscid_flow" vs. "inviscid_fluid" and "viscous_flow" vs. "viscous_fluid".
Material-Type Assumptions
- These names all end in "_material".
- There is sometimes a blurred semantic distinction between a "material model" (e.g. Arruda-Boyce model) and just a "material'. There are many named models (see separate section) for mathematical models of materials.
- Some types of materials can exist as either a solid or a fluid, and an extra assumption tag should be used to specify if one or the other is assumed.
- "Material" is used as a generic term. See: Materials science.)
amorphous_material (e.g. gel, glass; also noncrystalline_material. See: [6].) auxetic_material (See: Auxetics.) bio_material (See: Biomaterial.) cauchy_elastic_material (same as simple elastic material) ceramic_material (See: Ceramic materials.) composite_material (See: Composite materials.) compressible_material crystalline_material (or solid?) elastic_material (See: Elasticity.) elastoplastic_material elastoviscoplastic_material (or solid?) glass_material (amorphous solid that exhibits a glass transition. See: Glass.) homogeneous_material hyperelastic_material (See: Hyperelastic material. Also called green elastic material and special case of cauchy elastic material.) hypoelastic_material (See: Hypoelastic material). incompressible_material isotropic_material kelvin_voigt_material (See: Kelvin-Voigt Material.) linear_elastic_material maxwell_material (See: [7].) mohr_coulomb_material (See: Mohr-Coulomb theory. Model or material type?) nonlinear_elastic_material plastic_material (See: Plastic. Compare to polymeric material.) polymeric_material (See: Polymer.) semicrystalline_material solid_material (for cases where material may be fluid or solid) thermoelastic_material viscoelastic_material (See: Viscoelastisticity.) viscoplastic_material (See: Viscoplasticity.)
Function-Type Assumptions
- These names all end in "_function".
- See Geometry and Shape Assumptions.
analytic_function bijective_function chebyshev_polynomial_function circle_function complex_valued_function constant_function continuous_function cosine_function cumulative_distribution_function daubechies_d2_wavelet_function (actually a whole family, with d2, d4, ..., d20) decreasing_function differentiable_function differentiable_twice_function dirac_delta_function discontinuous_function ellipse_function exponential_function gamma_function gaussian_function golden_spiral_function haar_wavelet_function harmonic_function hermite_polynomial_function hermitian_wavelet_function holomorphic_function (very similar to "analytic_function") hyperbola_function identity_function increasing_function injective_function inverse_function linear_function log_function log_spiral_function (See: Log spiral.) logit_function (See: Logit function.) monotonic_function negative_function nondecreasing_function (distinct from "increasing_function") nonnegative_function parabola_function (same as "quadratic_function") periodic_function polynomial_function positive_function power_law_function probability_density_function probit_function (See: Probit function.) real_valued_function ricker_wavelet_function ("mexican hat wavelet") sawtooth_wave_function sine_function sqrt_function square_wave_function (See: square wave.) step_function (See: Heaviside step function.) tanh_function triangle_wave_function See: List of mathematical functions (Wikipedia).
Note that "multivalued_function" is a misnomer. See: multivalued function.)
- These are already included with Probability Distributions
beta_density_function gompertz_function
- We could have a similar section for surfaces.
continuous_surface differentiable_surface differentiable_twice_surface
Geometric Assumptions
- Most of these names end in "_shaped".
- The polygons here are assumed to be regular polygons. If they aren't, insert the adjective "irregular".
- See: Geometry.
circle_shaped cone_shaped cube_shaped cylinder_shaped ellipse_shaped ellipsoid_shaped (e.g. for earth) half_plane hexagon_shaped hyperbola_shaped octagon_shaped parabola_shaped pentagon_shaped prism_shaped rectangle_shaped rhombus_shaped semicircle_shaped (e.g. for a channel_cross_section) sphere_shaped square_pyramid_shaped square_shaped trapezoid_shaped (e.g. for a channel_cross_section) triangular_pyramid_shaped concave concave_upward (long profiles) convex
- These are objects or effects that are neglected or excluded from consideration in a model.
