CSDMS lifetime achievement award 2024


Professor Randall J. Leveque, recipient of the 2024 CSDMS lifetime achievement award
Professor Emeritus in the Department of Applied Mathematics, and an adjunct Professor in the departments of Mathematics and Earth and Space Sciences, at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA

Professor Randall J. Leveque is recognized for outstanding intellectual leadership in numerical computing and its applications to problems in geophysical fluid mechanics and conservation laws, as well as for major contributions to reproducible computational research and open-source software. His work on numerical methods for partial differential equations has unlocked new pathways for modeling geophysical systems. He is lead developer of the CLAWPACK software, which provides state-of-art numerical computing capabilities for efficiently solving conservation-law problems. The GEOCLAW package built on CLAWPACK brings the power of adaptive mesh refinement to bear on shallow-water geophysical flows, leading to major contributions to the study of earth processes ranging from tsunamis and their hazards to debris flows and beyond. Throughout his career, Professor Leveque has been a steadfast champion and exemplar of both reproducible computational research and sharing of open-source research software. Professor Leveque has also had a powerful impact as an educator and science communicator: in the classroom, through his books, and through mentorship of nearly two dozen PhD students. Randall Leveque is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Applied Mathematics, and an adjunct Professor in the departments of Mathematics and Earth and Space Sciences, at the University of Washington in Seattle.