- Only relevant/important exclusions should be reported.
- Most of these names start with "no_".
no_aerosols (1 in CF) no_anthropogenic_effects no_antrhopogenic_land_use_change (###### 1 in CF; excluding_anthropogenic_land_use_change) no_baseflow (hydrology) (1 in CF; excluding_baseflow) no_bioturbation no_clouds (1 in CF) no distributaries no_friction no_interception (hydrology) no_litter (on forest floor) (1 in CF; excluding_litter) no_longwave-radiation no_macropores no_overbank_flow no_radial_flow (explained and duplicated in "Flow type assumptions") no_rainfall no_relativistic_effects no_resistance no_shadowing no_shortwave-radiation no_slipping no_sloped-terrain no_swirl_flow (explained and duplicated in "Flow type assumptions") no_snow (1 in CF) no_snowfall no_tides (2 in CF) no_turbulence no_vegetation ## no_viscosity (use inviscid_flow) no_waves
Named Model-Type Assumptions (by Domain)
- These names all end in "_model".
Aerodynamics Models clark_x_airfoil_model clark_y_airfoil_model clark_z_airfoil_model eppler_1200_airfoil_model joukowski_airfoil_model
Agent-Based Models agent_based_model (See: Agent-based model.) reynolds_flocking_model schelling_segregation_model Schelling segregation model
Atmosphere and Radiation Models boussinesq_approximation (not in CF, but see for_*) brutsaert_saturated_vapor_pressure_model clear_sky (23 in CF) deep_snow (1 in CF) horizontal_plane_topography (for clear-sky radiation calculation, not in CF) (OR zero_slope_terrain, OR no_sloped_terrain OR nonsloped_terrain ??? rigid_lid (in CF; always related to boussinesq approximation ??) satterlund_saturated_vapor_pressure_model sea_level_for_geoid (4 in CF) standard_pressure (not in CF) standard_temperature (not in CF)
Chemistry Models atomic_shell_model bohr_model nuclear_shell_model (See: nuclear shell model.) rutherford_model valence_bond_model vespr_model (See: VESPR theory.)
Cosmological Models baum_frampton_model (a cyclic model) big_bang_model (See: Big bang). big_bounce_model big_crunch_model conformal_cyclic_model cyclic_model dark_energy_model (and dark_mass_model ?) lambda_cdm_model (standard model of Big Bang cosmology) steinhardt_turok_model (a cyclic model)
Earthquake Models rough_fault_model slider_block_model spring_block_seismic_model travelling_wave_model (include the word "earthquake"? ####)
Ecological Models exponential_growth_model food_web_model Food web kolmogorov_predator_prey_model logistic_growth_model lotka_volterra_model Lotka-Volterra natural_selection_model Natural selection population_growth_model richards_growth_model trophic_cascade_model Trophic cascade
Fluid Dynamics Models albertson_2d_turbulent_jet_model batchelor_vortex_model burgers_vortex_model couette_flow_model free_surface_vortex_model free_vortex_model (irrotational, velocity proportional to 1/r) goertler_2d_turbulent_jet_model hill_spherical_vortex_model horseshoe_vortex_model lamb_chaplygin_dipole_vortex_model lamb_oseen_vortex_model peckham_2d_turbulent_jet_model poiseuille_flow_model rankine_vortex_model rigid_body_vortex_model (velocity proportional to r) taylor_couette_flow_model taylor_dean_flow_model taylor_green_vortex_model tollmien_2d_turbulent_jet_model trailing_vortex_model (or wing_tip_vortex_model) turbulent_jet_model vortex_ring_model
General Physics Models double_pendulum_model (See: Double pendulum.) foucault_pendulum_model (See: Foucault Pendulum.) harmonic_oscillator_model quantum_harmonic_oscillator_model simple_pendulum_model (harmonic oscillator ? gravity pendulum?) standard_particle_physics_model vibrating_string_model
Geodynamics Models
Hydrology: Channelized Flow Models d8_surface_flow_model diffusive_wave_model #### d_infinity_surface_flow_model #### dynamic_wave_model hydraulic_geometry_at_a_station_model hydraulic_geometry_downstream_model #### (Leopold et al.) kinematic_wave_model law_of_the_wall_flow_resistance_model ##### ??? manning_flow_resistance_model ##### ??? mass_flux_flow_model muskingum_flow_routing_model (routing flow through a channel network) rational_regime_model
Hydrology: Evaporation (and sometimes Transpiration) Process Models (See: Methods for estimating ET.) asce_standardized_evaporation_model (in CUAHSI HIS HydroModeler) blaney_criddle_evaporation_model debruin_evaporation_model (lakes and ponds) energy_balance_evaporation_model hargreaves_evaporation_model (remove the "s" in hargreaves ??) jensen_haise_evaporation_model kohler_nordenson_fox_evaporation_model (lakes and reservoirs) kohler_parmele_evaporation_model penman_evaporation_model penman_monteith_evaporation_model priestley_taylor_evaporation_model shuttleworth_evaporation_model (a modified penman model) stewart_rouse_evaporation_model (lakes and ponds) thornthwaite_water_balance_model ########
Hydrology: Ground Water and Infiltration Modeling Assumptions (also see dupuit_forschheimer in Modeling Methods.) brooks_corey_soil_model ? #### confined_aquifer #### dupuit_assumption homogeneous_medium (separate from isotropic ??) horizontal_flowlines (and vertical equipotential lines) hydraulic_gradient_equals_free_surface_gradient hydraulic_gradient_equals_land_surface_gradient hydraulic_gradient_invariant_with_depth hydrostatic_pressure_head impermeable_horizontal_base (or impermeable_boundary_at_base) impermeable_lower_boundary (or impermeable_base) isotropic_medium steady_state_recharge ??? transitional_brooks_corey_soil_model ? #### unconfined_aquifer #### van_genuchten_soil_model ? ####
Hydrology: Infiltration Process Models beven_infiltration_model (assumes Ks decays exponentially) green_ampt_infiltration_model horton_infiltration_model infiltrated_depth_approximation (not in CF) (Used by Green-Ampt and Smith-Parlange) (or infiltrability_depth_approximation) philip_infiltration_model richards_1d_infiltration_model richards_3d_infiltration_model scs_curve_number_infiltration_model (remove "curve number"?) smith_parlange_infiltration_model
Hydrology: Snowmelt Models degree_day_snowmelt_model energy_balance_snowmelt_model
Hydrology: Soil Models brooks_corey_soil_model darcy_soil_model ?###### See Equations, Laws, Etc. transitional_brooks_corey_soil_model van_genuchten_soil_model
Hydrology: Surface Water Modeling Assumptions bankfull_flow (or maximum inbank flow) channel_width_less_than_model_cell_width convergent_topography convergent_or_divergent_topography ###### ? d8_flow_between_cells d_infinity_flow_between_cells diffusive_wave dynamic_wave hydrologically_sound (applied to a DEM) impermeable_surface ??? inbank_flow (an accepted term; contrast with overbank and bankfull flow) kinematic_wave (hydraulic_slope_equals_channel_slope) law_of_the_wall (also listed with equations) liquid_water_equivalent (used to clarify a quantity like precipitation_rate) manning_equation (also listed with equations) mass_flux_method_flow_between_cells overbank_flow overland_flow prismatic_channels sheet_flow spatially_uniform_rainfall #### instantaneous_unit_hydrograph idea ???
Illumination and Shading Models See: List of common shading algorithms. blinn_phong_illumination_model cook_torrance_illumination_model flat_shading_model gouraud_shading_model lambert_illumination_model (lambert vs. lambertian) minnaert_illumination_model oren_nayer_illumination_model phong_illumination_model phong_shading_model ward_anisotropic_illumination_model
Infiltration Models (Ventilation Models) lbl_infiltration_model sherman_grimsrud_infiltration_model
Nonlinear Science Models aperiodic_tiling_model (See: Aperiodic tiling.) bond_percolation_model (what type of lattice ??) cellular_automata_model diffusion_limited_aggregation_model dimer_model (and "double_dimer_model" ?) ehrenfest_urn_model fisher_droplet_model interacting_particle_system_model ising_model lattice_gas_model (includes: lattice_gas_automata_model and lattice_boltzmann_model. See: Lattice gas automaton.) logistic_map_model penrose_tiling_model potts_model (See: Potts model.) sandpile_model (Per Bak, self-organized criticality) self_similar_tree_model site_percolation_model (what type of lattice ??) voter_model
Ocean Models deep_water_wave edge_wave fully_developed_sea kelvin_wave (coastal or equatorial) passive_scalar (e.g. temperature and salinity, perhaps suspended sediment) ### per_unit_length_of_wave_crest rossby_wave shallow_water_wave shore_parallel_contours (not in CF) stokes_wave
Sediment Transport Models bagnold_sediment_transport_model (distinguish total load and bedload ####) detachment_limited_sediment_transport einstein_sediment_transport_model komar_longshore_sediment_transport_model #### meier_peter_mueller_sediment_transport_model supply_limited_sediment_transport
Thermodynamics Models black_body_model (See: Black body.) carnot_heat_engine_model (See: Carnot heat engine). gray_body_model white_body_model
Turbulence and Turbulence Closure Models See: Turbulence modeling. detached_eddy_simulation_model (DES) direct_numerical_simulation_model (DNS) (Navier-Stokes solved without a turbulence model) eddy_viscosity_model (due to Boussinesq, 1887) k_epsilon_model (due to Jones and Launder) k_omega_model (due to Kolmogorov ??) kolmogorov_statistical_turbulence_model large_eddy_simulation_model (LES) ?? ##### menter_shear_stress_transport_model prandtl_mixing_length_model (due to Prandtl) reynolds_averaged_navier_stokes_model (or reynolds_shear_stress_model) smagorinsky_model (due to Smagorinsky, 1964; for sub-grid scale eddy viscosity) spalart_allmaras_model
Water Wave Models airy_wave_model Airy waves capillary_wave_model (type of wave vs. model for waves?) cnoidal_wave_model Cnoidal waves kelvin_wave_model [8] korteweg_devries_solitary_wave_model russell_solitary_wave_model solitary_wave_model stokes_wave_model tsunami_wave_model
Models Not Yet Grouped general_relativity_model hagen_poiseuille (pressure drop in a pipe; laminar, viscous, incompressible) harmonic_function (solution to Laplace equation) hydraulic_jump inclined_plane power_law #### special_relativity_model unnamed_empirical_law #### VSEPR (to compute molecular geometry) boussinesq_buoyancy_approximation dispersion_relation (could be linear) kramers_kronig_relations
Thermodynamic Process Assumptions
- These names all end in "_process". See: Wikipedia: Thermodynamic process and links therein.
adiabatic_process (See: Adiabatic). cyclic_process diabatic_process endoreversible_process endothermic_process (better as adjective? absorbs energy) exothermic_process (better as adjective? releases energy) irreversible_process isentropic_process (also called "reversible" ?; See: Isentropic). isenthalpic_process (also called "isoenthalpic"; See: Isenthalpic). isobaric_process isocaloric_process isochoric_process isothermal_process polytropic_process quasistatic_process (reversible implies quasistatic, but not conversely) reversible_process thermal_equilibrium #### (See "black_body_model".) (See: Thermal equilibrium).
Stochastic Model Assumptions
- Many of these end with the word "_process", which is part of the standard terminology. Many others end with "_distribution".
autoregressive bernoulli_process bessel_process birth_death_process blue_noise_process branching_process brownian_bridge_process brownian_motion_process buffon_needle_process cauchy_process chinese_restaurant_process colored_noise_process compound_poisson_process contact_process continuous_process continuous_time_process counting_process coverage_process cox_point_process diffusion_process dirichlet_process discrete_process discrete_time_process ergodic_process feller_process fractional_brownian_motion_process galton_watson_process gaussian_white_noise_process geometric_brownian_motion_process grey_noise_process homogeneous hunt_process independent_increments #### independent_and_identically_distributed (use both) infinitely_divisible_process inhomogeneous_poisson_process ito_diffusion_process jump_diffusion_process jump_process levy_process linear_least_squares_regression local_time_process markov_process martingale_process mckean_vlasov_process moran_process moving_average negative (process?) nonlinear_least_squares_regression nonnegative (process?) nonstationary_process ornstein_uhlenbeck_process pink_noise_process point_process poisson_event_process poisson_line_process poisson_point_process poisson_polygon_process poisson_process polya_tree_process positive (process?) power_law_noise_process pure_jump_process random_multiplicative_cascade_process (is there "additive", too?) random_tree_process random_walk_process (symmetric or unsymmetric) red_noise_process renewal_process (generalization of Poisson point process) risk_process schramm_loewner_evolution_process (See: SLE process). second_order_stationary_process self_avoiding_random_walk_process semi_markov_process shot_noise_process (e.g. raindrops on a roof) stable_process stationary_process storage_process telegraph_process uncorrelated violet_noise_process weak_stationarity_of_order_k white_noise_process wiener_process
Probability Distributions
- Many of these end with the word "_distribution",
- Also see: List of probability distributions (Wikipedia).
- Most of these are named distributions, but some are a type of distribution (e.g. discrete distribution).
arcsine_distribution (See: Arcsine distribution.) bates_distribution (See: Bates distribution.) benford_distribution (See: Benford's law.) bernoulli_distribution (See: Bernoulli distribution.) beta_distribution (See: Beta distribution.) beta-binomial_distribution (See: Beta-binomial distribution.) beta-prime_distribution (See: Beta prime distribution.) bimodal_distribution (See: Multimodal distribution.) binomial_distribution (See: Binomial distribution.) boltzmann_distribution (See: Boltzmann distribution.) borel_distribution (See: Borel distribution.) borel-tanner_distribution burr_distribution (See: Burr distribution.) cauchy_distribution (See: Cauchy distribution.) champernowne_distribution (See: Champernowne distribution.) chi-squared_distribution continuous_distribution continuous_uniform_distribution (See: Uniform distribution (continuous).) dagum_distribution (See: Dagum distribution.) dirichlet_distribution (See: Dirichlet distribution.) dirichlet-multinomial_distribution (See: Dirichlet-multinomial distribution.) discrete_distribution discrete_uniform_distribution (See: Uniform distribution (discrete).) elliptical_distribution (See: Elliptical distribution.) erlang_distribution (See: Erlang distribution.) exponential_distribution (See: Exponential distribution.) first-contact_distribution (See: Spherical contact distribution.) frechet_distribution (See: Frechet distribution.) gamma_distribution (See: Gamma distribution.) gaussian_distribution (See: Normal distribution.) generalized_extreme_value_distribution (See: GEV distribution.) generalized_pareto_distribution geometric_distribution (See: Geometric distribution.) geometric-stable_distribution (See: Geometric stable distribution.) gompertz_distribution (See: Gompertz function.) gumbel_distribution (See: Gumbel distribution.) half-normal_distribution (See: Half-normal distribution.) hitting-time_distribution (See: Hitting time.) holtsmark_distribution (See: Holtsmark distribution.) hyperbolic_distribution (See: Hyperbolic distribution.) hyperbolic-secant_distribution (See: Hyperbolic secant distribution.) hypergeometric_distribution (See: Hypergeometric distribution.) identically_distributed #### independently_distributed ##### inverse-gamma_distribution (See: Inverse-gamma distribution.) inverse-gaussian_distribution (See: Inverse Gaussian distribution.) irwin-hall_distribution (See: Irwin-Hall distribution.) joint-probability_distribution (See: Joint probability distribution.) kent_distribution (See: Kent distribution.) landau_distribution (See: Landau distribution.) laplace_distribution (See: Laplace distribution.) levy_distribution (See: Levy distribution.) log-cauchy_distribution (See: Log-Cauchy distribution.) log-logistic_distribution (See: Log-logistic distribution.) log-normal_distribution (See: Log-normal distribution.) log-poisson_distribution log-symmetric_distribution logarithmic_distribution (See: Logarithmic distribution.) logistic_distribution (See: Logistic distribution.) logit-normal_distribution (See: Logit-normal distribution.) lomax_distribution (See: Lomax distribution.) maximum_entropy_probability_distribution (See: Max entropy pdf.) maxwell-boltzmann_distribution (See: Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.) mixture_distribution (See: Mixture distribution.) multimodal_distribution (See: Multimodal distribution.) multinomial_distribution (See: Multinomial distribution.) nakagami_distribution (See: Nakagami distribution.) negative-binomial_distribution (See: Negative binomial distribution.) parabolic-fractal_distribution (See: Parabolic fractal distribution.) pareto_distribution (See: Pareto distribution.) pascal_distribution (special case of negative binomial.) pearson_distribution (See: Pearson distribution.) poisson_distribution (See: Poisson distribution.) poisson-binomial_distribution (See: Poisson binomial distribution.) polya_distribution (special case of negative binomial) rademacher_distribution (See: Rademacher distribution.) rayleigh_distribution (See: Rayleigh distribution.) rayleigh-mixture_distribution (See: Rayleigh mixture distribution.) reciprocal_distribution (See: Reciprocal distribution.) rice_distribution (See: Rice distribution.) skellam_distribution (See: Skellam distribution.) skew-normal_distribution (See: Skew normal distribution.) slash_distribution (See: Slash distribution.) stable_distribution (See: Stable distribution.) student-t_distribution (See: Student's t-distribution.) symmetric_distribution (See: Symmetric distribution.) tracy-widom_distribution (See: Tracy-Widom distribution.) triangular_distribution (See: Triangular distribution.) truncated_distribution (See: Truncated distribution.) tukey-lambda_distribution (See: Tukey lambda distribution.) u-quadratic_distribution (See: U-quadratic distribution.) unimodal_distribution voigt_distribution (See: Voigt profile.) von-mises_distribution (See: von Mises distribution.) von-mises-fisher_distribution (See: von Mises-Fisher distribution.) weibull_distribution (See: Weibull distribution.) yule-simon_distribution (See: Yule-Simon distribution.) zeta_distribution (See: Zeta distribution.) zipf_distribution (See: Zipf's law.)
Statistical Operation Assumptions
- Perhaps this should be generalized to something like "Data Transformation Assumptions"?
- These names currently all end with "averaged".
- For ones that start with a unit of time, one of those units is assumed. A number can be inserted in front, when necessary, as in "two_day_averaged".
cell_averaged day_averaged depth_averaged domain_averaged hour_averaged interval_averaged month_averaged population_averaged sample_averaged section_averaged time_averaged vertically_averaged watershed_averaged year_averaged
Mathematical Assumptions
algebraic (equation) bijection bounded (set) closed (set, curve) compact (set) complex-valued conformal constant_coefficients (equation or polynomial) continuous continuum (continuum_hypothesis ?) contraction_mapping countably_infinite degenerate differentiable differentiable_twice differentiable_three_times differential (equation) discontinuous equal_mixed_partials finite fixed_point ill-posed infinite injective integer-valued invertible irrational jordan_curve linear multiple_valued_function ### (misnomer) negative nonlinear nonnegative orthogonal permutation positive projection rational real-valued spatially_uniform superposition symmetric time_space_substitution uncountably_infinite uniform weak_solution well-posed
Numerical Grid Assumptions
- Most of these end with the word grid.
- The word "grid" is used to include the word "mesh".
adaptive_grid arakawa_a_grid (unstaggered) arakawa_b_grid (staggered) arakawa_c_grid (staggered) arakawa_d_grid (staggered, rotated 90 degrees) arakawa_e_grid (staggered, rotated 45 degrees) arakawa_u_component (attached to an input var) arakawa_v_component (attached to an input var) arakawa_w_component (attached to an input var) block_structured_grid boundary-fitted_grid (also called "body-fitted") delaunay_triangle_grid hexagon_grid orthogonal_curvilinear_grid rectilinear_grid square_grid staggered_grid (###### already in arakawa system ??) structured_grid triangle_grid uniform_grid unstructured_grid voronoi_polygon_grid
Numerical Method Assumptions
- These are used to describe the numerical method that a model uses to solve the equations it uses to compute variables of interest. The equations could be ODEs, PDEs, algebraic equations (e.g. root finding), etc. We probably don't need separate assumption names like "ode" and "pde" because that is implied by the equation name. See Equations, Laws and Principles for a standardized list of equation names.
- Most of these names end with "_method", "_scheme" or "_grid".
- See: List of Runge-Kutta methods.
- See: Numerical methods for ODEs.
- See: Numerical methods for PDEs.
a-stable_method absolutely-stable_method adams-bashforth_method adaptive_mesh_refinement_method (See: Adaptive mesh refinement.) adaptive_stepsize_method (See: Adaptive stepsize.) adjoint_state_method (See: Adjoint state method.) analytic_element_method (See: Analytic element method). backward_difference_scheme backward_euler_method (See: Backward Euler method.) boundary_element_method (See: Boundary element method.) central_difference_scheme (See: Central differencing scheme.) characteristics_method (known as "method of characteristics") collocation_method (See: Collocation method.) conditionally_stable_method conjugate_gradient_method (See: Conjugate gradient method.) consistent_method convergent_method crank-nicolson_method (See: Crank-Nicolson method.) direct_numerical_solution discrete_element_method (See: Discrete element method.) discrete_event_simulation (See: Discrete event simulation.) dynamic_relaxation_method (See: Dynamic relaxation.) euler_method (See: Euler method.) (distinguish between "forward" and "backward" with a prefix?) explicit_method (See: Explicit and implicit methods.) fast_marching_method (See: Fast marching method, a type of level_set_method.) finite_difference_method (See: Finite difference method.) finite_element_method (See: Finite element method.) finite_volume_method (See: Finite volume method.) first_order_accurate five-point_stencil_method (See: Five-point stencil.) forward_difference_scheme forward_time_centered_space_scheme (FTCS scheme) galerkin_method (See: Galerkin method.) gauss-legendre_method (See: Gauss-Legendre method.) gauss-seidel_method (See: Gauss-Seidel method.) halley_method (See: Halley's method.) heun_method (See: Heun's method.) implicit_method (See: Explicit and implicit methods.) interior_point_method (See: Interior point method.) iterative_method (See: Iterative method.) l-stable_method (See: L-stability.) landweber_iteration_method (See: Landweber iteration.) large_eddy_simulation lattice_boltzmann_method (See: Lattice Boltzmann methods.) lax-friedrichs_method (See: Lax-Friedrichs method.) lax-wendroff_method (See: Lax-Wendroff method.) leapfrog_method level_set_method (See: Level set method.) linear_multistep_method (See: Linear multistep method.) maccormack_method (See: MacCormack method.) meshfree_method (See: Meshfree method.) midpoint_method (See: Midpoint method.) multigrid_method (See: Multigrid method.) newton_raphson_method (See: Newton's method; also see "halley_method".) numerov_method (See: Numerov's method.) particle-in-cell_method (See: Particle in cell.) predictor-corrector_method (See: Predictor-corrector method.) rayleigh-ritz_method (See: Rayleigh-Ritz method.) relatively_stable_method relaxation_method (See: Relaxation (iterative method).) runge_kutta_method (See: Runge-Kutta methods. There are several distinct types.) second-order_accurate_method shooting_method (See: Shooting method.) spectral_method (See: Spectral method.) split-step_method (See: Split-step method.) strongly_stable_method successive_over_relaxation_method (See: Successive over-relaxation.) trapezoidal_rule_method (See: Trapezoidal rule.) unconditionally_stable_method unstable_method upwind_difference_scheme (See: Upwind difference scheme.) upwind_first-order_scheme (See: Upwind scheme.) upwind_second-order_scheme (See: Upwind scheme.) upwind_third-order_scheme (See: Upwind scheme.) verlet_integration_method (See: Verlet integration.)
State of Matter Assumptions
- These can be provided when the model involves a substance (object) like water that could be in any of several possible states. See: States of matter.
- Note that "liquid_equivalent" can also be inserted in quantity names such as "liquid_equivalent_precipitation_rate" to create a single quantity that can accommodate multiple states of matter.
gas_phase liquid_phase plasma_phase solid_phase
System State Assumptions
asymptotic_equilibrium bistable dynamic_equilibrium equilibrium ergodic metastable (See: Metastability). stable static_equilibrium steady_state unstable unsteady_state
CF Convention Standard Name Assumptions
- CF Convention Standard Names often include additional information and assumptions in the name itself. The ones in this section were found in the list of CF Standard Names and the number of occurrences found is listed in parentheses. It is not yet clear how some of these should be captured with standard assumption names.
- Many of these are Location Assumptions.
above_geoid (3 in CF) above_land_surface (not in CF) above_reference_datum (1 in CF) above_reference_ellipsoid (5 in CF) above_sea_floor (1 in CF) above_sea_floor_surface (not in CF) above_sea_level (1 in CF) above_threshold (5 in CF) at_*** (51 in CF) at_cloud_base (1 in CFFl at_cloud_top (3 in CF) at_equilibrium (not in CF) at_freezing_level (1 in CF) at_land_surface (not in CF; e.g. air pressure) at_maximum_upward_derivative (1 in CF) at_saturation (4 in CF) at_sea_floor (3 in CF) at_sea_floor_surface (not in CF; e.g. water pressure) at_sea_ice_base (8 in CF) at_sea_level (1 in CF) at_top_of_*** (3 in CF) at_bottom_*** (not in CF) assuming_*** (33 in CF) assuming_clear_sky (24 in CF) assuming_deep_snow (1 in CF, for surface_albedo) assuming_no_aerosol_or_cloud (1 in CF) assuming_no_snow (1 in CF, for surface_albedo) assuming_no_tide (2 in CF) assuming_sea_level_for_geoid (4 in CF) below_geoid (1 in CF) below_sea_level (1 in CF) below_sea_surface (1 in CF) below_surface (1 in CF) below_threshold (3 in CF) between_air_and_sea_water (1 in CF) between_sea_water_and_air (2 in CF) due_to_*** (399 in CF) due_to_all_land_processes (2 in CF) due_to_convective_cloud (1 in CF) due_to_diffusion (18 in CF) due_to_dry_convection (1 in CF) due_to_dry_deposition (35 in CF) due_to_dry_troposphere (1 in CF) due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol (2 in CF) due_to_emission_from_grazing (in CF) excluding_anthropogenic_land_use_change (in CF) excluding_baseflow (in CF) excluding_litter (in CF) expressed_as_*** (140 in CF) expressed_as_carbon (67 in CF) expressed_as_chlorine (7 in CF) expressed_as_nitrogen (24 in CF) for_*** (13 in CF) for_biomass_growth (1 in CF) for_biomass_maintenance (1 in CF) for_boussinesq_approximation (1 in CF) for_momentum (2 in CF; both "for_momentum_in_air") per_capita per_unit_area (already used in CF) per_unit_length_of_wave_crest per_unit_mass (already used in CF, and synonym for "specific") per_unit_time ?? per_unit_width (e.g. discharge_per_unit_width) (see CF: sea_water_transport_across_line, and "transport_across_unit_distance")